What exactly is cultural Marxism?
What exactly is cultural Marxism?
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Its when you ensure that everyone in a country follows the same culture. Essential China forcing everyone to look at the same sources of entertainment.
It is a derogatory term for what academics call critical theory.
Anything I don't like.
What did Jow Forums read today?
Everything wrong with the west
Not OPs fucking meme, that shit was way tldr. Why the fuck do they have put a short story in every fucking meme they make? A cartoon frog and the word nigger is all you really need.
Emancipatory politics
>you are wrong and I refuse to tell you why
>please someone arrest this man for wrongthink
The absolute state of leftists
Communists were shocked when the revolution in Russia failed to extend to other countries. Some thought it failed because of the institutions of the West that placed a strong emphasis on individualism, family, Church, and tradition.
The "long march through institutions", cultural Marxism, is designed to destroy these institutions. When times are tough people turn to family, they turn to their Church. But if you destroy the family people have to turn to government instead. If you destroy religion people have to turn to the state instead. You take over schools and universities and push contempt for individualism and call all traditions evil, and force trash curriculums all about how we have to destroy the past and work towards a new socialist future.
One the culture of self responsibility is destroyed global communism will be tried again.
That is cultural Marxism.
Hitler called it Cultural Bolshevism. Marx was anti-semitic, he all but predicted that jews would make global socialism impossible.
A mutation of old-school Marxism. Instead of focusing on economic equality, it's about cultural equality, for example not being able to find music in your native language at a typical record store. Hence its being against "white privilege" in America (for the Mexicans) and "Chinese privilege" in Singapore (for the Malays).
Call it by its real name, Cultural Bolshevism. Marxism has nothing to do with it.
The polite way to say kikery.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives.
Marx was a jew.
it's an evolution of traditional marxism which used class distinction to stratify society and seize power. See the principles of marxism destroyed the economy. there was no wealth to reap from the masses. This new kidn of marxism was going to apply the same thinking, but to race and gender instead. Hoping to cause identity warfare to seize power. All maintaining the pseudo-free market crony-capitalist system we currently have, which allows for wealth generation AND corruption.
But Marx was still a jew.
An anti-semitic jew that would have gassed Adorno and Freud.
This would be a million times more effective if it briefly explain why Marxism is at odds with postmodernism, it would take one or two panels at most
Marx was openly anti-semitic. Hitler never uttered the term Cultural Marxism once, he always called it Cultural Bolshevism.
That's a disingenuous cartoon Singapore and you should be ashamed for sharing it. Just read the abolition of man and you will know the green book is cultural Marxism.
A shift from regular Marxism to work better during the Cold War where one blames Western (read:white) culture and its privileged inhabitants and their oppression of various minorities for every disparity in the world.
No it isn't.
This, though its critical theory taken to logical yet absurd conclusion. A never ending critique of the status quo without a defined destination of goal.
It's when Marxists unite with postmodernists the same way that Republicans oftentimes unite with Christians despite there being obvious ideological tensions there.
>le ebin definition switcharoo argument
Semantics is the only thing they are good at.
jew commie rule under a different name
>that cartoon
It's not really snappy, is it. The Left struggles with brevity, for some reason.
>I am silly
Marxists always get uppity when you mention cultural marxism. Go take a Midol.
Too bad he didn't gas himself.
Im wrapping up the kaufman translation of thus spoke zarathustra
"Critical theory" is just another name for cultural Marxism, which is a big steaming pile of dog shit.
>Marx was openly anti-semitic.
All Jews are, they are the most perfidious and immoral people each Jew will know, only united by their contempt and greed to live off the backs of Gentiles.
Marxists are rarer than National Socialists in 2019. You're dealing with power hungry jews that want to enslave the world, doctrine be damned. Bolshevik means major party, ie. whatever will get you into power.
that cripple better fear fascists, he would be the first to go to the showers.
WTF If I wanted to read a fucking novel, I'd read Mein Kampf. You fucking do memes on the internet, not things that look like your fucking quoting pages of a dictionary you dumb nigger faggot.
>A cartoon frog and the word nigger is all you really need.
Imagine if science was treated this way.
"Who needs book learning? Magic words are all I need!"
a couple of common jew stereotypes are love of exaggeration and lack of brevity
destruction of the current society in order to create temporary anarchy to make it easier to have full-blown communism
Even Hitler spoke fondly of Marx's assessment of industrial Germany, Hitler vehemently disagreed with his assessment of hierarchy. Hitler's very rise from lowly soldier to absolute ruler blew apart the Marxist myth.
