YouTube blocked her film

Why did YouTube block this bimbo's video? Anyone got a link to it?

Attached: 4E95700100000578-5994401-Lauren_Southern_said_migrants_from_racial_minorities_had_a_tende-a-1_153264 (631x789, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Does she fuck a black guy in it?

Because it exposes the kikes operation to turn all white countries brown

Can't get any more truthful and accurate as this.

The reupload is up for the moment
or alternatively
but I'm sure the "glitch" that got the original deleted will be fixed after the EU polls are closed.

It can always get more accurate than a quick than a description.


fuck off

So what did you think of my movie user? You DID watch it did you?

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Strawman. Back to /reddit/

Je l'ai jamais vu parce que je crois que les femmes ne devraient pas parler en publique.

relax moshe
this zionist whore didn't use the word jew once in the film

Just basic bitch leftie silicon valley culture shitting on her because they don't understand centrist canadian politics

>mu e-thot can't get e-bucks from jewtube so now she has to beg her orbiters more for donation on cucktreon

T'as pas besoin de le regarder en publique.

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Your day is coming, heeb

Are you larping or are you southern?

Coordinated reporting I bet. Or it shows someone or something the elites don't want us to see.

Why do you say "da jooz" like a kike shill?
Why do you use memeflag like a kike shill?

Ah, the elections. Right. Makes sense, can't let evil racist propaganda of lies sway the vote!

Because it's a weak conspiracy theory made up by low iq teenagers on Jow Forums

PH has one

I'm only interested if her titties are out

This. For all the shit this board gives to Lauren at least you have to recognize that she is doing irl work to expose the human trafficking mafias responsible for mass migration into Europe.

>Why did Youtube block this bimbo's video?

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She shows her titties in the documentary.
I'm not gonna tell you which part, you have to watch it to find out

i watched the whole thing and this isn't true; she is entirely clothed the whole time.

hey look its another lauren southern thread where lauren southern pretends she someone else posting about lauren southern when its really lauren southern posting about lauren southern. Hi Lauren!! :)



Jdif is gonna railroad the Fuck outta her lol, should've just gotten married and progenerated the white race.

How many men do you think lauren's been with?

I'm gonna pretend this isn't LARP and say "HI LAUREN HOW'S LIFE?"

There is only one Southern sister that matters and it is not Lauren

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his bf is white

It's still up.

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Watcha doin rabbi

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how is it possible both links have the same ID?

I don't click on links on Jow Forums posted by Strayans. That's how you get scammed.

Please tell me her hands and feet are bound too.

i think bitchute can grab youtube videos

Croaking is forbidden on this board. This is an Anglo-speaking board.

Les françaises sont pas très gentil aux québécois, n'est-ce pas ? Ils me disent que je sonne comme un "cajun" qui vient de Louisiane. Jvois que t'es comme moi.

Idk but Jess Southern > Lauren Southern

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But his mother is irish.

Yeah, something to do with adding your youtube ID to your bitchute account so it pulls the vid and description box. Not automatic though cause it didn't pull the first version.

God, she's beautiful

Have you seen her sister?

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I had to walk a lot for this movie, I'm so tired. Also please don't mind if my feet stinks user.

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How ironic that Jow Forums thinks for one second this woman isn't exploiting her looks to make a profit from you gentlemen. All while having a history of being a coal burner.
Stop following or listening to a women.

After watching Lauren Southern's "Borderless", I'm disappointed. Where are the pictures of the European cities that no longer look European? Where are the No Go Zones, where are the schools where European children are a minority, where are the burning cars, the knife attacks, the leftists' terror against nationalists? Where are statistics about the demographic changes?
Instead, we get to know the tragic stories of migrants. And Lauren Southern's conclusion: "Are those people invaders? No, they are just people like you and me who are in unfortunate circumstances."
I appreciate Lauren Southern's attempt at being neutral, but this is not a video about Europe. This is a video about the migrants. I had been hoping for a documentary about Europe.

>thinks for one second
We all know, those threads are just baits for her haters at this point.


Women like Lauren Southern fight for us, before returning home to her man of color to give her vagina what it needs.

I hate YouTube so very much.

Fuck she has such a deep man voice.

This coalburner.

degenerate, demonic, demoralizing, depressing, disgusting, dumb public suicide nigger cuck
niggered fuckee trash burns in hell

boycott the nappy niggers
discriminate the evil niggers

enforce the old anti-nigger laws
niggers, jail them all

deport the niggers back to aidsfrica
reinstitute apartheid for the niggers

re-enslave the niggers
penectomize and neuter the niggers

bomb and shoot up niggered blacked
Holocaust 2: Satanic Niggaboo, X Y DNA genocide edition

Attached: NIGGER BESTIALITY DEATH.png (1548x2592, 1.97M)

the documentary is trash. it's all over the place.

I've become convinced that the majority of the anti-woman posts on this board come from left wing fatties.

Jow Forums is fucking stupid. It thinks everyone needs to be a philosopher on nietzsches level when what the right needs is people in all spheres doing their part. But guess what there's many fucking YouTube philosophers out there and they have fuck all impact, why? Because there's no one else in the chain of influence to carry the mantle.

Lauren is clearly carving out her own little niche as a right wing journalist, making documentaries. We need more people like this tackling shit from difference angle in different spheres, not solely YouTube commentators.

