Christian leftism

Why are leftists now claiming to be Christians and using the Bible to promote their ideology? They’re saying shit like,”hurr Jesus would be socialist, refugees welcome”. Fuck, they are even now claiming the abortion is not a sin and that god wants you to choose, even faggots claiming homosexuality is not a sin,I remember reading that there was a gay Christian film festival in Atlanta. Why are they doing this?

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Leftist assholes cherry-picking Bible quotes to dishonestly shame right-wingers into supporting their garbage policies has always existed.

(You) know which comic goes here

>"Grace and peace in the Lord. Dear sir and good friend, I have received a treatise in which a Jew engages in dialog with a Christian. He dares to pervert the scriptural passages which we cite in testimony to our faith, concerning our Lord Christ and Mary his mother, and to interpret them quite differently. With this argument he thinks he can destroy the basis of our faith."

- Martin Luther

True, but now they are claiming to be Christians and having lgbtq+ pastors, can’t even think of a bible quote that promotes abortion but somehow they’ve done it

Leftism evolved from judeo-christian slave morality so its only natural.

Because this is what ideological subversives do. They're like parasites.

They care not for telling truth but what doing whatever it takes to defeat their enemy...

I'd admire their determination if it wasn't for the fact that everything they push for will ultimately lead to our destruction, including their own.

Because they don't understand Christianity

Reminder that Jesus never fullfilled any prophecies, he merely took verses out of context from other biblical characters and roleplayed that this somehow was a prediction about him.

Immanuel was a person that was born, and so on with many other prophecies. Also it had nothing to do with any messiah, but with winning over Assyria.
Because SJW bullshit comes from the protestant and puritan tradition.

They are the new version of ChristCuckisim

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Don’t niggers identify as Christian more than any other race in America and vote over 80% democrat?

Literally saged, you ass talking faggiy

Christianity is a religion of niggers and chinks most whites are atheists or Ultracalvinists/SJWs

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Most Whites in America are Christian. Most conservative whites in America. Christianity doesn’t fix people and make them conservative but we can’t afford to alienate the majority of right wingers.

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Christians usually do things strategically fuck the right over, like Reagan's amnesty and the upcoming Black baby boom,

The amendment proposed by Pic related had Reps voting against and dems for even though this would help the republicans in the long term.

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If the left want Jesus they can have him. He was an insane doomsday prophet no different from Greta Thunberg.

Even the devil can cite scripture

She is just trying to get some time of school, cant say i wouldn't at least consider pulling the crap she did when i was a kid if i knew it would work.

Its the adults entertaining and capitulation of this bullshit for political reasons who are the real cancer.

But at least Greta Thunberg actually exists she has that one over Jesus!

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Have you been to any of those churches? I have. They are right wing in their voting patterns and even then it doesnt go further then the gop neoconism. If you talk to these people you'll find that they love minorities, hate nationalism and are basically run by the women in the churches while their meb submissiviely agree. Hell, look at your own chart, if we used this as reasoning less than half of them are even right wing enough to vote for neo con boomers let alone true right wing candidates. So at most we should be nice to the first nine on this chart while crapping on the rest.

It was mistake to release then into america, it was the jews who brought them though.
Mistake, our men have always been weak in regards to our women. This needs to be rectified.
Mistake pushed by jews which we submissively allowed to happen.
Mistake we are paying for now.
Mistake we are paying for now
Due to jews, women and minorities. Due to our past mistakes

Stop compromising for dipshits who bend over for our enemies and for somebody to be "based" they need to earn it,

Actions are louder than words
pic related
>it was the jews who brought them though
Literally a Get out of jail free card.

Who aided and abetted them Your refusal to call out the people who go along with this shit is why the vulnerability will always be there.

Kvetching about them isn't going to help in any way whatsoever

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based Newt not giving a damn about religious fanatics.