We support Palestine

>We support Palestine.

Congratulations Jow Forums. You support the same side as Tumblr, Reddit, CNN, MSNBC, college professors, and the Democratic Party.

Attached: Anti-Israel.jpg (898x628, 148K)

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What about it?

We support the Roman Reconquista of Jewistan, not the Palestinians migrants who moved in after the Turks ran the Romans out

Attached: Roman Centurion.jpg (872x736, 384K)

Pol supports nuking the middle east. Fuck Palestine and Israel

i support jewish chicks sucking my dick

It’s an orchestrated conflict, artificially sustained. It’s an obvious D&C op, don’t pick a side

No, we support the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Imagine supporting a fucking Jew

I support Israel and their independence. Which means they should stop accepting money from USA.

who is the king? moshe shekleberg?

the palestinians are the decendents of the people who always lived there. dna tests of neolithic skelotons from israel prove this.

you are a boomer and must die.

nope. pol supports palestine.

They support it to be anti American. Jow Forums support it to be anti Israel.

>the palestinians are the decendents of the people who always lived there

lol no sweetie. they're literally the descendants of arab migrant workers who came into the region for employment opportunities after the jews started returning.

If you support Islam or any Muslim nation, selficide yourself.
If you're one of them, make sure to text your vest phone before you leave for the enrichment.

Hate the JOOS all you want.
Hate them Wus Kangz all you want.

Islam is worse in every way.

boomer lies are so pathetic. do you know what dna is?

I don't support either side.

An enemy of an enemy is my friend

wew , palestinainas share more than 50% of dan with jews , you dumb nigger boomer

boomers have such a gay way of talking. death to all jew loving boomer faggots.

then you are not a white nationalists. we all support palestine.

yes, our jew mass media and aipac funded democrats supports the nation that their puppetmasters are destroying

A broken clock is right twice a day

We dont support either we just want to see them kill each other off.

This guy supports Muslims, point at him and laugh

Zionism and bolshevism are both part of jewish eschatology and the false left right paradigm is the masonic bagelian dialectic model of polarizing people into two seemingly diametrically opposed sides so those two sides can be played against each other to advance they goals of jews.

'Winston Churchill famously published an article "Zionism Versus Bolshevism. A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.", Illustrated Sunday Herald, (8 February 1920), page 5; in which he posed the false dilemma of "Zionism versus Bolshevism" as if the world of Jewry consisted of good Zionist Jews in opposition to bad Bolshevik Jews. Churchill asked us to side with the supposedly good Zionist Jews so as to save ourselves from the bad Bolshevik Jews. This, as the allies were keeping the Bolsheviks in power in Russia and had just fought WW I to put them in power and seize Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.

Many have misunderstood Churchill and wrongly believe that he was an anti-Zionist. In fact, he wrote his article to scare the West into supporting Zionism with all its might and treasure. But neither Churchill nor Zionist Jews ever did any harm to the Bolsheviks. Instead they gave them their full support.

The same Jewish bankers created both Zionism and Bolshevism as a means to fulfil Jewish messianic prophecy. The allies supported the Bolsheviks and the Zionists during and after both world wars.

Zionism sponsors the ingathering of the Jews. Bolshevism sponsors Jewish world government and the theft of all the private property of the Gentiles concomitant with enslavement and the dysgenic murder of the best Gentiles, leaving the Jews as a master race among imbeciles.'

So you support israël agenda so kys kike

Based and SPQRed

You know how I can tell you're Jewish,

Thanks for telling me what I support, because I frequent a website

You realize only literal children fall for your stupid fucking games right?
Oh wait. That's who you are targeting. You don't care about people like me who have already made their minds up. You are trying to get the impressionable youngsters you know come here.

Fuck you.

