Women Happier Unmarried & Childless Says Expert

That's right, goyim

>A British behavioural scientist says women are happier in life when they are unmarried and childless.

>And happiness isn't the only benefit for that group of the population - they also live longer than their married and child-rearing peers.

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>Professor Paul Dolan from the London School of Economics and Political Science analysed research gathered as part of the American Time Use Survey which compared the pleasure and misery of married, unmarried, divorced, separated and widowed women.

>Data from that survey showed that married women reported happiness levels higher than single women, but only when their spouse was in the room.

>"Married people are happier than other population subgroups, but only when their spouse is in the room when they're asked how happy they are. When the spouse is not present: f**king miserable," Dolan said while speaking at a book festival in Wales.

>Dolan says the survey's evidence showed that traditional markers of happiness such as marriage and children no longer satisfy women.

>However, the same can't be said for men, who seem to thrive in a traditional family unit.

>"We do have some good longitudinal data following the same people over time, but I am going to do a massive disservice to that science and just say: if you're a man, you should probably get married; if you're a woman, don't bother."

>Men benefited from marriage because they "calmed down", Dolan said. "You take less risks, you earn more money at work, and you live a little longer. She, on the other hand, has to put up with that and dies sooner than if she never married. The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children," he concluded.

>Nevertheless, Dolan said single, childless women still face social stigma which could threaten that happiness.

>"You see a single woman of 40, who has never had children - 'Bless, that's a shame, isn't it? Maybe one day you'll meet the right guy and that'll change.' No, maybe she'll meet the wrong guy and that'll change. Maybe she'll meet a guy who makes her less happy and healthy, and die sooner."



That must be why the happiness index for women has been plummeting for 30 years while divorce rates and single motherhood are on the rise.

Yeah women are all incredibly happy these days as marriage rates go down and fertility plummets

> believing what women tell you
I hope my tax dollars didn't pay for these idiots

Women really don't know what is going on in their own heads. Their idea of themselves and what they actually do is so separate. Perhaps they are like androids "I don't see anything"

I want more wives, one just isn't enough to satisfy my needs. It's not right I cum like 10 times a day I need to be able to mate with more than one woman as God intended.

Just more paid propaganda to divide the families.

>Professor Paul Dolan

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Most likely the retard is comparing the happiness of young single women with old married women.

I remember listing to a lot of radio when I was twelve to thirteen and realizing that whatever the host was saying about an Issue I agreed with eventually. I then discovered that I wasn't immune to brain washing and tried to resist but still fell for so much obvious tricks.
Women stand no chance unfortunately "I can't go against the village! I'll starve!"
They think the media is their community

>Spouse: Karen Dolan
So when does he plan on getting divorced?
Being a married man is literal misogyny that harms the woman's happiness after all.

Yeah, because all the whores I know are so happy about their un-Spiritual side of a relationship.



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>>Men benefited from marriage because they "calmed down", Dolan said.

stopped reading there.

This, they are trying to give wome this falehood of wanting more in a society, and that they are being a pressed somehow by men. They are trying to go against the nature of man and women.

nothing makes socially confident women feel like failures more than marriage does

we should all be striving to start our own harems of white genetics

>Paul Dolan is Professor of Behavioural Science in Psychological and Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science.


>the innocuously titled (and quite prestigious) London School of Economics was founded in 1885 by the Fabian Society. The Fabians were socialists in the true sense of the term, not in the Bernie Sanders welfare-state sense of the term. They were against profit and thought the government should run industry. They also realized that proclaiming such views openly would not go over well with the general population. As such their chosen symbol was _literally_ a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The New Right by Michael Malice, Chapter 11

I don't doubt the findings, but it's not a universal phenomenon but a social/economic one. No one wants to be struggling with kids, having no money or time to do anything but work and wipe its ass. Parenthood is a nightmare in these times of wageslavery.

Even if they could make 4 day work-weeks more common, with most employees getting monday or friday off in addition to saturday/sunday, I think you'd see positive effects on this kind of stuff because people would have time to get things done while public servies are still available.

my licence has been expired for a few months and I just havent had the time to go to the ministry of transportation to get it renewed because... i work all day everyday and they aren't open on weekends.

tl;dr this is a prodect of wageslavery. we must demand 4day workweeks.

women believe other women.

their loss.

I realize you can now say anything without anyone calling it into question so long as you put 'expert' at the end of it.

>this is a prodect of wageslavery

Not really you should move here, it's like being in the US in the 60's.

It's sad really, digging their hole to hell

If you assume every moment of happiness is equal and preclude the fact that childless unmarried women will typically die experiencing existential dread to an unmatched degree then sure maybe.

I dated two girls at once back when I was a younger man. Good times. They both knew and were into it. Actually I was dating just the one then she invited her friend in and it went from there. I can't go back now though, the Beach Boys were right.

LSE is hands down the biggest globalist clown world indoctrination centre of a university in the UK. I got in there, went to one of their open days and decided to turn them down within a few hours of being around those insufferable self satisfied cunts. This was almost 10 years ago, and I wasn't even Jow Forums tier at the time.

My mom told me when she was entering her thirties her biological clock was going "boom boom boom"
Married an much younger guy immediately.
I can imagine the women ignoring this urge have in come out in strange ways

different marriages have different happiness rates
trad marriages are the happiest by far, I wonder what the comparison is between single life and trad marriage
otherwise he's just getting an overview of a broadly leftist marriage landscape, which obviously is shit



Every time brehs


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>Married an much younger guy immediately.

turbo degenerate

>turbo degenerate

You aren't wrong

I really love to see how this pan out

Did they use test subjects for 20 years before making this claim?

>orders another 60 anti-depressants from the (((doctor)))
>kills self

Both count as “happy” because technically she is not unhappy.

>A British behavioural scientist says women are happier in life when they are unmarried and childless.
(((Newshub))) every fucking time!!!

Actually read his shitty wiki. He's a fucking (nu) leftist if I ever saw one, and an establishment stooge to boot.

The kikes are really turning up the heat. I wonder what you white goyim are going to do?

>Live longer
>Don't have kids
>Make everyone else in society pay for their retirement because the selfish fucks didn't procreate
>Lack of children leads politicians to make arguments that we need immigrants from third world shit holes to fill employment opportunities
>Country becomes 1st world shit hole
>But at least "you're happier" than if you had kids

You shouldn't strive to be happy, you should strive to be useful.

>When the spouse is not present: f**king miserable,
such scientific response

Women get made fun of for wanting children these days by their peers. They'll just say "oh honey it's just hormones, ignore it. You don't really want a child. Your body is just telling you to have one." this a common thing for career women to say. Many are pressured to not have children or they can't advance their career, and society now looks down on stay at home moms who are traditional and don't want to work jobs so they can give care to their babies. Society hates motherhood now.

They talked about these 'findings' in church once. They all laughed and agreed.

(((Society))) hates everything that makes us natural humans, havent you noticed?

Yes goys! Be afraid! Hate white women. Believe our cherry picked degeneracy examples. Let Tyrone and Jamal impregnate them. Just play vidya. Women are too much trouble!

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Um like honestly we just need to unpack this PoC's art in a post-colonial context and understand that he's just expressing frustration with the lived experience of systemic racism that black and brown bodies face every single day. Complaining about this should be hate speech, nazi incels. Have sex.

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If an expert told you to invite me to your house and suck my Aryan Anaconda would you listen to them?