Why do Catholics deny the existence of race?

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They mean no harm.
They subscribe to a universalist religion.
It helps to balance the genocidal tenancies of ethno-nationalists and the rampant greed of the Capitalists.
They have a place to play in the coming society.
So pay them little heed, for they are a bulwark of tradition and they can be told what to do.
Attack the Catholics or any other traditional Christian group and you have guaranteed the death of your political movement, and so the left wins and ushers in the beige globo-homo dream.

Catholicism is the Globo-homo dream retard.

>It helps to balance the genocidal tenancies of ethno-nationalists
kys you fucking idiot. ENGLAD IS BEING INVADED and you still can't stop perpetuating the genocidal nahtzees narrative. Fucking retard.

This, he's most likely a Catholic himself.

Obviously the purges need to happen first to return to the equilibrium before the enlightenment.
But that's what I mean, they pose no harm now and will prove useful later.
Furthermore, almost all voters for the 'far-right' will be drawn from white lower class and middle class Catholics and Lutherans.
Attacking them is political suicide for a nationalist party.
How can you win an election or civil war without bodies?
Which is why Catholic countries practiced scientific racism and Catholicism was the last western branch of Christianity to fall to the leftist agenda.
Even now Catholics (and NI Luthereans) are the only conservative forces left in Europe.
The atheists or 'Pagans' have achived nothing for the right, and have pushed the leftist agenda.


It's because Catholicism is an essentially monist religion, and monism is ultimately reductionist. That is why Catholic doctrine also holds that Muslims worship the same god that they do, because of this reductionism.

>They have a place to play in the coming society
Their place will be in mass graves alongside Jews.

They’re not radicalized by cherrypicked webms.

And what religion with take their place?
For a society without religion does not survive.
People who are religious have been genetically selected to become more ethnocentric, more conscious, and better members of society.
It's a matter of pure genetics.
And you would rid our society of some of the best genes of our society because their top leadership has been infiltrated by Jews and homosexuals?

>fight among yourselves goyim

90% of the german army during WW2 was Catholic

Fuck off shlomo. You're trying so hard to slander E. Michael Jones. Absolute loser.

only if he is based SARMATO-NEGRO mullatt from Haiti, who fought with Sarmatians against baggeuttte whiteys

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Can you source this?
As the German population before the war was quite equally split between the Protestants and Catholics and so both sides would contribute equally.
And several of the SS battalions were explicitly Pagan.

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Fuck your feelings, söyqueens.


>They mean no harm.
>They subscribe to a universalist religion.
Old Testament is Talmud. Everyone who thinks it belongs to the Bible is a Satanic Jew!

I'm a Catholic.

I don't deny.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

EMJ's critique of "White guys" is valid
A "White" identity has been shown time and again to be a canard and ineffective with dealing with the Jews
A true ethnic identity (expressed through religion in America) is the only proven method to combat jews. The Amish did not survive because they were "white" (whatever that means) they survived because they were a coherent religious community based in a single location.

He also thinks space exploration is it a bad idea. Top kek stupidity.

Colossians 3:11
Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

The New testament is a universalist, if not more so than the Old.
It is something that needs to be curtailed, but has some usefulness.

SOME Catholics do.

The idea that Muslims, Catholics and Jews all worship the same god is absurd.

The god of the Jews is a dead god, since the promises God made to them have been fulfilled in Christ and His Church, the Catholic Church. The Jews today don't even practice the same religion they did in the time of Christ.

This verse is about universal salvation not equality among races, genders, and social classes.

>The Jews today don't even practice the same religion they did in the time of Christ.
Yes they do. They practice Pharisaism, which is different from the OT religion.

>Yes they do. They practice Pharisaism, which is different from the OT religion.

Rabbinic Judaism started after the destruction of the temple.

Judaism has no priests, no sacrifice, no temple.

Only the Catholic Church has all three: priests, the holy sacrifice of the Mass, and temples.

Catholicism advocates universal salvation, not equality.
This is why it is not a thread, and can be manipulated.
Attacking them is pointless and stupid.

I mean kind of but not exactly. Catholicism is the true continuation of the OT religion but Pharisaism isn’t Hebrewism and modern judaism is an evolution of Pharisaism.