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this bullshit is exactly what they want you to think. it is divide and conquer at its finest. the goyim will not fight back at us if he is fighting another one of our enemies

Only two good option

Using «sweetie» openly like this what the fuck happened

Not a Jew, that’s for sure

No you can hate nigger Jew and Muslim all together without problem you know. It is not that hard.

>implying Jow Forums isn't third position
back to the reddit dungeon with you

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Dunno in my country Palestine supporter are leftist and mudshit. Most white nationalist are neutral or do not care about what happen in a foreign land.

Its a meme retard ethno state ftw

Nuking Israel is Israel agenda ?

i support what I feel is right, not because some forum or media told me so. If it coincides with what liberals believe, well what can i do.

thread theme

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If you are white, falling for the specifically muslims thing is a good goy trap. All non-whites in white people's lands are enemies not just muslims. It's in the zohar that whites, who in the zohar are called edomites, and muslims, who are called ishmael, will be pitted against each other. That is what all these jew wars are over. So supporting israel actually makes you a zoharist and a zionist stooge and a good goy.

'And in the future, the children of Ishmael are destined to rule over the Holy Land for a long time when it is empty from anything, like their circumcision which is empty and imperfect. And they will prevent the children of Israel from returning to their place until the reward for the merit of the children of Ishmael reaches completion.

The children of Ishmael [i.e. the Arab nations] will cause great wars in the world and the children of Edom will gather against them and wage war against them, one on the sea, one on the dry land, and one near Jerusalem. And they [the children of Edom] will rule over them [the children of Ishmael], but the Holy Land will not be given over to the children of Edom. [The children of Edom is the Christian West, for Edom is Rome (see Num. 24:19, Rashi) and Rome signifies Greece-Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, the foundations of Western Civilization]

At that time, a nation from the end of the earth will be aroused against evil Rome and wage war against it for three months. Nations will gather there, and [Rome] will fall into their hands, until all the children of Edom will gather against it [that nation] from all the corners of the world. Then G‑d will be roused against them. This is the meaning of: "For G‑d has a sacrifice in Botzrah". (Isaiah 34:6) And afterwards, it is written: "That it might take hold of the ends of the earth..." (Job 38:13) He will destroy the descendants of Ishmael from the land, and break all the powers of [all the nations' guardian angels] Above.

fine business

>saying you hate Israel means you support Palestine
Imagine being such a cum guzzling zogbot

>You support the same side as Tumblr, Reddit, CNN, MSNBC, college professors, and the Democratic Party.

No, I don't.

JIDF getting so desperate now.
>Tumblr, Reddit, CNN, MSNBC, college professors, and the Democratic Party.
All those things are pro-Israel you fucking kike.

Attached: Israeli culture.webm (640x360, 2.76M)

I support the crusader state only :)
Bring back Jerusalem bitch

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>This guy supports Muslims, point at him and laugh
Conflating Palestinians and Muslims is a JIDF tactic. Hello Rabbi.

>Hate the JOOS all you want.
>Islam is worse in every way.

>implying that there's any meaningful difference between judaism and islam

>We support Palestine
not true. i support the Palestinian people, not a Palestinian state.
i want a one-state solution so they can outbreed the Jews in their own "homeland".

>tfw sjws go full anti-Israel
>tfw us based fashchads just sit back and watch

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lmao no.


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Anything is preferable alternative to supporting the Jews

I support the crusader conquest of Jerusalem, and purge of all Jewish and Muslim heatens from the city.

Attached: crusader.png (719x1111, 1.19M)

>supporting Palestinians

Wolf blitzer is a literal former AIPAC lobbyist

Palestine is the weak underbelly of the jew, whenever those kikes whine about whites bring up their illegal occupation and execution of civilians,.
they havent a leg to stand on.

>i can't have the same opinion as someone who I dislike

spoken like a true, typically ignorant as fuck mutt

why don't you go and live in your precious desert containment zone if it concerns you so much jew. You obviously can't be loyal to the USA where you live so leave traitor.

I don't support any Semites, schlomo

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