Lauren Southern Borderless watch party

Lauren new documentary about the European migrant crisis is up.

I know she will never name the jew, is a zionist, and plotted with hope not hate against fellow zionist Tommy Robinson, BUT the documentary is worth a look. Share it with your cucked boomer parents or faggot friends to show them the light

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>off-topic jewish tradthot eceleb spam
just report these threads if youre tired of seeing them

im bout 10 mins in fren
still thinks shes a tranny though

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So far this is just Lauren Southern tries to get raped by turks and refugees, the film.

'Oh no that lady is a nazi I'm not going to listen to nazis. The TV and the Facebook told me so. Never give nazis a platform and never let their words reach people turn that off I'm not watching it'

Do her feet feature in the documentary at all?

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no but you can see her ass in tight jeans


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why does she sound like a man on hormone therapy?

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Lauren is not an e-celeb, she is the motherly voice of your generation.

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Save you guys some watch time, skip to 26 mins in.

I watched the whole thing and it was really boring.

does she feel ugly if she doesn't get raped?


how dare you!

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I thought Jewtube had blocked this earlier today?

This is what gets me about jew tube.
If they really wanted to get rid of it they would not let it be reuploaded. This ones already got 200k views. Wonder why. I doubt its incompetence.

@55 mins in and this shit is boring af
she doesnt even get raped

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Here she is with her mother (who is a CUTE).

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anyone else hate the director of these films?

This i've seen more redpilled docs about immigration on french tv than this shit.
Dur dur lets interviews niggers about why they came here.

Thats a dude bro, if it was a girl the outfit would be pink...
i swear shes a tranny, my trannydar is going off this entire film.

yeah her voice sounds deeper than usual in this film

her mum looks really young there. I wonder how old?

It was then I saw JF went live saying it was reuploaded. IDK

girls wear blue. Also if they had an older brother parents will reuse clothes rather than buy new wardrobes for every child that will grow out of them in a few months

god I wish that were me"eceleb spam" "report these threads" "tired of seeing them""eceleb spam" "report these threads" "tired of seeing them"

Fuck off spamnigger

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It's funny because it is always the first comment. And it is always the same post. Bots that respond to a list of youtubers?