Europe is becoming an increasingly badplace for jews to live

I heard in France hundreds of thousands of Jews are thinking about going to Israel or America due to hatred and violence. And it is also bad in London. Now anti-semitism has reached Germany, when will it finally stop?

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Even Greece is highly anti-semitic, wtf?

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America is full and dangerous
Relocate to Africa for a safer jew haven

so move to israel you whiny fucking kike

Ironically it's because of Jewish influence in immigration policy. When kikes like Barbara Spectre say that Europe needs to learn how to be multicultural, they're so intent on destroying Western Civilization that they completely forget how much Muslims hate Jews.

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Illegal immigrants come to Europe primarily through Greece and Turkey

>its jews who are suffering
>not the natives getting run over and murdered.
Your governments care more about jews feelings than the natives lives.

Intolerance of killing jews is islamophobic.

The worlds becoming an increasingly hostile place for whites to live.

But how many articles do you see about the raped kids? The slaughtered kids? None. But you've seen thousands about vandalized gravestones and memes.

If South African whites don’t qualify for refugee status, these kikes shouldn’t either. Fuck off, were full. We have to many juden here as it is

Jews run the media. What else could i expect? Its all about them. Its the jews world we’re just living in it.

Oy vey. Maybe they should stop practicing judaism.

Why are Euros so racist?

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Good. Time for the world to push back on these fuckers.

No they have to go to the moon this time. This spheroid is off limits now.

>invite muslims
>muslims hate jews
>wonder why anti-semitism is rising
classic jewish intelligence on display

>or America

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I don't know Moishe, why don't you remind us why it is necessary for the survival of the european people to import tens of millions of
extremely fast breeding muslims and africans?

Unfortunately they know exactly what they're doing

Why are Jews indistinguishable from termites?

Dont be stupid. Read the thread. Refer to this They're doing this on purpose. The damage to some countries may already be irreversible.

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Nice news this morning fuck kikes

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nothing is irreversible

ask spain

the rich ones are mentally ill, they don't make rational decisions.

Stop importing Islamists into European countries.

jews fucked up France 200 years ago, learn to read

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oy vey this is trully another shoah

Average Israeli IQ is 94.

Not the worst, but far from the best.

Cheap labor I guess. We do it here all the time although they don't live here . They get a day pass for work and if there's chimpouts we close the border crossings.

European society is continuing to degenerate, i got mocked for wearing a skullcap in a jewish town in france from christian kids, they weren't even sand niggers.

Read what? Faggot

They know a shit disturber when they see one eh?

>badplace for jews

sadly the country is still 20% muslim
it pulls everything down

s-stop hopeposting

Guess they shouldn't have accepted all those anti-semitics from the middle east.

>import muslims
>anti-semitism increases
I feel like I'm on to something but can't quite figure it out

good let them come. we need more smart europeans here


when Jews will stop flooding white countries with Arabs and blacks...

Men who wear tiny hats BTFO

i always thought "skullcap" was an offensive term. huh, weird.

Only because Ashkenazim (121 average IQ) are such a small minority in Israel. Most of them are already in Europe or America. Sephardic and Mizrahi are on par with arabs so you can't expect them to have triple digit IQs.

>121 average IQ
Jewish lie

>jews told to stop wearing skullcaps in parts of Germany
Gotta give credit to Merkel for that, took 74 years.
This cunt fled to Israel already.

>classic jewish intelligence on display
Emotion is an Intelligence on it's own.
my fellow anti-semite.

It's not a myth, many prominent white nationalists will admit that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs than whites.

>European society is continuing to degenerate, i got mocked for wearing a skullcap in a jewish town in france from christian kids, they weren't even sand niggers.

Same treatment to how jewish kids go around pissing on churches and throwing excrement at christian priests.

seems we should all stay in their homelands.

>It's not a myth, many prominent white nationalists will admit that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs than whites.
Not a myth.
But a meme.