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>Catholicism is the true continuation of the OT religion
What do you mean by this?

Ever since he did his interview with Faith Goldy you cucks have been posting nonstop anti-EMJ hate threads, pathetic. When will you come to realize your neo-Pagan (((white))) identity is a manufactured satanic Jewish ploy? Reverting to "primitive" and "indigenous culture/religion" is exactly what the Jews want all of us to do, because it makes us easier to control. Yes UNESCO/SJW ads of African babies singing and dancing is in the same agenda as Varg hailing Odin, it's all an attempt to dumb down the population.

Read Julian Huxley's UNESCO: It's Purpose and Philosophy. They literally tell us what they want to do

Does e Michael Jones represent the viewpoints of ALL Catholics? No, he doesn't. Take the knowledge you can from him and disregard the stuff you deem harmful to whites.

Bottom line is the Catholic Church used to frown upon race mixing. Because God made you what you are and he didn't make a mistake.

And lastly, no black African is ever going to be in Poland anyway and fulfill all those requirements so it's a moot point.

To play devil's advocate:
What is wrong with adopting Hellenic or Anglo-Saxon Paganism as both created a functional and (relatively) advanced civilization,
Furthermore, Christianity has become very paganised, so why not go the full way?
I agree that the forest spirit worshiping types are retarded but why are the Evola type Pagans lumped in the same category?

That means everyone is equal under the eyes of God. Not that everyone is equal in the physical works.

Because their centralized authority allowed them to be subverted by jews. Any branch of christianity that stems from catholicism shares this trait. Orthodox is the only way out.

>And what religion with take their place?
Deism if anyone needs it.
>For a society without religion does not survive.
Completely false.
>People who are religious have been genetically selected to become more ethnocentric
False. Christniggers have been selected for the opposite traits.

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>Attack the Catholics or any other traditional Christian group and you have guaranteed the death of your political movement, and so the left wins and ushers in the beige globo-homo dream.

so globohomo multiculturalism or christcuck multiculturalism? fuck that and fuck both of them. if those are the only two choices then let the whole thing collapse because whatever replaces it will be better.

>Orthodox is the only way out.

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Galatians 3:28 says that there is neither Jew nor Greek for all are one in Christ Jesus.

But now that the Jews and Greeks have countries of their own, they can stay out of mine. I'm Catholic btw.

>SOME Catholics do.
No, all Catholics do, since that is Catholic dogma. If they don't believe that, then they are not Catholic, by definition.

His critique comes directly from Jewish critical race theory.

I would suggest reading/ watching some of the material Dr Edward Dutton has produced going into the subject of religiousness and ethnocentrism.
The 'Christcuck' multiculturalism is globo-homo multiculturalism.
The Vatican and many western bishops have been infiltrated by globo-homos, the same as the Anglican church, yet most of the church goers and a lot of the clergy still stick to the old ways.
If you look at the history of the Church you would see that they have almost unviersally rejected and resisted liberalism, multiculturalism and all other social cancers.

Because retards like e Michael Jones overdose on the Jew pill and think niggers are based as long there are no Jews around. In reality both are evil in their own unique ways. Evolution itself is the best explanation for the inferiority of blacks and the corrupt conniving nature of Jews. Why would you need a dude in the sky to tell you something that evolution already proves?

Read Irenaeus' Against Heresies, also see how Peter gave the definitive teaching that everyone listened to in the Council of Jerusalem in AD 50 despite the fact that the presiding bishop of Jerusalem, James, was there.

The East didn't start denying the Pope's supreme teaching authority until the hold the Byzantines had over the West started to wane after the decline of the Byzantine Papacy. The nonsensical outrage about the filioque didn't emerge until about the 12th century, and the Palamite Distinction (central to Orthodox theology) wasn't introduced until the 13th century.
The ecclesiastical disagreements that the Orthodox have with the West were in response to political separation, and the doctrinal disagreements were engineered later. Amazing how things fall apart once one breaks off from the True Church.

>Reverting to "primitive" and "indigenous culture/religion" is exactly what the Jews want all of us to do,
Meanwhile, in reality, Jews are trying to make European paganism illegal, and they openly support the Catholic Church and praise it constantly in their media.

