Why am i not white if i'm 100% european?

why am i not white if i'm 100% european?

Attached: dna test.jpg (863x484, 41K)

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Because you're Italian

Italians in the 13 colonies were considered white and allowed to be american.

Italians are white. Fuck you nigger.

>says the guy from the country with one of the largest Italian diasporas
Amerimutt logic

This is only a useless fucking meme word,snap out of it cuck and stop bitching.Southern europeans were always darker than northerners,get over it

OP is 35% Italian. Does that make him Black enough to say the N-word?



You are, anyone who disagrees is not white on principal.

kek you’re alt-white

Attached: 5AA1E432-D554-4DAF-99B6-13934D03121F.jpg (721x388, 54K)

Why do you take D/C shilling to your heart? Italians and Greeks are genetically part of the European cluster. If white means European, then they are white. Are Germanics that get a tan in the sun non-white?