As our techno overlords tighten their grip on the Internet, are we going to be forced back to books and the printed word to obtain truth?
Books anyone
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You have a printer?
most bookstores don't keep the kind of redpilled books on hand that Jow Forums would read
The average Jow Forums browser should read every day from books.
I’m a poorfag. I read PDFs I download online, why pay the publisher Jew?
Implying we all don't already have Jow Forums approved book collections. Got about 400-500 Hardcover books myself.
>He doesn't read a book at minimum every two weeks
>He doesn't write daily
Go to used bookstores, get hardcovers cheap, go to library sales, get hardcovers cheap, poorfags can get books too.
I'm doing fine with PDFs, you just gotta know what you're looking for, lot's of kikes trying to scam you in the way, but still there's a way.
Get a library card, get books for free.
Reading from a screen for long stretches of time really bugs my eyes.
Besides, it's nice to have as a collectible. Especially old, obscure books.
Long before the internet (((publishers))) were controlling the flow of information and ideas. If it's not kosher, you don't get published, if you somehow do, your book can be banned.
no we will just distribute the internet further with ipfs and related tech. p2p out the ass is the only way
I found out a long time ago that my library throws away their based books that get donated. So once a week I open their bin and pull out hundreds of copies of books that redpilled me long before pol did.
this. even google gave me a free PDF of libido dominandi as first search result
>doesn't have FREE public library to borrow books from since 5yo
t. poorfag
Logos Rising
I'm a poorfag and I buy all of my books from an (jewgle tells me "antiquarian" but that doesn't sound right)
Anyway, it's a place where they sell old, "used" books, which suits me perfectly.
Cheap, and since good books are no longer published, I don't feel the need to go looking for fresh releases.
>he doesn't already collect rare and important books for his children before history gets banned
Be careful, I thought I’d hit the jackpot when I found an online PDF version of a book I wanted to read, but I discovered the specific chapter I was interested in had been mysteriously omitted. If (((they))) don’t want you finding evidence to go against the narrative, they will purge the Internet of any trace.
>are we going to be forced back to books and the printed word to obtain truth?
IDK why you'd think that. One user can share a pdf with millions of people and he can do it for free, also without having to go through publishers that would censor him.
based and redpilled
Got myself a 3-volume world history from 1869 among other old books.
Take the /x/ "Adam and Eve Story". The original got purged in the 60s and all that is left is a revisited book and multiple pdfs with different amount of the content, all missing nearl hundrd pages. Without hardcopies there is no fixed history. People who believe that the internet is the solution forget that you can always change a couple digits and delete some jpgs, even at the wayback machine.
And nobody will be able to claim otherwise, ass all records portraying the truth can simply be said to be the fakes. After all the goverment said so and shotgunning bullshit is a known tactic by the deep state. In the end nobody will truly know whom or what to believe.
Read every night before bed, 10mins-30mins. History/Philosophy/Politics
The library has nothing but blue pilled Jewish propaganda
>Read every night before bed
I have no idea how anyone does this. I'm tired before you go to bed so unless the book is very light (ASOIAF level) I can't concentrate on it.
>used bookstores. library sales
oh, good. random books that no one else wanted. i guess content isn't important as long as it's on paper
I can recommend Meyer's Conversationslexikon from 1912. Top notch.
Already got that one and every PAULY there is.
On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena Nikola Tesla
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy Nikola Tesla.
Magnetic Currents by Ed Leedskalin
Secrets of Cold War Technology Gerry Vassilatos
I still have some 2000 which I want o have a proper base to work with. Al the kids in my family will be well read. Our mission is to retain as much history as possible for the time post the Kali Yuga or whatever you want to call it.
Teach your kids to read Fraktur, Kurrent and Sütterlin so they can read all those old books. Check out booklooker and ZVAB for cheap great antiquarian books. The older ones go for a " apple and an egg" due to nearly nobody beeing able to read them anymore.
fags have turned a thread about our eventual dystopian future into a glorified /sig thread
For culture I can also recommend "Die Sitten der Völker" by Buschan. Real classics of anthropology.
Shut up, mutt.