If full-blown communism was their goal I wouldn't be posting here right now.
A jew all the same
one who promoted a form of socialism that allows for a group of ethnic tribals to circumvent and destroy the soceity from within
There are only TWO forms of socialism the jew ever aposed.
Liberterian socialism (true Anarchism)
and National Socialism
The former because it denied existence of all higherachies and all power (inherently denying the jews power)
And the latter because it put the needs of the nation first and
as a matter of policy
denied the jew power,
This is why Marxism itself is not attacked by the corperate media while national socialism is
The only communist leader who is held in any great disregard by the public is stalin,and this is actually for the crime of killing jews for which the jews branded him, as they brand allmost all men who even vaguely rebel against them "a mass murderer"
There is a never ending slew of hollywood propaganda films regarding the holocaust but not a single one about the holdomor
why is this?
because national socialism is threat to and marxism in and of itself is not
because it allows jews to gain power
just as "capitalism" does, tho know trully supports this other then in the form of the creation of corperate privelege and
as even chompsky points out
completely turn the 180 when it comes to corperate wellfair
The only "communist" nations that are portrayed in negative lights in US movie propaganda reals are nations such as veitnam or cuba
both were both nationalistic independent nations that refused both the power of international finance and international marxism
almost as if they had some strange combination of nationalism and socialism?
These nations are thus regarded as enemies of the ((elietes)) who are in truth non-ideological
any system of power which allows them to gain controll is acceptalbe
anyone who stands in their way is silenced
>vids related
>It is a derogatory term
It's the actual correct term going by the goals and ideology. Academics call it critical theory because Marxism has failed so many times that nobody wants that shit anymore. It's a dishonest subversive way to push for another attempt at Marxist ideas, just applying them to society first rather then to the economy. Anyone who teaches "critical theory" should be sentenced to death via Brazen Bull.
>imagine if we took that approach with something completely unrelated, like science
powerful argument there leaf
>Marxists are rarer than National Socialists
Prove it
What philosophical text is that from
Here’s a hysterical overview of cultural marxism if anyone wants a laff.
Tl;dr: it’s anti-semitic to criticize cultural marxism
Riddley Walker
Most of you "Conservative Americans" don't even know what Marxism is.
more jew bullshit fac marxism is a jewish face of the jew conspiracy, cultural marxism just like cultural zionism is the same thing more faggot mind war and lies by your bullshit judaic propagandists.
"tikkum olam" means the WORLD, the WORLD, not the litttle satanic sliver of shit jew kike hell known as the child fucking faggot terror state of Israhell, not just the intertional jew "community" and all it infects...the WHOLE DAMN WORLD...
admitted by every jew in existence teaching "tikkum olam" which is a covert way of saying world judaic domination
But Marx never write the words cultural bolshevism
something the CIA made up to scare boomers
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews.
In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.
This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill
I said prove it, dickhead.
Marx died before Bolshevism came about. The founder and first head of the Red Army was a jew, Lev Bronstein, but he was only interested in absolute power and global enslavement. Doctrine was simply a means to this end.
Bela Kun promtoed faggotry, pedophilia, and incest reminder cultural marxism is what marxism truly is the ugly stripped down mask for judaic objectives for world domination under the talmud-zohar-mishnah which currently the entire world almost live under
This comic was made by atheists who have never read the Bible
Currently reading. Bretty good so far.
the image tells you why
Bela Kun was a jewish hangman that reigned in Hungary for only 130 days. Marx wasn't pro-homo and his writings had nothing to do with globohomo.
>when the goys question your meme flag.
Marx wrote a jewish pile of Rothchild drivel and diversionment to create a mind control political cult and auxillary force for the jews to launch their kike revolutions in 1848 to destroy European Christendom it was beaten back by the Czar who then was prime target number 1 for destruction by these satanic judenrats
First video is very good, not watched the others yet
It's a way of creating class divisions for the purpose of "revolution."
Basically you spend all your time focusing on problems without offering any solution except
>This is because Capitalism...
Nevermind that every attempt at communism, has failed because of the same damn problems.
You haven't even read Marx. The 1848 revolutions had nothing to do with Marxism, read this.
It's to Marxism what abortion is to life.
