Lads, why aren’t you reading Jordanetics by Vox Day?

Lads, why aren’t you reading Jordanetics by Vox Day?

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Its called Youtube nigger

>unironically doesn't read
>isn't a nigger themselves

please continue with the jewtubes, young goy

vox day is gay

I don't mind Vox's videos but, I've read too many great authors and I don't think he would be very good... prefer his verbal/visual presentations...

Stick to comics and jewtube

I'm sure hes right about Peterson for the most part tho.

Teddy Spaghetti

Wash your penis, leaf.

my take is the exact opposite. ive been reading his blog for 15 years, read a few of his books, but have absolutely zero interest in his videos. of course, i watch very few videos, period. its so much faster and precise to read someones arguments rather than waiting for them to blah blah blah about something in a vid

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It's stupid. His streams with Peterson critique were much better than the book itself.

Because I was told to clean out my closet

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