Women Red Pill thread

Why are women so self-absorbed, shallow, materialistic, narcissistic, childish and entitled?

I swear we should have never given these subhumans the vote.

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Women are the jews of gender.

Have sex

>I swear we should have never given these subhumans the vote.
That was part of it, but yes. That was a terrible mistake.

daily reminder to you incels that you can try and cope and live without women but you will forever miss the feeling of ecstacy of having hot sex with a woman. You will forever be tormented by your unfulfilled primal desires.

Can't miss something you've never had.

At the homosexual rage school you attended, did they make you take the final examination twice?

sex before marriage is heresy

Trannies doesn’t count, so you’re in the same boat.

I mean its mainly feminist that corrupted there minds

Because they're given a free ride through life, have their egos constantly stroked and are never subjected to the harsh environment of reality. The few that are have their world view completely decimated when they realize they're not like the women in movies that can karate kick criminals in the balls.

We're jaded because we read about the worst of the worst on the internet. They may parrot some of the things they hear on t.v. and from their friends but most women you meet IRL are still relatively normal. I think once they current generation hits adulthood they will be like a caricature you see in a conservative cartoon though.

Women are on average less intelligent and less capable of logical and critical thinking. So it's no fucking mystery. They're all about emotions.

If you want to redpill a woman on kikes, you need to talk about Palestinians, and if you want to redpill a woman on Muslims, you can't talk about Palestinians..

>Have sex
close your legs roastie

She can't. Meat curtains are getting to thick and heavy.

Attached: laugh.jpg (250x241, 11K)

Modern woman or all of them?

t. Incel.

That's a jew btw.

>not just fucking hookers in Prague on lads holidays once every couple of years

kk incel

It's all because men put pussy on a pedestal and we must compromise with their bullshit.

Let's hope that one day AI and robotics advance enough that every man can have a 10/10, ultra-realistic smoking hot wife that cooks, cleans has sex, does whatever the fuck you want "her" to do for you. Even be a surrogate for your kids (if you want) them by using your own DNA mixed with advanced genes.

Then, and only then, will mankind finally be free from the self-destructing plague that is modern women.

Didn't you see the Ted talk? Having sex bots is rape.

I'm sure women will try to convince men of that, but the term "rape" is infinitely more illustrated and defined by how modern western women are currently destroying their own societies.