Basically, the ideological promise of Marxism failed, and the analytical stuff was too hard to understand anyway. So it developed into organised grivances, backed up by pseudo-scientific 'research'. First through the first postmodernists, who just "deconstructed" everything, and later through the SJWs, who hold MUH OPPRESSHUN as the central concept in society, and bascially think everything else if fake.
The problem with this is that society and culture, according to marxism, is 100% the result of material conditions, as it is a materialist ideology. If a materialist wanted to change a society, it would forcefully change the material conditions and expect society to naturally shift as a result of it.
The claim that this 'cultural marxism', which wants to manipulate and control society directly, in the expectation that material conditions will be changed if social conditions changed (affirmative action will make blacks less poor, for example), is the exact opposite of materialist thinking, it is idealist thinking; the assertion that the material conditions are secondary to the societal one.
So what people call cultural marxism, is the exact opposite of the very basic foundational principals of marxism.
The image tells you that apparently if you read enough propaganda
you to can believe the bullshit.
its honestly a genius propaganda tactic
portray your enemy as less intelligent/literate for holding the opposite position and hope no one calls you out on the debates merits
if you are seriously incapable of proving someone completely unknowledgeable on the subject a retard in debate you my friend need to take some clases in oratory.
> I am silly
false Marx was a sex pervert and drunkard
Americans take Hitler's term Cultural Bolshevism and morph it into Cultural Marxism. Then you take everything jews have done to us (except Christianity, the most destructive of all) and claim the writings of anti-semitic Marx are responsible. It's beyond retarded.
Read these old Leftist publications, Chang
>there are people on Jow Forums right now who haven't read Fanged Nomuna,
Max Horkheimer gets tossed out of germany for pushing Desmond is Amazing
Goes to New York and gets a job at Columbia as department head because Jew
Hires Theodor Adorno who writes the Authoritian Personality
Basically everything is white supremacy and the nazi boogieman is hiding under every bed waiting to holocaust jews.
This critical theory gets pushed to every college and university in the country because Jews
Every company and media outlet adopts these stances because jews
>you are here
facts vs you insanity, Marx was a child fucking been fucked talmudic demon related to the Rothschild dirty jew freemason involved in their kikey plans of 1848
I know more about the Tsar and his downfall than all of you do.
Where did all you mentally ill American stormniggers come from? You ruined what we had going.
>I am silly
a person who will instantly just claim what ever it is you say is untrue or propaganda can not be debated, they can be shot.
I have typed countless multiple-post long explanations of historical materialism on Jow Forums only to be replied to with helicopter memes.
In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
Interesting analysis. To be fair, I think the term is used only by its opponents, whereas its followers prefer postmodernism, intersectionality, etc.
Moses Hess Marx's teacher and basically Rabbi would disagree
Marxism did not formulate his theories with knowledge of darwinism dude
origin of species came out about 10 years after the communist manifesto
and when marx retroactively attempted to cover the basis he still fell short
His entire theory was based on the enlightenment era ideal of human equality to the point that he actually believed ACTUAL social constructs like class were some inherent laws and trends of nature
he called for the abolishment of hierarchies when said hierarchies are inherent to biological life and the nature of competition
marx, however eloquent of moving you find him was wrong from the first word.
At least admit you stole Hitler's term Cultural Bolshevism and morphed it into your silly, nonsensical, low IQ phrase.
It's a mutation on marxism that carries postmodern tendencies.
The comprehension that the pressupositions of orthodox marxism regarding social structure were wrong and an adaptation of it.
In orthodox marxism infra-structure consistent of economics determines the nature of the super-structure: culture, religion, values and so on. Cultural marxists discovered it's the other way around (mainly because Marx was a brainlet) and seek to attack the "super-structure" instead. In other words, culture. Subvert the culture by using the same dialetical opposition between oppressor and oppressed, create various cliques to subvert social institutions and assure the success of the revolution by breeding an entirely new culture.
Postmodernism mingles into that with the ideas of structuralism, deconstrutionism and so on. Cultural marxism is a mix of those theories encompassing critical theory and the classic class struggle on other terms.
It's not out of the blue that leftists throw this card as Zizek did to Peterson. They just forget to say that all post-modernist advocates fit in with the left in general, which has been dominated by marxists for more than a century now.
you are the one thats mentally ill faggot all of this is admitted history judenrat, another example of a lying JIDFer this is Jow Forums not a Hasbara meeting in some basement of ZOG
Whoops, you mean leftists used to promote the concept of Cultural Marxism amongst themselves?
Hey leaf, you seeing this shit, you scum fucker?