What's hilarious is how shocked Spectre and the other kikes are that people hate her. "Why do they persecute me so, I never did anything to them!" They turn it around to pretend like there's just some evil cabal of white supremists hunting down the poor little innocent jew for no reason whatsoever.

Why don't the faggots go to Israel then?

They've been kvetching about muh antisemitism for centuries and now they have Israel but refuse to budge.

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>What's hilarious is how shocked Spectre and the other kikes are that people hate her. "Why do they persecute me so, I never did anything to them!" They turn it around to pretend like there's just some evil cabal of white supremists hunting down the poor little innocent jew for no reason whatsoever.
>Be Jew
>denied a homeland
>destroy peoples homelands
>what did I do wrong
Unfortunately it's memeticly programmed, a cultural bias; a cognitive bias.
>Etno-Religious Nation.
Their whole identity has ascended to a Metaphyisical existance, that why Laws, papers, borders, etc, etc are nothing to them.

They regard them as profane memes.
read david rushkof,

It's called baldspot covers you inbreeds.

Well the jew definitely thinks that rights are no more than privileges granted for a short time by a government for no reason than that they sort of feel like it.

>America is full and dangerous
>Relocate to Africa for a safer jew haven

your goverment & president are jewish.,

You know what's hilarious? If they turn America Muslim, they're gonna get nuked.

We should make a deal with the muslims. They leave Europe and, in return, we give them the Jews and Israel.

The only thing that matters is what the morality of your group is.

Zionism is just a Jewish Volkish movement.
reason why the jews hate Israeli's guts aswell.

There are European Ususers as much as Jewish ususers
But the Europeans can't deal with their own cunts. if there is another culture and tribal group doing the same thing;and worse, when the very essence of the in-group is being destroyed; every element foreigner would have to be expelled.

Same thing would happen in Israel btw.
It would be nuts to allow a christian italian control of the cultural interpretation of the Jewish culture.


Which parts of Germany specifically

>You know what's hilarious? If they turn America Muslim, they're gonna get nuked.
And that's why unirocally Israel is supporting Nationalism in Europe.

You can respect Strength.
You can respect another people love for their own in-group.

Wow back from 30 day ban from posting a pro Nixon meme. HEY FRENS

I'm surprised that even though your German you're complaining about antisemitism. I'm not German and I support this shit. Burn the kikes.

There are only 3 day bans and perma bans, Mr. Liar. You probably posted child models,

>Even Greece wtf
Greece has long been the most anti Semitic area of Europe

I don’t believe I said anti Semitic
Newspeak bullshit

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wow, why are german nationals so antisemitic?

They will flee to Destroy the next white country

>good joos
Nope user, it's same old shit they have been doing for over 100 years.
Half of kikes support globohomo, half of kikes support zionism.
Whoever wins, half of the kikes win and rescue the other half without giving a fuck about the stupid goyim who allied with them.
With jews you loose.

>kikes will leave my country


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When it gets this bad.

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They have nowhere to go but Israel and war there is coming.
No one here is gonna fight for them.
Jews are fuckin toast.

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Jews are 0.3% of our country now and will be 0.3% in 2050, no change.

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wtf i love greece now

A narcicist lives in a dual state, never complete.Christians are narcs, it'r their interpretation of good or evil. fucking shitzos.
You invoke a christian interpretation to the tension, failing to realize the same tension is on the jewish side.

You are never going to solve shit by implying and projecting your own interpretation of the problem to the other side. Like the jews, always dividing an conquering, the christian is always projecting their own universal morality to others and that its unironically very left wing.

I do not ask for you to love the jew
I do not ask you to hate the jew
Im asking you understand the geo-political situation and stop doing stupid shit like the muslims did.
>be palestinian
>UN gives you sovereignty, your own state
>Arabs invade israel

>and rescue the other half without giving a fuck about the stupid goyim who allied with them.
>With jews you loose.
So you ship them down to Israel like Hitler did?