>Bottom line is the Catholic Church used to frown upon race mixing
False. The Catholic Church has always strongly advocated race mixing, which is why Catholic countries in central and south america are all mongrel mestizo shit holes.

Isnt this like the my hamster that lives in an aquarium meme?

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Believing that all men can be saved and are called to common brotherhood with one another as co-heirs of the promise through Christ is a far cry from wanting open borders. One is Catholic dogma and central to any Bible-believing version of the Christian faith, and the other is modernist nonsense directly opposed to Christianity.
We have a responsibility to set up responsible governments that govern justly - which is impossible if we give into every demand from the Satanic modernists that want to destroy everything, from real justice to even the distinctions between men and women. In keeping with our responsibility to set up just government, we have to realize that not all peoples are the same, no matter how Christian they are, and different governments (and therefore borders) are necessary. No one government can adequately rule all the races of this world, because a government exists only so that men can live in peace with their neighbors, not to fix the central problem of humanity. That job belongs to Christ.

progressives acting as stormtwats are making these threads.

they like the commies wish to dethrone the Almighty and put in it's place a powerful state and mighty leader.

problem is a state run by people with no objective morality or higher truth are inherently stuck in an existential crisis. there is no objective truth except for what the power factions define. idews and words themselves are redefined and ultimately the class stratifications grow at incredible rates. the common man will be dumbed down as well. language can slowly be inverted so good becomes evil and evil good.progressives have already started deconstructing traditions and values and have already started to redefine old well known words and terms

>I would suggest reading/ watching some of the material Dr Edward Dutton
I don't need to watch this low IQ retard's videos, since available data contradicts the thesis that christfaggotry increases ethnocentrism. Data shows that it's the opposite.


If you disagree, you should go back to r/chapotraphouse.

>No, all Catholics do, since that is Catholic dogma.
Citation needed.

Care to provide a citation?

Catholic countries are the only countries with any semblance of tradition and European identity for that matter. South America is more European than London. Who is more valuable, the Mestiza Catholic or the Aryan sodomite?

I don't see many of the church goers supporting the old ways. they're the types who want to flood the West with subhuman Africans. I've seen what Catholic Charities does to communities. imagine having thousands of Haitians dumped into your community.
>but they're your Christian brothers
fuck that

the Catholic Church is a den a pedophilia and promotes all sorts of social cancer. I don't care what the Catholic Church used to be, all I know is what it is and it's evil. so fuck it

judge a tree by its fruits. the fruits of the Catholic Church is nothing but evil. maybe it was great once but today it isn't

>False. The Catholic Church has always strongly advocated race mixing
Citation needed.

>which is why Catholic countries in central and south america are all mongrel mestizo shit holes.
This is what comes out of the American "education" system: people who never read a book in their life.

Topics to research: Colonialism, Spain, Portugal, exploration.

>judge a tree by its fruits. the fruits of the Catholic Church is nothing but evil.
The fruits of the Catholic Church are everything you think of when you hear about "Western World".

It's evil because evil has been plotting to destroy it since its inception. Thus there will always be subverters unfortunately. Same reason migrants head for countries like America and Germany and not Albania. They want the ripest fruit from the tree for themselves

Then what would you pose to replace it?
And what will you do with the average, anti-migration church goer?

His opinions on race are retarded.

He thinks Africa just needs Christianity for longer when Ethiopia has had Christianity for longer than Western Europe and is a shithole, it might not be Catholic but the actual theological differences are very small. Japan on the other hand is one of the most advanced societies in the world and has never been Christian/Catholic.

The "triple melting pot" theory he goes on about is idiotic. You really telling me that white protestant has more in common with a black protestant than a white catholic? What planet does he live on? How can anyone take this seriously?

He's basically a civic nationalist that doesn't like Jews. Boomers and right wing non-whites like him.


Wrong, there is no difference in Europe between Catholic and protestant nations in this regard. Look at France. The real dividing line is between Western Europe and Eastern Europe, between those that were on the capitalist side of the cold war and those on the communist.

Citation please?

There's no denying the fact that the Protestant rebellion was the beginning of all the relativism you see today and also the start of decline of Christianity in Europe.

