Sydney teen charged after random police search allegedly reveals backpack contained materials to make bomb

A quiet parade of decorated current and former Army officers have been making their way into the most powerful positions within intelligence agencies, big-spending defence procurement posts and even vice-regal offices.

'We're worried the planet is dying': Thousands of climate protesters bring CBD to standstill

'This is about men's behaviour', says top police officer after another woman's murder

Six people brawling, one arrested at Fountain Gate shopping centre

>AUS/POL Pastebins. 5NXqdmJFFgm/PvBusZeo7Y8mYLWtJQ/f

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>'This is about men's behaviour', says top police officer after another woman's murder
The eternal white knight.
Too bad they don't trust women enough to protect themselves with guns.
They'll just turn up to oversee the bodies transport to the morgue.

Why are these pigs looking ever-more militarized year on year?

Oh right the diversity..

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is there an aussie equivalent of xanax rapper but instead of popping xanax and rapping, they huff petrol and rap?

>lol if we just pretend that our coppers stumbled across a Muslim with a pipe bomb they won't think about the possibility that we were spying on him and used parallel construction to get him
I bet some idiot from one of the right wing meme groups is going to get done in a month or two now that the election is over

>cunt just went shopping at coles
>buys common house hold ingredients
>which happen to be reactive
>goes to jail forever as a terroist

Auspol is so shit

Bonuss points if its a mud slime

Here you go mate.

Its really gone downhill ever since the dns ban came in


no even after

*before and after

>>Why are these pigs looking ever-more militarized year on year


More man bashing in the media? Surely only good can come of this!

..we have a dns ban?

When will the bloody ban be other
Seek of having to use an app to change my dns on my phone at work just to shitpost

The band will never be over They want you to move to Facebook

Facebook is dying

Jesus............, send help now!

>There are currently more than 51,000 international students in Western Australia.
>There is a desire on the part of the McGowan government to increase this number to over 100,000.

This is what an invasion looks like....

Also it looks like its time for everyone's Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

And another Reminder that Unchecked Migration is Generational Genocide.

Lads Europe is flooded with niggers. It’s an absolute zoo here and communist graffiti on every wall too. Good reminder to never vote greens

there you are, i was starting to miss you faggot

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Didn't you know that the government wants about 2 millions international students and about the same in visa workers by 2022?

You're gonna be in for a rude shock.

The currents numbers in AUS are about 600k students and 1.3 million visa workers.

Oi cunts what were the race of the big party brawl that ended in deaths?

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With a nose like that I find it hard to believe she is not Jewish.

It's a bunch of freshies that blew in during le meme war in 2016

>the Big Brother house

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Didnt see you yesty. Was beginning to forget about the eternal boomer

I knew about the visa workers due to the reports about the COAG meeting on how all the fuckers wanted to import them to replace the boomers once they retired, but not the international students.

Perth is at the brink as it is, shops shut everywhere, employers claiming their getting 200/300 applications for even skilled positions, the roads are death traps thanks to the decay and indian international drivers and crime is through the roof - Perth is fucking full and there is no place for more people.....

Who is this Jim Molan guy that all of the boomers keep worshiping and why?

Who's ready for 5G ?

It's gonna be so good. 95% of Australia will be wiped out.

I'm prepared for the stench of rotting corpses.

That's about 759K that will be left after the initial brain melting frequency.

Only the strongest will survive.

I can already hypothetically rub my hands

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oh no how dare the chinks come over and pay full price to go to overrated universities so Australians can shit out their 7th kid (but at least it's white)

>duurrrrr whats google

Why are you even here if you dont know who Jim Molan is?

Kill yourself chang

Strong argument derro cunt, I think ya missus is about to pop another one Damo better smoke that last cone real quick before the little fucker comes out and flogs it

>Australians can shit out their 7th kid (but at least it's white)
>Things that aren't happening.

I agree Australia sucks. Leave this shithole and go back to glorious china. Take your fellow slanty eyed bugs with you.

Hello my emu fearing brethren.

His argument is rock solid. Kys chinaman.