>Where are the pictures of the European cities that no longer look European? Where are the No Go Zones, where are the schools where European children are a minority, where are the burning cars, the knife attacks, the leftists' terror against nationalists? Where are statistics about the demographic changes?

Where? Here.
Except for the stats : they are forbidden when it's about race. Whe can only guess with stats ignoring race, like when we learnt recently that there are as much muslims as catholics in the 18-29 age slot.

it's a just a ho's road trip travel vlog

meme flag

Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Ireland, Belgium

>Anyone got a link to it?


stop posting youtubers/e-celebs

She's a gatekeeper who doesn't name the jew. (She herself is most likely also a jew) She's a woman, and she milks all this for beta bux. The film is probably good, but there's no way she names the Jew, the CAUSE of what she's documenting. Just be sure to leave a comment that calls out the kike if you watch it.

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so true

Sloppy job Mossad.

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Couldnt have said it any better. There's no coherence. All she basically said here is: Human trafficking is bad and muh poor migrants are mixed with ISIS. Who the fuck didnt know all of this? Even normies understand the basics.

every single weak cunt shilling against her are literally discord trannies and leftwing cunts. they hate nothing more than a good looking white girl shitting all over their fuckery and exposing their fuckery for the entire world to see. the documentary exposes the insane level of corruption in NGOs etc that get millions of $$$$s in donations. it also exposes that the vast majority of these "refugees" are actually well of people in their own countries simply coming to europe for a free ride on the welfare gravy train. it's fucking shocking and should be required viewing by all.... but it won't be because it exposes the left and the media don't like when that happens.

Her sister is a ditz. If I wanted to watch a bimbo, I'd go watch someone like Alinity with big tits.

you clearly didn't watching it you meme flagging queer.

They call her a jew/zionist now for exposing the jewish NGOs behind the migrant crisis.

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>Doctors Without Borders

>Amnesty International

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Tell me then, what did you watch?

exactly. it's the same of dogshit rhetoric these clown spunk onto the screen every single day.

I wonder (((why))). Lauren Simonsen is a known coalburning kike. Don't believe Finnkike's several proxies that he's been posting through. Finnkike is trying to hide his real flag because it is easier to deny that he is breaking his promise to never post again. He is breaking his promises like the lying kike he is. Lauren showed nothing that the jewish media couldn't easily spin this with no effort and use it to help justify the violation of national laws to moderates through emotional appeals. The Hebraic media could just present parts of this video as is and use it to push their own subversive agendas.
This. She needs more money for the botox and lip injections. She'll probably get new tits too.

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>Pre-order your DVD now with exclusive content!

is she faking her own censorship so she can sell more DVDs Alex Jones style?

so you didn't watch it like i said. fucking typical little weak cunt, fuck off and die.

Sloppy job Mossad.

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you stink of mothballs, rabbi. die.

I did watch faggot. That's how i know how horrible it is. It ends with a bunch of nigger faggots asylum seekers in ireland. Now tell me what did you watch that i didnt? Did i miss something?

I actually /wouldn't/ even with presented the opportunity, but then again I have actual willpower and agency.
She's 9/10 but somehow after my /nofap/ transcendence of almost 3 months I am not attracted to women that make it abundantly clear they are roasties. It's weird I never felt this way before and I would have thought the opposite would have occurred and I'd want to fuck anything that moves like some nigger but nope.

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No link, but I watched it.
Very milktoast by our standards, but I could see it fucking with normies and maybe a few npcs too.

Yeah, they were really trying to keep the voters from seeing it.

Fuck off Finnkike. We see your subversive shilling for what it really is.

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The cinematography is very good. I'm thoroughly impressed

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Do not listen to this lying jew.

Respect wamen

>Human trafficking is bad and muh poor migrants are mixed with ISIS
you literally said that. at no point are these poor migrants. they have ALL paid 2500euros+ to be there which is a FUCK LOAD of money in their own countries. that's the entire point. it is a BUSINESS. it isn't a humanitarian crisis as the media says, it's human trafficking on a global scale that government backed NGOs are supporting. one NGO even teaches those from christian countries how to act and what to say to pretend they are muslim to the authorities. how you think it's literally only fucking poor people mixed in with isis is fucking remarkable.

God she's aged worse than Emilia Clark

Why so nervious moshe?

Joke's on her. I've never given a cent to an e-thot, camwhore, or any female that wasn't a cashier in ten years. So..chew in that.

Jewish females such as Lauren usually age poorly.

Can already see how low iq you are:

Retard, you understood the word "poor" as in economically. I meant poor as in the bad situation they are (being surrounded by ISIS, etc). I even used the word "muh", if you lurked more i think you would understand that i'm being ironic

> they have ALL paid 2500euros+ to be there which is a FUCK LOAD of money in their own countries

Ah, retard again. They sold their stuffs (properties, belongings, etc) to move out of the country. That's how they got that amount of money.

Everything else you said is basically what i said. The documentary does not discover anything new. The way the story is strucuted is awful.

Come back to us Lauren, we miss you.

>hurrrr i was only pretending to be retarded.
oh just fuck off.

>Ah, retard again. They sold their stuffs (properties, belongings, etc) to move out of the country. That's how they got that amount of money
really? you really think that? you really think there are these mysterious rich people in bumfuck afghanistan buying other peoples shit for 2500euros? the average yearly income in afghanistan is $410. these must be the same mysterious rich folk buying all those items from migrants from sub-saharan countries that can't feed themselves but have 2500euros worth of shit to sell...

lesbian niggers