Why are leftists now claiming to be Christians and using the Bible to promote their ideology? They’re saying shit like,”hurr Jesus would be socialist, refugees welcome”. Fuck, they are even now claiming the abortion is not a sin and that god wants you to choose, even faggots claiming homosexuality is not a sin,I remember reading that there was a gay Christian film festival in Atlanta. Why are they doing this?
Christian leftism
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Leftist assholes cherry-picking Bible quotes to dishonestly shame right-wingers into supporting their garbage policies has always existed.
(You) know which comic goes here
>"Grace and peace in the Lord. Dear sir and good friend, I have received a treatise in which a Jew engages in dialog with a Christian. He dares to pervert the scriptural passages which we cite in testimony to our faith, concerning our Lord Christ and Mary his mother, and to interpret them quite differently. With this argument he thinks he can destroy the basis of our faith."
- Martin Luther
True, but now they are claiming to be Christians and having lgbtq+ pastors, can’t even think of a bible quote that promotes abortion but somehow they’ve done it
Leftism evolved from judeo-christian slave morality so its only natural.
Because this is what ideological subversives do. They're like parasites.
They care not for telling truth but what doing whatever it takes to defeat their enemy...
I'd admire their determination if it wasn't for the fact that everything they push for will ultimately lead to our destruction, including their own.
Because they don't understand Christianity
Reminder that Jesus never fullfilled any prophecies, he merely took verses out of context from other biblical characters and roleplayed that this somehow was a prediction about him.
Immanuel was a person that was born, and so on with many other prophecies. Also it had nothing to do with any messiah, but with winning over Assyria.
Because SJW bullshit comes from the protestant and puritan tradition.
They are the new version of ChristCuckisim