New Nazi Hate Symbol

>I got your nose.
I think it's pretty self-explanatory

Attached: got your nose.jpg (220x330, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Very rude

You'll need a wheelbarrow

Attached: 6000001.png (171x200, 13K)

I got your nose, shlomo

Weaponized counter-semitism ahead.

Attached: 847F6A37-81ED-4C91-8B2B-6A56D70100AE.png (500x958, 472K)

We should start spreading this to lefty faggots that this is the most effective way for punching nazis/people.

Honk honk

I remember that game from when they used to steal my nose!

Attached: 1558632892440.png (1200x1247, 32K)