Austrian EU elections

Just got back from voting FPÖ with Vorzugsstimme Strache. Lefties will seethe hard tonight when FPÖ still gets close to 20%.

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Hope so, lmao

Gonna vote AfD in a minute

Well done Alpenschluchzer.
Already did vote for the Alternative.

Hungarian left media claims Merkel wins by a landslide, is it true and how is that even possible?

don't make us liberate you germans for the third time

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Based and sorospilled

i actually prefer it that way since then ukrainians come to poland and muslims stay away (we already have tatars and kashubs anyway)

You can't even give your vorzugsstimme to strache you stupid nigger

Not true. They had like 48% when Merkel started out, right now they're expected to fetch around 30%. Which makes them still the strongest party, but not by much.

Anyway, I couldn't vote Merkel anymore. I voted for the right-wing opposition.

and if your really just write strache on your zettel then its ungültig and you went there for nothing

Was it 41 or 42? If 42, wtf!?

Yeah, also voted, for NEOS, based United States of Europe coming in with based young, sexy Claudia Gamon and her annoying voice.

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Imagine how big of a cuck you must be to vote for a corrupt Political lmao

keep seething Zoomer, you can't even vote yet


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What the fuck are you talking about? We just had our elections and we are not in the EU

Hahha, sure you can vote Strache you illiterate. The answer to everything in the universe is 42 - Strache.

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i don't know what a kashub is but that is a good self preservation strategy.

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okay this is based

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Für eine Vorreihung müssen 5 Prozent der Wählerinnen/der Wähler einer Partei einer Kandidatin/einem Kandidaten ihre Vorzugsstimme gegeben haben.

So Strache needs just around 25,000 Vorzugsstimmen and he gets a 5yr comfy job?

people living in the north of poland with a funny accent

Are there any other radical parties besides AFD in Germany? You know that they support the Jews and lesbian are sitting there.

Imagine being this much of a boomer

>We just had our elections and we are not in the EU
>not in the EU
>participates in the Song Contest every year

You can’t get out of this now, Schluchtenkangarooscheisser

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i guess about 50% will vote
there are 6.2 million who can vote
so assuming 20% vote FPÖ, Strache needs about 31000 votes. he will make it

DER DRITTE WEG (The Third Way) is pretty based, but they won't get enough votes to get a seat

Yes, for example
NPD - state security infiltrated Skinhead Party
Der dritte Weg - Third Position / Strasserist Party

Thread theme

I would probably not vote FPÖ in a national election given the retarded people they have on the ballot.
But for the EU parliament, where everyone is literally retarded , it's essential to get EU-critical parties voted in to stop them from becoming effective in subjecting Europe to their will.

Why you vote fpö you stupid fpöler. You are a fucking disgrace. Kys. Karas will win and youre fpö will go back to the Haider days. Poor and irrelevant Bierzelt wapplers
>Muh Krone
>Muh Bevölkerungsaustausch
>Muh Werte
Fuck off

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karas is the biggest green faggot in disguise from all

>voting the green spy
keep seething when you won't reach 50% with NEOS in september

there is no alternative to the FPÖ unfortunately. though they are low iq idiots

Number 42 is Strache. Did you even read the list hanging there, brainlet

42 is the last possible entry

He needs 5% of FPÖ and not total votes to get a seat

Karas always was a faggot.

top kek


>Voting for Russian bootlickers
Is that considered patriotic in Austria?

Why should anyone want this completely clueless dumbass anywhere.
>That setup looks suspiciously like a trap!
>Let's talk illegal bullshit for 6 hours!

>falling for the Russian meme
>Putin bad, Merkel good

not going to vote, i'm fine with whatever boot-licking servants the people "chooses" to make eligible to lick boots at EU HQ, while reaping mad dough for basically twiddling their thumbs and waiting on the EU to collapse on itself

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More like
>get pissdrunk with secret agents that set it all up
>talk for seven hours
>1,5 minutes of suspicious stuff that got him rekt

They raped our women. Technically it is.

The followers of the fpö party are not considered strong in the brains department
So what if he is an environment shill. At least he is helping the world. What have your friends ever done for this country aside from getting coked up and saying lewd comments to female foreigners while trying to sell the Country? Anyways krone is ours now. And övp will rule for the next 10-15 years. So thanks for your brainlet fuck up I guess

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>left media claims
*no comment*

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Still retarded.
>Always know that leftists are out to get you.
>Get piss drunk with strangers because muh, Russian thot.

Not denying that it's retarded. But I find it funny how (((the media))) just shits on the FPÖ and doesn't address what a horrible and criminal act has been done here to damage political opponents.

So it's either Merkel or Putin? You just can't live without some master, right?