Even countries with official "churches" such as England, with that ape of the Catholic Church, formed out of adultery and rebellion, are seeing their made-up so-called churches die out.

It's no wonder there was heavy Jewish influence on the Protestant rebellion.

>Believing that all men can be saved and are called to common brotherhood with one another as co-heirs of the promise through Christ is a far cry from wanting open borders
Not according to your church. The official Catholic teaching, infallible under the ordinary and universal magisterium, is that rich nations (i.e. white nation's) ought to accept poor immigrants (i.e. shitskins) who are seeking higher incomes.

>if we give into every demand from the Satanic modernists that want to destroy everything
Too late. The Catholic Church has already enshrined this "satanic modernism" as infallible doctrine, by way of the magisterium rules established at the first Vatican council.

Not to get too much into defending one branch of christfaggotry from another, but you're wrong here. The so-called "palamite distinction" (e-e distinction) is made by Basil, John of Damascus, Maximos the Confessor, etc. It is old. Filioque was condemned by the pope himself as early as the 9th century. This has all been thoroughly documented by orthodox apologists (for example Jay Dyer), and the Roman response has been caved-in head tier hand waving and their typical Roman Catholic pilpul. Speaking from a detached standpoint, Roman Catholics don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to the schism, and it's obvious that the Roman Catholic Church is wrong since their dogma is blatantly internally inconsistent.


Paganism built the ancient world but you don't see me harping for a return to worshiping the Olympians. the fruits the Catholic bore aren't the same as the one it bears now. the only fruit it produces now is evil.
I have no idea but it either needs to reform to deal with the issues of our age or it will be replaced. multiculturalism and constant migration are the greatest issues facing the West and they are ones that the Catholic Church stands in opposition to.

you do not save the West by importing millions of Africans or Latam indios. the West is more than just an idea. people make a civilization, people create the cultural and society. as long as the Catholic Church views people as fungible, interchangeable cogs then it is doomed to fail.

the Christian faith will survive but multicultural multiracial Churches will die on the vine.
the entire idea of a melting pot was created by a Jew

Discord trannies going after Catholics hard recently...

3 threads up right now talking about the church.. hmm

I just don't know why Jow Forums worships a Civ Nat boomer.

Who’s that?

they're pad shills, pushing the governments agenda. all they're trying to do is repackage globalism with a nice Christian veneer.

read this, same globohomo shit

>there's a natural order of the universe!
>b-b-but there's one race: the human race

Reminder even the most "based boomer" is always still a boomer.

Literally the first thing he talked about on Fuentes' show was how "kids these days" are always on their "damn phones". The archetypal boomer.

You are mexican.

>A true ethnic identity (expressed through religion in America)

Yeah, white protestants are more connected to black protestants than to white catholics. White catholics are more connected to Hispanic catholics than white protestants. Except this isn't remotely true and never has been.

>why do people who believe in fairy tales believe in other stupid shit
Gee, I don't know

>The official Catholic teaching, infallible under the ordinary and universal magisterium, is that rich nations (i.e. white nation's) ought to accept poor immigrants (i.e. shitskins) who are seeking higher incomes.
Wrong. Show me in the Catechism, not some dumb quote from the Pope taken out of context because the leftist media wants a stick to beat traditional Catholics with.
Pope Pius X condemned modernism as heresy by the way. It is far from "infallible doctrine". I don't think you have any clue what infallible doctrine is.

Quotes from the Church Fathers pertaining to energeia are almost always taken out of context by internet Orthos like Dyer. I don't have the quotes in question on hand, so I'm not going to go down this road. However, when Paul speaks about faith as being "energized by the Spirit", he is not speaking of energies or operations of God separate from His Divine Essence. Faith, Hope, and Charity is Christ in us - not some imperfect light shining down on us.

E Micheal Jones.

I used to like Nick but he drank the koolaid and now thinks race is a "social construct".

>The fruits of the Catholic Church are everything you think of when you hear about "Western World"
Yes, feminism, individualism, race mongrelization, liberalism, etc. All that define the modern western world are the rotten fruits of the Catholic Church.

Dude is such a hypocrite/eternal grifter it's hilarious.

