You're retarded if you think God as described in the bible torah or quran is real.
Free will is God's gift to man. Without free will one could not experience the full extent of life. For the good exists in contrast to the bad. This gift to man caused Lucifer to rebel and thus was cast out to accommodate those who fail in God's path. Free will is a sign of love from God.
This sort of abstract shit doesn't sit well with most.
God doesn't wanna prove to me exists?
Then fuck that peek-a-boo motherfucker.
He basically wanted me to go to hell from the start because he hid from me on purpose.
Thomas the doubter literally got to stick his fingers into mortal wounds for proof -on top of knowing god's emissary - that's horseshit.
christniggers are pretty stupid, but even they can understand this shit
Freewill exist to test your moral code, fucking reddit man...
Free will, and ability to achieve your will are different. I have free will to lift a car, but not the ability.
Flag checks out.
how much free will does a tumor murderer have though? how forgiving is God truly? aren't all sinners just ignorant ultimately and does that mean they need to be punished eternally? inb4 Harris determinist