Only 3.5% burgers identify as fags.
Do Fags' Votes Really Matter?
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1% of the population are jews, and yet the nation is culturally, financially, politically, economically, academically and judicially jewish
so, yes. their votes matter more than yours, goy
>Only 0.35% of burgers identify as fags.
>Downplaying fags
Talmud says that's how life works
Imaging feeling the need to pander/ virtue signal to such a small portion of the population. I pray Swalwell's children grow up to be trans sodomites
Last I checked it was like 6%
Considering the state Americans are in, I'm sure faggot zoomers in America are propagandized to suck dick as well so I can safely say more than 10% at this point
>3.5% burgers identify as fags
Ya but it gets votes from fag enablers as well
No, Gallup puts it at 3.8% as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender COMBINED.
CDC puts it officially at 2%.
But, like you said, 'Zoomers' are indoctrinated and mindless as hell. Look at pic related from a public school in California.
Last year it was 4.5 and online surveys went as high as 7%
PBS said 3.5% in 2016
(((Gallup))) said 4.5% in 2017
Yes, for two reasons. One they're consistently mobilized, fags vote in every election and almost always for democrats. In a close race it makes all the difference. The second reason is that the fag lobby which gets lots of donation from every day joe faggots, which in turn channels the money to mobilize more left wing voters.
If he wants fag votes he should try shoving the flagpole up his ass.
Most fags already live in blue states.
Why do you think those states remain blue?... You just found one reason.
If your district or state has a lot of fags then yes their votes can matter for you to get elected. Same with race.
>Why do you think those states will remain blue?
Because they import / breed shitskins. Pic related shows fags by percentage. Do you see Republican winning California, Washington, Oregon, or NY soon anytime soon?
Isn't this the same faggot who tweeted that if people didn't give up their guns, the government would drop nukes on the country?
notice his fag flag still has creases. that means he just put it up for this pic and prob ripped it down after maybe. at the very least he only put the flag up for the pic. i bet they don’t even care about fags they just know it gets them voted to do this shit
what a dumb nigger
They don't really care about the fags, trannys and other degenerates. What they do care about is showing their voters that they care about these freaks by empty virtue signaling.
>Only 3.5% burgers identify as fags.
then how do you explain all the US posters here?
I don't want some faggot who thinks pic related is love and affection representing me. There's a reason why LGBTSDGEGSJCIDNDJHCUXJSNXJJFJD are only 2.1% total population - it's unsustainable and a medical, economic, social, and military danger (even a crisis) to us all.