All part of the plan.....

Herzl stated in his diary:

"It would be an excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti-Semites as liquidators of property. To the people they would vouch for the fact that we do not wish to bring about the impoverishment of the countries that we leave. At first they must not be given large fees for this; otherwise we shall spoil our instruments and make them despicable as 'stooges of the Jews.' Later their fees will increase, and in the end we shall have only Gentile officials in the countries from which we have emigrated. The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies." (The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl. Vol. 1, edited by Raphael Patai, translated by Harry Zohn, page 83-84)

when they all get typhus?

I'm not Christian, you moron.
>I do not ask for you to love the jew
>I do not ask you to hate the jew
>Im asking you understand the geo-political situation and stop doing stupid shit like the muslims did.
I do ask you to hate the jew OR abolish democracy because as it happens, the vast majority of people have other occupations than considering the geo-political situation and knowing how to navigate this clusterfuck without falling for jew tricks.
Enlightenment idealism is exactly what turned Europe and America into shit, kys.

If only the Jews had their own ethnostate...

Too bad they don't, so they're forced to live in Europe and the Americas.

>Europe gets destroyed
>skilled workers go to the US
>Israel receives more premium European Jewish stock

the eternal CIA is at it again

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Maybe it has something to do with importing so many brown people who have a deepseated hatred of jews.

Press F to give a fuck

>stupid shit like the muslims did
What did muslims did?
They were told by the EU fags and (((NGOs))) that they are the future of Europe and that this continent is now theirs.
So they own this land and act as at home: rape thots, beat blasphemers and assault kikes.
Exactly what white men have been doing when they considered Europe their land.

And that’s a good thing

Why don't Jews just move to Israel where it's safe?


i wish the emo culture would takeover islam

Did jews only invent those little caps so they could have a hat to cover their baldspots that they didnt have to remove indoors like normal hats?

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>the christian is always projecting their own universal morality
Maybe because it's correct, objectively. You're autistic for being a moral relativist.


Huh, if only they had some sort of ethno-state in a land that they claimed belonged to their ancestral forefathers that they could flee to...

No they invented those hats to shield their evil thoughts from God's wrath. No bullshit.
Literally the original tin-foil hat

>germans hate jews so much that they flood their countries with arabs who hate jews
hmmmm is markel actually based? do germans hate jews so much that subconciously they will sabotage themselves just to sabotage jews in the process?

One German forgot to serve a kosher bratwurst..." Antisemitism!! My cousin Shekelberg will write an article saying all modern day Germans are Nazis"

They move to Israel/America already where it is safe. Pretty much the whole Jewish expat community in Africa and the Middle East and Asia and Eastern Europe has moved to Israel/America/Canada and the French Jewish and British Jewish communities are also having lots of people move.

Nestled in a quiet street of Bondy, a suburb of Paris, is a synagogue protected by high walls, electronic gates and CCTV cameras. Armand Azoulay, its president, greets us as morning prayers begin. It's Sunday and only about 15 worshippers are in attendance. But even on Saturdays, the Sabbath and usually the busiest day, barely 40 people turn up. A few years ago it would have been more than 100. Armand has been working hard to revive the once flourishing community life in the area. The place of worship is also at the heart of the social life of the town's Jewish families.

"We've invested a lot in the synagogue," he says. "We've refreshed it. We've started many activities that have encouraged people to come back."

Faced with a rise in antisemitic acts it was also necessary to reassure people that it was safe to come attend.

"Reinforced doors, reinforced windows, reinforced walls! Cameras!" says Rabbi Ilan Azagoury. "Why? Because there is aggression. There are opponents of Judaism. We will not mention them. But there are opponents! What do they want? They want to scare us? To terrorise us? So we're afraid and run away? Is that what they want? What we hope is to continue. What we hope is to be able to live in France. The synagogue is brand new. We did not do that to leave. We did that to stay. "

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