Be college republican

>be college republican
>90% of women under 22 are democrats
Why do I cockblock myself so?

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Yeah I'm sure you're an incel cause of your political beliefs lmao

Those women are all wrong, and they want a Chad to tell them their wrong, possibly even beat the wrong out of them.

I don't have a problem finding roasties. Do you even try?

>he thinks they care
No, you fucking idiot, you're just pathetic.

>He fell for the republican versus democrat paradigm

InfoWars, please go. Very Fake News, please go. Fog City, please go.

>falling for the 2 party meme.
>1 post by this ID
checked and kys.

Attached: 1557482318885.jpg (198x198, 9K)
If you are a college guy, or a college girl, and you are on a college campus, if you have three or four fashy goy friends, you can take over your school’s College Republicans group and move it to essentially being an alt-right club,” Allsup said.

“You can easily do that and it gives you access to so many more resources. It gives you political credibility. It gives you all of these things that come along with the name of being a Republican.”

>CIA shit
>MAGA hat

lmao no

>understanding politics