Is there a correlation between manlets and those that subscribe to anti-white sentiments?
It seems like those who hate whites the most have a napoleon complex that makes them feel inferior to the tall white chad they wish they were
Is there a correlation between manlets and those that subscribe to anti-white sentiments?
It seems like those who hate whites the most have a napoleon complex that makes them feel inferior to the tall white chad they wish they were
They're jews you stupid fucking asshole. That's the correlation.
Jared Kushner is like 6'4
Why do they look so sick?
They think the signaling will get them that sweet teenage commie pussy. It won't.
Read uncle ted
>Siren Kale
Journalists need to be mass murdered
Tall lanklet here. One of the most red pilled people I ever met was a jacked manlet. I would assume at large though that most manlets would feel self conscious and reject society and become anti social and would want to destroy their own race or others.
Just havn't seen enough evidence for one way or the other.
I'm a manlet but I've been part of this autistic movement 4 years now. I don't look like I inject onions though. Of course people who have big insecurities are more prone to get tricked into hating muh white man like these numales. Stop making this a height issue when it's clearly penis size issue. You hurt my feelings