Fuck racism

Why are you guys so mean?
Every race has assholes.

There are criminal blacks just like there are criminal whites. This must be a joke right? This is by far the most hateful website I have ever visited. Go see a therapist losers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


yea rtight, i hate myself for being a german too!!! i hate this white skin, i want to pull it off. i want to marry a muslim chick and take the name of her family!!! i hate this race and i want to change the world to the better, by making ,my children, peacefull and smart arabs.

Hmm, pretty good bait. 8/10.

>Every race has assholes.
But some have more than others.

digits confirm

13 50

>Go to party
>There are black people there
>Be friendly to them
>It all goes fine at first
>Eventually I say something they think is racist
>They get upset
Its too much work. I don't care about black people. I don't want them around me being offended by my whiteness and searching for racism. Forgive me if I wont facilitate them coming to Ireland to be upset by Ireland.

Because we believe race is a real biological category with real consequences. Recognising this doesn't make you a Nazi.

Define racism.

as true as the superior Chinese IQ statistics

dont forget to do self improvement today, boys

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Because we are those assholes user.


13 do 53

So let's say someone comes to your country.
He learns your language.
He abides the law and never breaks it.
He works a normal job and works hard.
He loves your country and respects it's customs and traditions.

Then what does it matter if he has brown skin if he does all these things? We need to look at the individual and should not stereotype people according to hey to LOOK but rather to how they ACT. I can't believe backwards people like you still exist.

not quite. chinese iq is a meme

the statistics about black crime in America are a meme

Or we could post machine guns at the border.


>This is by far the most hateful website I have ever visited. Go see a therapist, losers.

Looks like summer vacation has officially begun.

The brain shapes are noticeably different, just like skull and bone weights. This is how we tell the race in recovered skeleton remains.
t. Coroner

Liberals tend to be even more racist than conservatives. For not only do they hole a paternalistic view of the other races as children in need of coddling, but also a hostile view of their own, white race.

You're obviously not gonna have children, but lets say someone you do have.
When they are raped by that sweaty arab dick, would you still be a degenerate faggot?

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Nothing wrong with national socialism

What he means is, the chinks game the system by only IQ testing their upper-crust, leaving poor peasants out of it when it's well known that the Flynn effect will not have occured in farming folk as they aren't adept at abstract thinking and all IQ tests rely on this.
Someday, we'll invent a a test for pure synaptic load, but we're not there yet.

I know you are a black girl. Post titties.

can you prove it? Can you prove your country or any other white country does not do the same?

wow that image is very thought provoking. I think we should have more discussions about race and IQ

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pic related
yep pretty much.

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statistics aren't racist

Jews will invent it at they will be the best at it again


How far off are we from that, and any recommendations on reading up on it? Besides the obvious (((Google it)))

Imagine thinking resources are infinite like the niggers in Africa do


Or do you not think of the future? Just how many generations ahead do you plan for? None?

If racism is bad why is it on the rise again? Could it be that liberal and tolerant societies are not natural and we need to restore the natural order of things.

Fuck you. EU is shaking with fear right now, because of the rise of nationalistic partys.

All fields, boys

Never, the goalposts will just keep shifting whenever the low IQ untermensch realise AshkeNAZI Jews are the best.

We really need to work on saging, I didn't used to care about it, but I realize that not caring is centrism and faggoty, so I've been working on doing it more. Now is the time to start

It's the only kinda socialism worth anything. You don't have to nationalize the industries if you can nationalize the people.

The Stranger

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk--
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control--
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf--
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine. Rudyard Kipling

Jews are the biggest racist and also the top of the food chain. Coincidence?

All opposition is controlled opposition, the parties will all kike out eventually

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nah I was just kidding bro. I think mongolians with their 105 iq are gonna start the next renaissance

it doesn't matter.
but the stuff you just listed doesn't apply to 95% of the "brown" people coming in.

there is no "stereotype" against brown people. there are stereotypes against mooslims and those are based on facts

fixed again

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>why doesn't the mainstream right wing party in germany rant against israel and talks about GAS all day

>brain size is correlated with intelligence

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Some races have quantifiably more assholes and homogeneous societies are happier societies for the brief decades you spend on this mortal coil.

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Take a moment to educate yourself pleb.