He went to a Yang rally and took pictures with the man himself, and now he's pretending he was never in the Gang in the first place, dpeleted all his pro-Yang posts, and blocks anyone who posts the pics of him and Yang. Sad!

Look at South America and then look at North America. The Catholic (south America) policy was conversion through miscegenation. That is why South America has been mongrelized for hundreds of years. The Protestant (North America) policy was ethnic cleansing, which is why our Indians live in reservations and the average White American is still 99% European.

>the average White American is still 99% European.

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I don't welcome to boomerism

Lol ok kike

New (((E-celeb))) incoming

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>Attack the Catholics or any other traditional Christian group and you have guaranteed the death of your political movement
Hegelian Dialectic

Christkikes just want to destroy the world

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>Show me in the Catechism,
>2241 The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him.

It's very clear. Don't even try to challenge me because I guarantee I know more about Roman Catholicism than you are even capable of knowing given your nigger-tier IQ and effeminate mental characteristics.

>Pope Pius X condemned modernism as heresy by the way
So what? Did he do it ex cathedra? No. Did he call a council? No. It was just his personal opinion and it was never formally anathematized, so now it has been made infallible. Tough luck.

>Quotes from the Church Fathers pertaining to energeia are almost always taken out of context by internet Orthos like Dyer.
No, they aren't. Unlike low IQ Roman Catholics, I have actually read John of Damascus, Maximus the confessor, and Basil, and their theology is clear on the distinction (in fact, it doesn't even make sense unless the distinction is made). The theology is actually coherent as well, contrary to Roman Catholic theology which is internally inconsistent and incoherent. Roman Catholics just don't understand it because: 1. they're dumb as dog shit, 2. they don't understand the totality of Christian theology and its terms, due to their narrow augustinian focus, and 3. they have an emotional need to defend their poor theology because they are generally worthless cowards, which causes them to engage in mental gymnastics and Roman Catholic pilpul

It is a fact that all of those ideologies come from Catholicism (and Christianity in general).

We don't.

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It's talking about legitimate refugees, not hordes of foreigners imported for political purposes. You accuse me of having a low IQ and you can't make this distinction?

This conversation is fruitless - pearls before swine. You have been listening to too many internet Orthos, while simultaneously convincing yourself that you know all there is to know about the Catholic Church and Catholics that disagree with you are "dumb as dog shit".

>Fruits of the Catholic Church
>feminism, individualism, race mongrelization, liberalism, etc.
All things that you've mentioned are heretic and are resposable for the downfall of christianity in the west.

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ethno nationalists support genocide lol fucking retard and im catholic myself you dopes make us look like a joke with your liberation theology cancer holocaustianity

yea the anglos ethnicmixed and create le 56% mutts
same thing

A Christian can be made to deny reality because of their desire to live forever in heaven, their desire to see dead loved ones again, their fear of hell, and their fear of non-existence. The Jew preys upon these things in order to control them.

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I refuse to support any ideology or movement that denies the real problem of this age. a nigger Catholic is still a nigger. a goblino Catholic is still a goblino.
these faggots are trying to push the same shit as the leftest but repackaged as Christianity. literally the same universalism utopian bullshit. these people never learn and have no idea that they are leading us to the same hell.

I'm not opposed to civil nationalism but only on the condition that all non white immigration ends, including refugees or adoptions. the 3rd world needs to be kept out. then and only then would I support civil nationalism and letting the non whites be naturally assimilated and absorbed into the whole over time. however our masters always refuse compromise and just push the same tired shit repackaged.

>It's talking about legitimate refugees
No, it is talking about economic migrants. I know it's hard for you to comprehend what you read, since you are a low IQ Roman Catholic retard, but reread it a few dozen times, SLOWLY, and maybe you will be able to understand the meaning. I will quote the relevant line for you, to spare tour caved-in brain from having to work too hard: "the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin"

>This conversation is fruitless - pearls before swine. You have been listening to too many internet Orthos, while simultaneously convincing yourself that you know all there is to know about the Catholic Church and Catholics that disagree with you are "dumb as dog shit".
Case in point: typical cowardly and effeminate Roman Catholic "pilpul" response.