Question for White Nationalists

Hey there, if you guys weren't all a bunch of fat white basement-dweller NEET teens who play videogames and watch anime all day, and had the actual power in your hands to actually change the USA, what would you actually do with blacks and other minorities?

Just curious to read your opinions and proposals on that.

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Why should I answer your question?

Fuck the black women (darker the better, old slave romance don't ask) then turn the men into faggots and trannies, well luckily they're doing a good job at that, then make most black male celebs feminized, actually that's happening as well, hmmmmmm

America is the diaspora Nation.
Without Jews corrupting cultures and pitting the races against each other while simultaneously promoting miscegenation there would be no racial conflict. Illegals will be expelled, Jews arrested, and the People united under National Socialism. Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.. will remain ethnic homelands with 0 non-ethnic immigration.

I would encourage them to move to Africa or South America depending on their race. And I would encourage the whites to move to Europe. Imho USA belongs to the natives. They should not live in reservations but should own the country.

>what is Christchurch
get gassed, niggerbitch

So, basically black people and asians would be forbbidden of immigrating to Europe, europeans would be forbidden of moving to Africa and Asia, etc. Is that what you're suggesting? Complete isolation? People wouldn't be free to chose whoever the hell they want to love, marry, have sex with even if it's someone from another race?

Also, would all jews be arrested? Why exactly? Shouldn't only those who you think are 'corrupting' cultures the ones who should be arrested?

What the fuck? America is for the natives? That makes no sense, kiddo. What about the people who wouldn't want to move? What would you do with them? Would you force them to go? I bet the majority would be happy about leaving their homeland.

White nationalists are just a bunch of basement=dwelling LARPers. There are legitimate organizations that have some pretty dangerous people. I was invited to a "jamboree" after I left the Marines and the majority of those in attendance were former military. I was in the process of getting hired by a city fire department, so I really didn't want to have anything to do with these people, but they were organized. They also had Native Americans form the Mi'kmaq tribe in attendance as well. I don't like niggers, but even I didn't feel comfortable there.

stop giving out gibs so freely here in the usa and stop giving out "humanitarian" aide to other countries and spend that shit on our own country
better trains, subways, highways. A more secure electrical grid so some faggot in Ohio doesn't cause a massive east coast blackout.

>Complete isolation? People wouldn't be free to chose whoever the hell they want to love, marry, have sex with even if it's someone from another race?
Yes. I am quite free of all racial hatred but racemixing has never produced desirable results. A love for one's own culture and history will be promoted to the masses instead of disdain for their ethnic heritage.
>Also, would all jews be arrested? Why exactly?
Laws against harmful propaganda, Communism, kosher animal slaughter/abuse, supremacy disguised as religion (Judaism for example) and etc. would mostly affect Jewish people. Without an Israel they are forced to assimilate and history shows us the majority simple can not.

>I bet the majority would be happy about leaving their homeland.

I'd close the borders until 18-35 black male unemployment was under 6%, cut off all foreign aid, avoid foreign wars, audit the fed, encourage saving , encourage resilient communities to protect against global system disruption, restrict usury. Tax globalist corporations and invest in self sufficiency projects to protect against global economic collapse or isolation. And the other thing.

Make abortion and contraception easy to access and free of charge for all non whites.Then a vast campaign to demonise the act of procreation would be launched against the non whites (the usual environment, and female empowerment arguments would be used). This would be done to artificially reduce their birthrates far below replacement level and eventually lead to their extinction. In other words, I would do to them, what has been done to us.

>racemixing has never produced desirable results
What are your sources and arguments for that? It surely never hurted anyone and the USA was founded on the principles of freedom, letting someone chose whoever the hell they want to be with should be one of the basic things that the USA should provide for its citizens. What you're suggesting would be close to a world dictatorship, something similar to what China is today.

>Memeflaggot spouting memes

Separate and survive. Populations that wish to remain having a metropolitan multiculti system can have that, competition will weed out weaker systems, ethnat or not. Mao took and militarized the rural populace against the cities. Why can’t we?

Pic related. While miscegenation should not be criminalized, State-run propaganda will instead turn the tide to promote single race family units resulting in a rapid decreased of mixed families. Freedom means you're free to pursue health, happiness, and prosperity.

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China is based, I look forward to them leading the world while the United States descends into third world status.

Genocide is the only answer to the question you pose, op.

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>letting someone chose whoever the hell they want to be with should be one of the basic things that the USA should provide for its citizens.

You do know that most of the country had laws which made interracial marriage illegal right up until around the 1960s? This idea of America being founded upon "every man for himself" is a myth.

Fuck off with your data mining thread you Israel seeds whore.

I would be very nice to them and make sure they get all the money fo dem programs that they need

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we have nigger, 2016

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I would do an hall of cost.

Annihilate evil in their home countries and provide financial aid while we establish ethnocentric communities. Immigration is only tourist based.

mandatory interracial breeding grounds (white men only, non whites must watch as their women get fucked)

Love is a chemical stimulation in your brain. “True love” is the phenomenon of the chemicals of a “close friend” and “lover” mixing together.

Eat them alive.


"Geez, thanks for the explanation, Rick, I wouldn't know that without you".

the same they would do to us idiot kill them
difference is they can say it freely now we are oppressed and go to prison if we say it.


Give them jobs. They’d be miserable.

I'm pretty sure the majority of blacks wouldn't want a complete genocide of white people, since there are a lot of white people fighting side by side with them for more rights and equality.

>What would you actually do with blacks and other minorities
Separate from them then ignore them. Also probably maintain some independent multicult city states somewhere so everyone who wants that shit can just fuck off there and not force it upon the rest of the planet.

the blacks that dont want them all dead, will get killed by their own no problem
tribalism is a part off us
whites have been indoctrinated to forget this

>I'm pretty sure the majority of blacks wouldn't want a complete genocide of white people
Nah just a partial one but seriously yes they do they’ve been conditioned to hate us by years of kike media indoctrination.
T. Lived in the 8th ward of New Orleans for a year

Majority of blacks did not want integration during the civil rights movement, but it does not matter what the majority wants.

just go look at zimbabwe and tell me again when whites are the minority they wont get killed, and current day south africa lol

future of the west

Whites will never be the minority in the USA and african americans mentality are very very different from Zimbabwe's blacks mentality, it's not even comparable at all.

it's too late. the black belt in the South should have been given to, well, the blacks. but too many of them left, and the white people there are too attached to the land now.

this should have been addressed in 1865, but that moron shot Lincoln.

Never a minority to blacks, maybe, but hispanics are gonna outnumber us in 30 years even if immigration stops.

At this point I would balkanize the USA. Give three southern states to blacks, give New Mexico, Arizona and southern California to mexico. All non whites have to leave unless on a work visa, all non whites have US citizenship revoked immediately. The rest of the country. Build a massive wall. Troops enforce borders.

Blacks, browns, and yellows go back.
Jews get put in fake showers filled with insecticide.
Fsgs and trannies get thrown off roofs.
Women go in trash bags/cages.
Any further questions?

Fuck you. I am a native. Mind your own business.

More like kicked out for being a faggot.

"make america brown again"
"kill all whites" signs ive seen a few times, casually its ok no 1 cares.
millions of immigrants a year
over a hundred million non whites who breed and leech of tax payer money like its no ones problem
you have no idea what you are talking about

Based as fuck.

>And I would encourage the whites to move to Europe.
>from the country that hates their diaspora more than anyone other than Ireland
I hope you get nuked.

you should know by now everyone on Jow Forums is just roleplaying their favorite idols. Now stfu before i starve you.