Is this black man the face of Jow Forums?

Is this black man the face of Jow Forums?

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Attached: EDBD6382-77FD-4073-A24C-03C5E329EC45.jpg (720x720, 111K)

Does anyone actually care about right-wing e-celebs like him?

He claims to be a “liberalist.”

>off-topic anti-white jewish eceleb spam
just report these threads if youre tired of seeing them

Attached: sargon white genocide.jpg (861x333, 35K)

>a “liberalist.”
lol what?

Shabbos goy

Remember boyz Kos em al turdun

Maybe in 2016.

no it's this

Attached: 1533323015632.jpg (700x700, 109K)