I hope you are right user. I see a world about a decade away where every TCP/IP HTTP/HTTPS packet is sniffed/filtered for wrongthink
I read 1984, the bit when Winston had to go back and change the old records to align with current government policies and I thought it was just a freaky dystopian novel
Read my earlier post.
If we get to the point where we have no room to share right-wing lit online, we probably won't be allowed to print them either.
>As our techno overlords tighten their grip on the Internet, are we going to be forced back to books and the printed word to obtain truth?
I never left it and you need to read the older shit.
>If we get to the point where we have no room to share right-wing lit online, we probably won't be allowed to print them either.
You don't own a printer?
Read into the connection of Orwell and his family with the Fabian society and how they again worked as a pillar of the EU founders. he wrote a "dystopian" book on what he heard his family and friends plan. You see the similarities, because just like brave new world, he as well simply sold the goals.
It'S a well known tactic to make something ridiculous in popular opinion through covering in popular media, so that when shit hits the fans, everyone talking about it only gets "haha I've seen men in black/x files/ whatever as well, silly!" as a reply.
>I read 1984, the bit when Winston had to go back and change the old records to align with current government policies and I thought it was just a freaky dystopian novel
Silicon Valley is The Ministry of Truth...Ignorance is Strength...
>Read into the connection of Orwell and his family with the Fabian society and how they again worked as a pillar of the EU founders. he wrote a "dystopian" book on what he heard his family and friends plan. You see the similarities, because just like brave new world, he as well simply sold the goals.
How does that alter anything?
Modern printers can aready be prevented to print selective things like money, even though it wouldnt even feel like real money. For all we know in a couple years you will be forced to buy vintage printers to circumvent automatic online anti-hate speech scanning - if you even get somewhere to donload problematc stuff. And even than, you can be found by your printing fingerprint and paper you use, which is already used in forensics. The web is not the answer.
Then buy a mimeograph machine.
Look for antique encyclopedias.
The pre-WWI Britannica for example.
Yeah, I have no doubt he was privy to genuine plans. Fragments of truth are everywhere.
Printing and distributing hundreds of books still sounds like it would involve a lot of money and risk compared to sharing on the web.
It means that what has been written by them will happen. Think prenatal manipulaion to dumb down people, kindergarden sexualisation, recreational sex and taboization of love, the disgust of natural pregnancy and child rearing, the burning of the most dangerous books when found (Fahrenheit451, Equilibrium), destruction of public records and distrtion of history and the full control of the home an srveilance through technology. Those fighting against t openly will be fought like Harrison Bergeron.
Books were always much more controlled than tech. The only reason you are here is because tech, "redpilled" books would get banned easily
Any book store or library that bans any book is total shit. I don't care if it is left, right, gay, abortion, anti abortion, religious or atheist.
All books should be allowed.
You get what you pay for. Books are knowledge, knowledge is power.
>Look for antique encyclopedias.
For a real redpill look at the entries on Tartaria through the old editions of encyclopedias.
You are talking about eight percent, a very vocal, eight percent of the population, holding everyone hostage using fear of exposure as their weapon. They assume everyone is as fucked up and broken as they are. They are powerless when they have no angles to exploit. Nothing to hold over anyone's head.
I'm not talking about the useful idiots, you moron. I am talking about those in power which drive and form the idiots. You even thinking of the retards kvetching instead of those siently operating is profe enough that you don't understand anything.
If you are a millenial, sure, but I'm not and I still remember going to the library to do research, the Dewey Decimal system and how to use a card catalog. Boomers are somewhat tech ignorant, millenials are tech dependent but gen X, the small, forgotten generation in the middle? We could give a fuck, it would take about a month to get used to listening to my vinyl exclusively, and reading whateverthefuck I can get my hands on just like I used to do. Home printers might have identifying marks, but there will always be libraries, people will learn to typeset again, just like they did when Guttenberg invented the printing press and people printed pamphlets the aristocracy would burn you at the stake for disseminating. It didn't stop shit.
Download as many books as you can. Storage is cheap. Share. P2P.