And you surely know that all pro-Russian westerners are called useful idiots in Russia? They are not respected.
They're being laughed at for how pathetic they are to fall for Russian tricks and manipulation

It's kind of sad, that the only party, that at least says it wants to decrease immigration, block "refugees" and increase nationalism is low-IQ

His true intentions he would never had shared have been revealed. He confessed. This killed him politically. Resurrecting him by voting him absolves his sins and creates a glitch in the matrix. Dead people are not supposed to be around the living. People who have been revealed are not welcome around people who fear to be revealed.

>Dead people are not supposed to be around the living.


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Oh my bad... Have this pic of a dark elf queen, fren

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Russia is Austria’s most based ally, right after South Tyrol.

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Not to mention the FPÖ backed Article 13 in the gov and the digitales Vermummungsgebot.

Honestly, at this stage I want Doskozil as Chancellor and Hofer as Vice Chancellor.

>Wealth beyond measure, outlander.
Fuck the dark elves.

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how is it that literally no one can compete with the brexit party

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They have one problem, though. Only bongs can vote them.

just voted for karas now

fuck stupid fpö-inzestler

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Dritter Weg is literally "Verfassungsschutz - Die Partei"

That vote was suprisingly not directly manipulated as in no Yes ballots were added and no No ballots were torn. There were, however, no ballot boxes, so you had to hand your vote to the Nazi party officials openly and they could see what you voted and would give you the “look of shame” if you voted No.

The greens are based, nationalism is for kikes and zionist cucks. The Führer would be in favor of refugees because they are against Israel.

Stirb bei verräter

Aren't they the guys who wanted to sell their country for the Russians? The epitome of nationalism.

>nigel "throw out all the poles, then for niggers open all your holes" farage


Already voted Hungarian?

Not "the Russians".
They are literal retards, but - at least for the EU parliament - the only choice when you don't want United States of Europe.
Fucked up political landscape.

>falling for propaganda
no, two drunk guys got tricked to talk about increasing influence over the Kronenzeitung, a highly influential tabloid read by the Austrian plebs.

The funny thing is, just months after they made this hidden video of the two idiots, it was a buddy of Chancellor Kurz who took over the Kronenzeitung, which since then has only praised the Child Chancellor Kurz.

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Just voted AfD, go out and do your part!

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Yup, FPÖ and Strache. And I want a chancellor Kickl in September.

Right after lunch. Will take a picture as always.

Yes. Like other anons said their fpö voters are not the brightest and have now fully released themselves as such.
And yeah there is not a good anti-EU party to vote for.


>falling for propaganda
Gibe link to the video then. Wanna see with my own eyes to draw my own conclusion.

Yes, I voted for Fidesz and Viktor Orban.

I am their main advisor, so I agree with most of their policies obviously :)

Also voted FPÖ today, feels good man

No, bullshit.

Strache Vorzugsstimme? Why not based Claudia Gamon / United States of Europe / NEOS?

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Good goy, bow down to your jewish overlords

Warum sollte ich als Österreicher Ostblockkanaken wie Strache oder Vilimsky bzw. einen Inzest-Gudenus wählen?

A few minutes of "locker talk" ripped out of context. Does not matter, we Austrians know when the German media served us another rat. I hope with the vote today gEUropa is a dead man walking.
At least this time with your third attempt to rule Europe you did not send the tanks first. Slowly the Germans are learning.

Yes, there are quite a few.
Der dritte Weg (the third way) is one, NPD as well and there is even a party named Die Rechte (the right one). None of them will get enough votes to get a seat, though.

No Vorzugsstimme, just party

I understand your position, obviously you are so uber-smart you post in german on an english speaking bord.... what did you vote Gutmensch? Green or red?

Man i would join 3.Weg so hard if i were german, sad that we don't have such openly based parties here and just FPÖ Kellernazi

>Just got back from voting FPÖ with Vorzugsstimme Strache.

What you are saying here is that you are basically proud to be a traitor.

There is this German word called Volksverräter which literally translates to Traitor of his/her people.

Wähl lieber (((Karas)))...
The main reason to vote FPÖ for EU is not to their people or their program, but to throw a monkey wrench into the EU gears.

>we Austrians
meme flagger

Ah, memeflagger solln scheissn gehen. Wennst keine Flage zeigen kannst bist a ned besser wie ein Gruener “Nimm dei Flaggerl fuer dei Gaggerl”.

Wer bleibt über? Hofer der zu dumm für sein Hobby ist, und dem wir jetzt auf Lebenszeit seine Krüppelpension zahlen dürfen? *lol*


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Yes and everyone that votes for niggers pouring into Europe and causing the destruction of the white race is a Volksverräter and should breathe in some Zyklon b

FPÖtards are already seething. Fuck off you Russian assets

Paid shills posting in german still have no german keyboard with the necessary letters like: öüäß

Dude, get another job, your tools are shit and you are obviously mentally way below mental capability.

Hawara, ich wähl niemanden...

Hawara, ich wähl garnicht....

Als ob de ondren Partein so integre, intelligente Führer hätten
Du bist sicha so a dreckiga weana, holb nigger holb jud

Blackpilled, but unsure if based.