What is the difference between USSR and European Union?

The differences between EU and USSR are so big that it's easier to list the similarities:

Both are (USSR: were) large entities that influence the lives of many people.

Both are owned by one territory, in this case Germany = Russia

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Do people really think that the USSR and the EU are similar?

in Spain, yes

Probably some butthurt Greek

The eu is nothing but a shell for Germanys financial domination of Europe. They have used this economic leverage to manipulate and control the rest of the continent. Now merkel is in charge and she is dragging everyone to the bottom economically and socially. If the eu dissolved tomorrow it would be a better world .All the culture of Europe that was developed over the last 2 thousand years and is responsible for its success and is being replaced with ideologies from 3rd world countries . This will make Europe a 3rd world continent . The upper class does not care because all they want are slaves and if they can make money by selling the people out they will do it , just like they have before. European royalty sold peasants into slavery to fill the treasury many times before.The only hope for Europe is nationalism , a system for the advancement and defense of the people and culture.

Culture of trannyism and homosex
Oppresive government
No notable movies/books/music aside from eurodance shit
No scientific achievment aside from recycling old shit over and over again
no space programm
Free thinking
Culture of strong body and healthy mind
Government anyone could get into to change his country
Was on the front edge with it's great movies, historical motives, classical music and great literature
Lots of great and innovative scientific achievments
Best space programm in the world

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t. José Sanchezky, Spanish patriot


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>eurodance shit
FUCK OFF eurodance > red army choir

Brexit means brexit


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unironically true

>be EU
>lets have one currency, but dont enforce budget discipline so we need multiple monetary policies
>lets have common internal borders, without external borders
>lets agree on the copenhage criteria, and then let everyone into the EU regardless if they meet them
>lets put all political power into the hands of the administration, and not the elected parliament
How u rike it?

simple, one of them was totalitarian poor shithole that literally have build a wall so people won't escape to the second one

you have freedom, food, peace and calm
value it

Please fuck off to donbass and die

you have to be 18 to post here.

>Generic tune by Hans Zimmer

Now this is USSR

>be EU
>yes we have lots of freedom of speech, but if we some unnamed official notifies you certain content is fake news, then you have to take it down within 1 hour, without a trial or appeal proces

>you have freedom, food, peace and calm
>value it
and a huge unemployment and recession, especially for countries like Italy and Spain, you can add France too,it has been affected by the euro crisis

ahaahahaahah did your fake news get pulled down and now you are seething?

This comment is fake news. Take it down.

shut the fuck up

>muh Merkl
Dumb scapegoat used by far-right "nationalists" who'd unironically rather sell their asses to Russia and Israel instead of protecting Europe

Attached: EUvsUS.png (1515x775, 795K)

>Free thinking
>Culture of strong body and healthy mind

>t.90 IQ

there is no perfect countries, but if you add to that list retarded ideology and state control over everything it won't be much easier

The difference is nobody occupied you by force and nobody is making you stay.

Yes, Napoleon, Hitler and Merkel are just protecting Europe!

One collapsed in 1989 the other in 2008

Kaskopp education

Modern nationalists (in Europe and the US) fascinate me - they suck Russian cocks in public yet have the audacity to call themselves patriotic and their support bases are ok with it.


>Free thinking
>Culture of strong body and healthy mind
>Government anyone could get into to change his country

Fact is the only military encounter the Netherlands ever had with Russia was Russia trying to liberate the Netherlands from Napoleon.

And Grease collapsed in 1974 and in 2008
They're also fellating Israeli and American nationalists, yet call you cuck if you believe in Europe.

>reddit spacing and complete retardation
Oh just kill yourself.

There's literally not one thing the USSR didn't fuck up. It was built on communism which sucks and nobody wants, unlike the EU which was built on trade which is awesome and everyone wants. The added benefit would be a greater sense of European unity so we'd stop genociding each other every 3 years or so, while the unity offered by the USSR was just more exploitation for the benefit of Russians. At its worst the USSR was almost as bad as the USA.

So what's your excuse?

How is this relevant to the discussion at hand?

>What is partiya
>What is soviet healthy lifestyle propaganda
>Who is Solzhenitsyn
Even rats like him weren't executed there. I guess you can call USSR the freest thinking country in Europe.

Only idiots who have no understanding of politics or economics think they are similar.

Also this thread is for Jow Forums

>Both are owned by one territory, in this case Germany = Russia
The FR"G" isn't even a sovereign country, you nafri.

Yeah, and when the Germans were bombing Rotterdam and occupying the Netherlands, Russia was allied with them and supplying them with petrol for their planes and tanks.
What does history of conflicts has to do with politics now, you fucking Russian cocksucker?

FR"G" Ltd*

western zoomers are really retarded, you wouldnt be able to make this stupid post in the USSR


The EU is only still free because they dont have enough power yet. There isnt a single thing that got more free here because of the EU.

Or more democratic for that matter.

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yeah fuck the eu now corporations aren't even allowed to do whatever they want with our data wtf is that i want them to sell everything about me!!!!!!!

you are deluding yourself something fierce my juan baptist friend

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It's just Ivan with a proxy

Russian invented electronic music.

The biggest change with what we had before is that you now have to document purposes. The rest isnt really new.

You are delusional.

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Will the EU dissolve or federalize? Find out on the next episode of Dragon. Ball. Zeeeee

Federalize. Because people who are against the EU dont vote in EU elections.

At least in the Netherlands. In national elections we have double as many voters. In national elections people vote right and in the EU elections left.