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The muslims merkel let in were the lowest IQ browns, even the poos are doing better than whites here in the UK and the chinks even better. You are right in saying there is no stereotype against shitskins, its literally just against the moozlamics

Whoops forgot to remove Canadian before I posted

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thats what this site is for. the one place on the internet where you can anonymously say whatever you like.
its called freedom of speech, if you don't like it f off

LOOK... i think of myself as not really hard core racist, i feel i am more "rqace aware" but i am not violent about it. But i feel i DO NOTICE "something". All i know is, if i am around "a lot of poor white trash"? sure, i have a few "problems" and i do associate it with a combination of poverty, low IQ, and lack of caring about education... BUT when i get around blacks that are poor? i seem to have every time, LOTS more cases of "problems" and those problems are more "severe". I cant rule out ANYthing except the difference is black or white. It aint ME, i dont "do anything" or "say anything" to minorities? it just "happens". I dont know WHY, i just know it... "just is"

>sweaty arab dick

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besides, blacks are 13 % of the population but commit over 40% of the crime

over 70 % of the middle east believes that honor killings are okay

its not about race but about evil cultures

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and then GOD himself help me fro saying it? whites and blacks were seeming like for about 1 or 14 years there... they were starting to more or less get along. Perfection? NO, but... reasonable. I was getting WAY less of the "hey white boy" bullshit, most whites werent cracking nigger jokes... shit was reasonable. THEN someone started all the black lives matter bullshit, i blame all this on the DEMOCRATS. Christ's throne, just let that shit GO, quit STITTING UP all tht blacks vs white bullshit, just let it die off. fuck me, for all the democraps bitch about it? THEY stir up more trouble than happens on its own.

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Black people are monkeys go home shit skin your not german


You new to the internet!?

imagine unironically being this sanctimonious and naive

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>Go see a therapist losers.
go switch your VPN out, jew

Then he has eight kids who sadly for them don't have a homeland.
They've never been to the land of their forefathers. Their kin look at them like they're foreigners, just like the native population of the country they now live in.
This feeling of not belonging makes them yearn to be a part of something.
Soon they see a video online, the man in the video calls them brother, the imagery and music brings forth strong emotions. The bondage of ethnicity and nationality can be eradicated altogether by fighting for something higher. All they have to do is build a caliphate.

And that's why it's mainly 2nd gen immigrants that blow shit up, because they don't belong anywhere.
White people will feel like this soon. Then things will escalate to the point of race war, and the mandatory gassing of the kikes that did this.

Nice memeflag

Out of my country, traitor.

people here are mostly white americans/brazillians/brits that are getting BTFO'D by niggers, so they react to that by forming to themselves an identity to keep their status, sense of belonging and privileges safe and relevant.

>besides, blacks are 13 % of the population but commit over 40% of the crime
Poor people are more likely to commit crime.
Don't ask why black people commit more crime.
Ask why black people are more likely to be poor.

thank you

>Go to party
>There are black people there
>instantly leave
Fixed it.

>it's another shitbait thread episode
if you would have openend the FBI study that shows the 13% x% crime numbers, then you would have also seen that POOR whites do less crimes in the south than RICH blacks in the south.

in fact black people with twice the wealth commit 5 times more crime than whites with half the wealth

lower average IQ

and before you say
>but muh education
IQ is genetic, you cannot increase your IQ
the US military has been trying to do so forever and failed every time
google McNamara's moron's if you're interested

Resources are finite, space is finite. If "He" comes to my country, so will millions of others and before long it won't be my country anymore. Also your "imagine" brown guy doesn't exist. The vast majority of them are a complete catastrophe and detriment to any country they move into. The few who aren't will have children who regress to the mean, just creating a worse problem a bit down the line.

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>33 (Yous)
Good job

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Whites weren't systematically oppressed like Asians, Blacks, Gays etc... were.
Weak comparison.

tremr.com/Duck-Rabbit/african-americans-possess-violence-gene-researchers-find Wrong

tell me ONE technological advanced black country!
Look at the world map, every country, where the majority is black, is LITERALLY a shithole.

Bluepilled Libtard arguments are worse than the Holocaust

so you ignore all links and facts and just switch the narrative to something else. okee dokee

Czecked for truth

Which whites?
Which nation?
"Whites" are 14% of the globe. If we did manage to "oppress" the entire fucking globe, do you think maybe there is something superior?
And what is that superior trait?

I wish their arguments didn’t exist too

Plus the CIA directly supports and finances corrupt anti-national black dictators who oppress their people for the sake of profit.

you probably did say something racist

exactly, why are the fuckers so poor? they had more people, more land more reccources. they spent 3000 years trying to pillage europe until they became too far behind in technology. Why? why has there never been a powerful country with africans in charge?

That narrative doesn't work.
The argument is that they were equal before, equal during, and equal after?
Then how did we win as 14% of the globe?

>Plus the CIA
Didn't exist until the 1950's, you're hundreds of years behind the times, and Africa is literally the one place we've done the absolute least work.

Checks out.

You're a sheltered man-child.
> If you truly believe that, go live in a neighborhood that's not predominately white

I dare you, faggot... Take your pick. It won't matter.