Got some of my best books from old used book stores. Found the full 7 volume Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire By Gibbon in Hardcover at an old bookstore next to a lake while on vacation, got the full set for 100 bucks.
Fraktur is cool as fuck
Poorfag here too. Just buy a kindle, get into a private tracker for books and pirate everything.
you will need to hack your kindle to accept pdf's and ebpubs. At least I think, you used to need too.
Either way its a very easy process.
Ewww... no. Books are made of paper.
I have a storage space full of old books that school libraries were throwing out for the more politically correct shit.
Reading The Bell Curve currently. Picking up Walden and Civil Disobedience on Tuesday. Just finished One Billion Customers a few days ago.
Books are fun
Walmartbro, take IT courses and find comfy IT job. Good lucl.
>pajeet/chink dominated industry
>implying any employer will hire someone in their 40s who is greener than shit
I would have gotten at least a chuckle if you told me to get a degree in African history.
I compiled a bunch of the /lit/ charts into a single reading list:
Good. Make sure your strage place id dark and dry. Most people destroy books trying to store them. Also never store them lying down on each other.
As helpdesk? Why not? Its still better than Walmart.
Are you a 40 year old neet?
here's the last thread: check it out as well
>Walden and Civil Disobedience
No, we just shitpost here
I do have a laser printer
Dang, you can get a thanksgiving discount of 15% if you can prove you worked in the future!
I like Walmart!
>Reading from a screen for long stretches of time really bugs my eyes.
You're doing the lighting wrong, you have to lit the entire visual field evenly, not just the portion with the screen
What a fucking cuck
Youre a loser working at walmart
But thats not to say you cant go back. I saw plenty of old people in my CS program graduate and most likely get jobs.
You're just using excuses
Its why you work at Walmart
they fear the populace going back to books.
MY Nigga! Thoreau is my all time fav Author, first read Walden when I was in High school.
I'm sure there are more qualified candidates who arent getting into this now.
>Working at walmart for the past 15+ years
Pick one
It's a 25% discount on an entire transaction. Go larp Supermarket Sweep. Spend a grand. Only spend $750!
Tell that to my chest pains which gives me
god i dont wanna be a 40 year old walmart worker i gotta get my shit together
>Absolute unit
>Tell that to my chest pains which gives me
for most skills you can learn cutting edge industry tips from online news sources, and youtube. You can also interact with people doing the things you want to learn to do on there.
this is good
build a business you fools! acquire the wealth and power to regain control of the american government!
You'd be surprised what you can find in used book stores. The burned out hipsters who work there don't have the initiative and technological systems to purge their inventory of wrongthink.
Besides the fact that all books from a few decades ago are significantly redpilled compared to now.
>Tell that to my chest pains which gives me
Way ahead of you. Stockpile whatever information you can, while you can.
Time only moves forwards.
There's a lot of them here.
I personally haven't seen any success stories, with the exception of some rich kids I knew back in the day getting financially backed by their parents to get IT degrees in Arizona.
>So you're fat and retarded
Cant really gain weight, probably right on the latter.
>And you just keep making excuses. Stop being so fucking dramatic and start doing something your 40.
Its too late to get my shit together. Something would have happened by now. I've fallen too far behind for anything meaningful.
>I've fallen too far behind for anything meaningful.
You could always work to improve yourself just for the sake of it. That's always an option. Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be and then choose whether or not you want to be that person.
user, it really doesnt matter if you fail, you are concentraded on the result but you must instead make process your priority.
The hardest and the most important part for you to change is your mindset. If you would like, read "Millionaire Fastlane" by MJ DeMarco. It won't make you a millionaire by default but it will explain some things which you probably already know.
that would be nice
We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. ~ said by some Hellenic dude with a beard.
Changing one's mindset and creating good habits are extremely important for anyone.
t. nerds
You guys are literally all nerds. Only faggots and nerds read. Why would you read when you can either be working and earning some fucking cash or down at the pub looking for a nice bitch to fuck?
adopt me user
Gimme a trashmail to chat you up.
I have never bought a book in my life
t. 200 IQ zoomer
cuz something in print must mean its true right?
very cozy
you got a fireplace in that room too?