Are you literally stupid enough to think that brown eggs are organic or some shit?
brown eggs are literally just a different color because of the species of chicken that laid them, there is nothing special about them beyond that. Factory farms can have Rhode Island Red hens laying brown eggs along with their leghorn hens white eggs.
the only difference is the fucking color, brown eggs are no more organic than white eggs. If you're buying brown eggs you're a nigger.
pic related is the superior chicken.
But user, some of my chickens lay brown eggs. Why should I stop eating them?
And this ic related is a shit colored feather brown egg layer.
know the difference it could save you from getting scratched by talons.
so you have nigger chickens among your coop.
I thought the white ones were bleached because they were from further away.
Delaware chickens have worked best for me.
Brown better both in eggs and humans.
I only brought it up because someone in another thread on Jow Forums said white eggs come from factory farms, but brown eggs don't.
Behold my giant majestic white cock!!!!
BBC forever btfo!
Stop using "literally" in every fucking sentence, retard.
Free range chickens are better. I just like brown eggs because I can break something brown and cook it’s insides on a skillet in the morning.
wrong they're both niggers and both come from niggers.
how obvious can it be when brown eggs literally come from brown chickens and white eggs literally come from white chickens?
Brown eggs taste better.
Emu > goose > duck > chicken eggs.
no, you.
prove it
>dinosaur's are extin-
chicks love the BWC
Do a blind taste test.
>when you encounter a gold crown kut-ku in monster hunter
I won't because I already know there is no difference.
Also, blue eggs are better than brown or white eggs. but you've never had your own chickens so you don't know there are species that lay blue eggs.
It's pretty laughable when the brown eggs cost more than the white ones. They're the same. Stop bsing me.
If I ever get store bought ones I pick out the cheapest. I literally don't care if they are factory farmed.
First off, they taste better.
Secondly, I need the brown eggs so I can make a nigress eat ALL the eggs.
Americauna or whatever. I live in country and they call em easter egg chickens
>they taste better
no they don't
90% of you fags don't even know it when you're eating rooster cum.
The idea of enslaved chickens making babies then getting them stolen for my breakfast really gets me going in the morning. It only feels right that they would be brown.
I say now lookie heeyah!
You are retarded.
Dude, they definitely taste better. They are firmer and cook easier. The best restaurants always use these for their breakfast menus.
They also have a higher chance of being double yolked.
I almost spit out my chocolate milk.
Also, checked.
I'm here from the leaf food thread.
Did I really hit a nerve with you over brown eggs?
Is there a price difference in usa between white and brown eggs?
Yeah, brown eggs are typically sold as free range meaning it costs more to make em...allegedly