Who else got that pac man Adventures in time game cd in lcms box like 15 years ago
And packets of chips had tazos or mini beyblades
i want a wonka remake for that tie in chocolate but then I don’t because they would make him a nigger and the bad kids would be made into alt right obnoxious racists and the oompa loompas would be hunted by drumpfs nazi ice

You baked nigger

>things only 90's kids would get XD


karl marx talked about this
it is called the irish question looked it up
he wasnt wrong


We are already a damned nation full of fag sodomites and those who reject Christ.

Ages ago there was this African nog on a Rhodes scholarship to oxford who was protesting them to tear down a Cecil Rhodes statue on campus. The cognitive dissonance was off the charts.

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>Why are these pigs looking ever-more militarized year on year?
Because our gun laws have made Oz such a safe place?

They want you to stay in your rooms and shitpost, play games, watch thier media and fap to their porn.
They want you disenfranchised, weak and unmotivated. Your replacements are here and ready to step in.
Group up, network and stand together

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Not suprising that peak faggotry is being reached at oxbridge. Theyre all shirtlifter who prove the theory that pedos reproduce by raping kids.

his name was tony abbot

You missed out
Stay mad zoomer

He’s a boomer, he was never going to be perfect but he was the only voice in the country calling out white genocide.


>Oh no he said he doesnt hate kikes

Guess im voting greens next election

Who the fuck is making auspol? Asio? Mosad? Fuck these msm links. I would turn on tv if i want irrelevant shit.


who cares about jews in reality
other then incompetent Josh Frydenberg our Tresurer

How about you don't vote for anyone?

And yet his no interest govt bank would end usury.
Go figure.

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Kill yourself australian sub human cunt. Your filthy race should be wiped out. Fucking piece of trash.

Palaczuk in qld is also a yid

we are not a race but merely a collection of people banished from the europe continent

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I think you should be like your flag and recycle yourself into plant food.

>And packets of chips had tazos
do you remember those packets of chips that used to come with those cards with weird cartoons drawn on them that had certain spots that were blacked out that you had to heat up to be able to see?

Just 4d chess, fren.

His policies tell the story of his hate for the jew.

>who cares about jews in reality
Good goy

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Get fuct raj

Cant believe you give the jews this much power
did you know dumb people exist?

Worth a read lads

No but I remember some sweet holograms

One of the sneakiest things the jews did was change the definition of usury from charging interest at all to charging Unreasonable interest

>random search
lmfao. prob tailing the faggot for months waiting for him to do something retardo

> Jow Forums, bitchute, etc are NX domain with many aussie ISPs
Shouldn't matter though. Workarounds, which work on mobiles/tablets: DNSCloak or CloudFlare provide DNS over HTTP, which hides DNS resolution from ISPS that black hole domains like Jow Forums, bitchute etc. Other options that cost $ are vpn providers. For cable/NBN, simplest option is to configure cable modem/router DNS to an open DNS like google ( & or CloudFlare ( &

A quiet parade of decorated current and former Army officers have been making their way into the most powerful positions within intelligence agencies, big-spending defence procurement posts and even vice-regal offices.

ok chang

Hello mr federal agent what’s for tea tonight?

>did you dumb people exist
Yeah i do. Giving one a (((you))) right now

thanks buddy

/outback/ here. Think i'm pretty safe as a matter of fact

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>10 posts by this id
Are you on double time or salary? Public holiday in cbr tomorrow, do you get triple time?

You cant quote or greentext.... but have a green glow about you

It's true though.
Surprisingly they are in our intelligence agencies and still our agencies are doing nothing to stop the invasion.
Really makes you wonder eh?
It's almost like our military and security agencies are either useless or completely sold out.

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motherfucking ODDBODZ!!

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>'This is about men's behaviour', says top police officer after another woman's murder
this took longer than expected desu, the softcocks usually blame men instantly

The most disadvantaged group in the UK are White working class males, especially when it comes to higher education. At the University of Oxford there are only 3% of students with this background.

>ctrl+f white
Fucking typical. They only want to talk about race when it's convenient to them.

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I'd rather military involved in military matters than clueless civilians doing some petty power plays

The war against working class Whites in the UK is so fucking disugsting. Nothing gets me madder honestly.

Onya, Gladys!


UK is so fucked. Our future is a mix of US+UK and it's fucking horrifying.

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As best I know, the most deprived city in the UK is Barrow-in-Furness, which is something like 98% white.
Still no murders or knife crime.

Reeaaally make ya think

And yet the invasion continues.