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What does Jow Forums frequently lie about?
Samuel Lewis
Grayson Hall
Sebastian Anderson
I tell everyone that I'm 6' 5" but I'm really 6' 2"
Hudson Wilson
So you’re a manlet and a compulsive liar? KYS
Juan Martin
You couldn't fuck your way out of a paper bag.
Benjamin Mitchell
AND you’re stupid?
Gavin Green
i tell women that i care about them.
Joshua Baker
Common knowledge facts of the Holocaust as established by eye witness accounts and the Nuremberg trials and that we have all studied extensively in school over and over again from our youngest days
Wyatt Thompson
I say "nice to meet you"
It never is.
Easton Gonzalez
Connor Adams
that was intended to be a reply to OP not
Andrew Peterson
White peepo have tiny Dicks
Bentley Watson
"im fine"
Levi Hughes
I pretend to be a mutt just to piss off Jow Forums.
Hunter Jackson
This fucking meme again....
Grecoroman art depicts men with small penises as large ones were consisered belonging to a savage nature.
I wonder why the fuck are liberals and cucks so obsessed with penises?
Zachary Gomez
Cameron Barnes
And you don’t even go outside. Next?
Hudson Adams
I always say I like to kill jews in minecraft, but I've never even played minecraft.
Christian Green
Noah Hall
I'm 6'5", but I tell everyone I'm 6'2"
Elijah Foster
Stormfags, pajeets, pakis, nigs, /x/philes, pedes et al. will believe anything as long as it's in an infograph, and congruent with their world view. It literally takes 5mins to make some bs that appeals to their ego, and that shit gets passed around for weeks. Not a single one of these dumbfucks thinks to check the source, or do a reverse-image search.
Aiden Perez
No this is the best post.
Jack Young
Grayson Bailey
I tell my brother that I have a 9 inch cock, even though I have a 5 inch erected. My brother has a 10 inch unerected. You can see his dick under his clothes and it pisses me off when he brags about his size to my girlfriend.
Also my dick looks like pic related when unerected.
Parker Gutierrez
Blacks can't swim, affirmative action for black male.
Noah Brooks
>idealized young man with a small penis
it's called a flaccid dick.
Michael Brown
You would say that after all the evidence of you being a raging cocksucker came out
Nicholas Sanchez
Daym those are some fine calves
Eli Gutierrez
Idealized pederast
Jace Campbell
>what do I lie to Jow Forums about?
I tell everyone that I'm an effeminate cock-sucking faggot who cut my dick off in protest of evil orange bad-man denying Hillary the white-house