God damn niggers ITS HAPPENING


Inb4 source niggers

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I can't believe it's actually happening......

>lactose intolerance

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Buckle up lads

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the poster below me works at McDonalds

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Wat the fuck niggers. Wat? I ain't clinking that shit

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Fuk it I'm clicking that shit

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Why are we still here...? Just to suffer...?

A poop just flewed from my dogs butt on my walk with him today, his name is ralphie ! haha ! it's happening !!

have a Great night guys

TF is your problem I am famous around these parts I get scoop before anybody, remember that kiddo.

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Click this shit instead. It is safer.

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you got me goys. i really thought its happening. thanks for teaching me a lesson. nothing does ever happen.

fuck you



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Fuck you nigger. 2 scoops. I get one two, except mine comes first. You better run your shit by me because I run shit around here you absolute aborted orphan.

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Your memes are so weak it's exhausting. Do you even know where your at? Your in my thread. This is my fucking thread now, where you meme like your pathetic life depends on it. You sir have died many times over. No More Respawns

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This is the worst fucking shit when you take a poo and flush but a tiny bit of crap breaks off and remains floating in the shitter so you have wait until the flushing tank recharges and waste a full tank just to flush that tiny piece again.

It's all those fucking american jewish-influenced toilet designs, I never had this problem when I had a german toilet with a poop shelf. They profit from it somehow, by making us waste more water, but I'm sure there's more to it.

Calm it down niggerlover

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