PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP / @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom REPORT /techbias
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / /
NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @reception w/JPN biz ldrs 5/25/ /video /?461142-101 / /DkzIe359y9k >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in Tokyo 5/25/ /video /?461142-1 / / /AZDWP_ciDdw >VP Pence Commencement Address @WestPoint 5/25/ /akpAgg1ZyCE >Pres Trump meets w/JBER Service Members 5/24/ / /video /683177 / /-8wLL4urH1U >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 5/24/ / /-ZvV2EoK4Y8 >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart WH 5/24/ /YYJ3v0w-75s >Pres Trump comments before departing WH 5/24/ /video /?461090-1 / >SoS Pompeo on OAN 5/24/ / /k2XXLdw-8bQ >ActDefSec Shanahan Commencement Address @USNA 5/24/ /video /683093 / /video /683141 / (full pt1) /video /683144 / (full pt2) >HUDSec SleepyBen on FBN 5/24/ /DOBwro7QU-4 >FCCCommr Carr on OAN 5/24/ /TGXYWkIp5To >ArrNige on FBN 5/24/ / /H9CPGKIJ1eo
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
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May 25, 2019 - 19:27
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May 25, 2019 - 19:27
I'm not baking the next one
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May 25, 2019 - 19:28
what was my line again?
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May 25, 2019 - 19:28
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May 25, 2019 - 19:28
>CNN pays the most
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May 25, 2019 - 19:28
Boi, I sure do hate niggers.
May 25, 2019 - 19:28
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May 25, 2019 - 19:28
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May 25, 2019 - 19:29
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May 25, 2019 - 19:29
Redpill me on William Jennings Brian /ptg/. I didn't get any good replies so i'll try again.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:29
>make brazil great again never gonna happen. the left still has a lot of power here, so bolsonaro can't do shit because of them.
May 25, 2019 - 19:29
I’m ending my week long fast today. Last time I checked I lost about 15-16 pounds. It feels amazing
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May 25, 2019 - 19:30
Fuck off boomer, we don't support this Jew anymore.
May 25, 2019 - 19:30
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May 25, 2019 - 19:30
Neither has done shit. Gay, sage and /thread. Fucking shills.
May 25, 2019 - 19:30
Awoovement, Fren. Also MIGA!
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May 25, 2019 - 19:31
>mfw fags get rejected from the community they started
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May 25, 2019 - 19:31
>>we kys
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May 25, 2019 - 19:31
Do you have the one that says make illegals go away
May 25, 2019 - 19:32
She’s right, but not for the reason she thinks...
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May 25, 2019 - 19:32
Melania expressions are best
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May 25, 2019 - 19:32
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May 25, 2019 - 19:32
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May 25, 2019 - 19:32
Two kike lover presidents! MIGA!
May 25, 2019 - 19:32
He did some retarded stuff, got into Wilson's admin, but realized Wilson was a big gay traitor and got disillusioned with him.
May 25, 2019 - 19:32
>Everyone looks down at their phones waiting for next flight Leave it to the big brains at CNN to think this helps viewership or brainwash anyone.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:32
i got 3 as the filename suggests. lets see..
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May 25, 2019 - 19:32
That doesn't make æny sense!
May 25, 2019 - 19:33
Evangelical that almost won the presidential election against McKinnley. He’s also known for attempting to remove the teaching of evolution in school, but failing.
May 25, 2019 - 19:33
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May 25, 2019 - 19:33
Bolsonaro is a kike puppet don't compare Trump to him
May 25, 2019 - 19:33
Meanwhile, in Boston
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May 25, 2019 - 19:34
They're so confident they don't need the gay vote anymore?
May 25, 2019 - 19:34
>communist twat doesn't "recognize her country anymore"
Good. It means we're doing something right.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:34
Is this an Onion article?
May 25, 2019 - 19:35
>they presume to be God's only people, to condemn all the world, and they expect their arrogance and boasting will please God...therefore be on your guard against such accursed, incorrigible people
May 25, 2019 - 19:35
Is this the bitch that did the breast milk blood ritual?
May 25, 2019 - 19:36
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May 25, 2019 - 19:36
Is that a nigger in the hood?
May 25, 2019 - 19:36
Good job refeed correctly tell us the net tomorrow.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:37
I wouldn't
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May 25, 2019 - 19:37
How dare you! I would never do that to my puppers.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:37
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May 25, 2019 - 19:37
>333 Checked, digits of truth.
May 25, 2019 - 19:37
God, I wish that were me.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:37
BREAKING: Museum apologizes for apologizing for telling black and brown students not to eat watermelon
May 25, 2019 - 19:38
trump is a kike puppet
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May 25, 2019 - 19:38
Trump's America is a shithole
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May 25, 2019 - 19:38
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May 25, 2019 - 19:38
He will be the first American PM
May 25, 2019 - 19:38
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May 25, 2019 - 19:39
Some yandere in Japan, luckily he survived!
May 25, 2019 - 19:39
Did she eat all the food in Honduras?
May 25, 2019 - 19:40
What's an expedited appeal?
May 25, 2019 - 19:41
Half way around the world and still on the job. That's my president.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:41
Wonder if he's use to it by now?
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May 25, 2019 - 19:42
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May 25, 2019 - 19:42
where the appeal has a shorter time till judgment from the appeals court. For security reasons generally.
May 25, 2019 - 19:42
I don't see why you Americans just don't hang traitors that deliberately want to kill your countrymen. They are basically terrorists aren't they?
May 25, 2019 - 19:42
Isn't it 4:40 am right now in Japan? Just how robust is his internal clock?
May 25, 2019 - 19:42
these judges are despicable
May 25, 2019 - 19:43
checked and all the food, period.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:43
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May 25, 2019 - 19:43
Love how they call that a "long gun" but and similar looking AR-15 is a "semi-automatic military assault machine gun"
May 25, 2019 - 19:43
Science is not allowed in the leadership void of Trump's America
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May 25, 2019 - 19:43
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May 25, 2019 - 19:43
Some of you meditating may have Seen her?
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May 25, 2019 - 19:44
all she can get
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May 25, 2019 - 19:44
Same reason your countrymen haven't killed Merkel and all her cronies.
May 25, 2019 - 19:45
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May 25, 2019 - 19:45
The majority of Americans don't want a wall. Most are against it according to virtually all polling. It used to be more popular before Trump politicized it.
May 25, 2019 - 19:46
Here's a recent one.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:46
Sumo is a magic ritual combat. When is it? Will Trump acquire another sacred relic? How deep will the friendship go? Will Sumo wrestlers appreciate cheap American Beef for Chanko? Will there be more exclusive frenship hats?
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May 25, 2019 - 19:46
>getting closer to
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May 25, 2019 - 19:46
excuse me but the DSMfuckers can burn in the fires of hell
May 25, 2019 - 19:46
Science has no power in this world.
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May 25, 2019 - 19:47
apparently the UK thought 1984 was an instruction manual
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May 25, 2019 - 19:47
That is an AR-15 with a high capacity 60rnd magazine
May 25, 2019 - 19:47
She running?
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May 25, 2019 - 19:47
Theyve gotten so big. I remember when they look like weird little turds.
May 25, 2019 - 19:47