>>Culture of strong body and healthy mind
>>Government anyone could get into to change his country
Thats true though

One is a neo liberal paradise and the other is communist. Brainlet question

>this thread is allowed but my EU thread isn't
>/cum/ is allowed but my /EU/ general isn't
>inb4 the EU is political post your thread on Jow Forums
>on Jow Forums
>post your /EU/ general for EU countries on Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
I think that some of you have never visited Jow Forums and don't know what it stands for. It is called politically incorrect and not political.

Some retards think confederation = federation = continentalism = globalism is communism by definition

Are you going to revive the USSR?

You don't get how the English language uses humour.

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It is not about that. It is about censor from and anti-EU janny. He doesn't like the EU so he wants all positive EU threads to die.

wtf, i LOVE the jannie now!

I see a few options.

They very carefully continue to federalize as things are now through placating and bullying. If they're lucky they might get some military and trade conflicts common to all members to assert themselves through and organize a common defense for: like Turkey trying to invade Cyprus, Russia stepping on more toes than it can afford at the same time or the US getting too assertive to the point where it affects the EU too much.

The EU gets split up internally and organizes into regional blocks (V4, etc). Usually it's just a sign of a dying empire hanging by a thread like the late Roman Empire.

The uppity members fuck off and leave and the ones who stay form a political entity with no pretenses.

Fuck no, EU is clearly NAZI and BASED!1!

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The EU isnt going to split in bloc-


An actual serious post. Nice.

V4 and this New Hanseatic League are memes, V4 exist for 30 years and it did not did a single thing, it was just semi relevant during refugee quotas, that's literally all.

EU needs to be destroyed before it turns into another USSR.

What the hell are you going to militarily.

France despite the memes is the only one in the EU with a real military.

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You are retarded.

The Netherlands actually proposed leaving the Schengen area in 2015. Eith the Benelux, Germany and Austria. But Merkel didnt want to. Which is the reason why new voting partners were sought.

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He's full of shit.

Authoritarianism is the only middle ground between the EU and USSR. The USSR was an authoritarian Marxist-Leninist regime. The EU is a union of Neoliberal Capitalist statesmen.

Technically it would be the French, Italians, or whoever is interested under an EU flag. The important thing is to tell the world that EU borders and the interests of its member states will actually be defended by the EU itself. This is reminiscent of the politics of the Holy Roman Empire.

There's going to be more of that. The Eastern European states are not in such a needy position anymore and have started to believe they are actually important. Capitalism vs. Communism is neither really a thing anymore and the nations have started shifting back to their natural and historic instincts.

Russia will never be the Soviet Union no matter how much we meme it so the European continent doesn't have a reason to organize itself to the extent it did during the Cold War, nor has it just suffered a World War. However the regional blocs within the EU don't hate the EU enough to leave it, just pull it in different directions.

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>This is reminiscent of the politics of the Holy Roman Empire.
>Usually it's just a sign of a dying empire hanging by a thread like the late Roman Empire.

You know absolutely nothing about what you're talking about.

Don't forget that /v4/, literally a sub-group of the EU is allowed

>Russia doesn't have ambitions for territorial expansion
They just annexed a chunk of another European country they were bound to protect by a treaty in 2014. Don't be so smug sitting there behind your Finnish buffer state.

Agreed, all generals should be banned

Thank you for your valuable input.

A political entity dividing itself and trying to find compromises because it cannot control itself fully is definitely not a sign of a dying empire.

The EU trying to assert itself as a real entity and military force in the name of common defense while navigating among local interests and trying to convince its constituent parts that it's necessary definitely does not sound like the HRE.


>The Army of the Empire did not constitute a permanentstanding armywhich was always at the ready to fight for the Empire. When there was danger, an Army of the Empire was mustered from among the elements constituting it,in order to conduct an imperial military campaign orReichsheerfahrtduring anImperial War(Reichskrieg) or anImperial Execution(Reichsexekution). In practice, the imperial troops often had stronger local allegiances than their loyalty to the Emperor
>did not constitute a permanent standing army
You should take your meds you braindead schizo, instead of getting your political opinions from Jow Forumstard and redditor cumguzzlers

Patron of the European Union is literally a italian communist Altiero Spinelli. He's Ventotene Manifesto is a main program for EU with is basically leftist vision of a solidary and socialist Europe.

You can read it in White Paper on the Future of Europe (page 6)

https: / / ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/white_paper_on_the_future_of_europe_en.pdf

Those EU fags don't even hide fact that all that shit is basically Marxist bullshit.

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That's exactly what I'm saying though

>instead of getting your political opinions from Jow Forumstard and redditor cumguzzlers
Austria should not and has no right to exist in 2019 and has Slavo-Celtic DNA.

It was also written by Ernesto Rossi though, and he was a classical liberal

>OMG the EU and the HRE are like totally the same just look at the armies and such
>what do you MEAN they're not similar that's what I've been saying
You even topped it off with some out-of-fashion DNA insult from Jow Forums. Just give it a rest, nobody would blame you for just leaving this thread peacefully.

Well I won't speak for other cunts but current gov won't rule forever and their only real opposition is previous gov who had hq in Berlin. So we will be back at being Germany bitch boy eventually
>and have started to believe they are actually important
It's meme for plebs, current gov is just trying create that image for local politics, they have no actual influence over anything relevant when it comes to eu. The only real action they took is to build baltic pipe and upgrade LNG terminal.

It is. Deal with it. HRE is a precedent for any confederation-federation project, especially one complicated like the EU. It has many of the same problems and challenges.

>The differences between EU and USSR are so big that it's easier to list the similarities


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Just tell me which youtuber or blogger enlightened you.

After he and Gaetano Salvemini become friends, Ernesto drastically changed his political views and became a super socialist.


>What is the difference between USSR and European Union?
The USSR was less authoritarian

How would you know, mountainjew