A New global movement

We need to start a world wide movement. That rejects one government. Jow Forums doesn't realize the power it has. Kekistan is a joke I am not joking. We need agreed upon ideas. I am not asking for violence but a shared aknowledgment of goals. Being a multinational visited site it is quite easy to spread Ideas throught the world. We need a symbol and ideas? First important idea.
1.To each ethnicity, their own homeland.

I don't care your race this helps us all. China for the Chinese, America for Americans etc.
>the kid is fine btw will post update

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Other urls found in this thread:


Any manifesto Jow Forums could come up with would have everyone here dead.

Did he run into one of the dangerous Australian wildlife?

uodate pic apparantly

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>Jow Forums doesn't realize the power it has.

I do.

The future is bright, #Lambright 2020.

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that's hardcore
what happened
you cant just post that and not tell us

How so.?

what the actual fuck happened to that kid

He's okay. I think it's artificial skin perhaps a burn?

Yeah, a torch wielding abbo.

update apparantly

Reminder that Wayne is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne eventually learn. Wayne has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne’s 20s. Wayne also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne’s hands, not even that can be done. Wayne is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.

>decide anything
Lol go play your computer games incels

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>The Stevens-Johnson syndrome is usually an allergic reaction to certain drugs.

You are not American. Your an England ass clown. Just shut the fuck up, if youre that big of a coward ,and just fucking die. At least some MEN WILL fight and be able to live with themselves you poofter. Tarrant was better than youre whole male population combined faggot.

well, here ya go

>You are not American. Your an England ass clown. Just shut the fuck up, if youre that big of a coward ,and just fucking die. At least some MEN WILL fight and be able to live with themselves you poofter. Tarrant was better than youre whole male population combined faggot.

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No violence. The goal of this movement must be information. And to push the ideas to more people.

So you want a nationalist multi-ethnic ideology without violence, try libertarianism it's just memey enough for ya.

>a nationalist multi-ethnic ideology
It's a defence from being called a nazi

Shut the fuck up with your back to school special. Faggot.

American is not an ethnicity

you will be called a nazi no mater what you do, brainlet.

>muh optics
fuck off retard

Fuck off, pathetic jerkoff.

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Muh shitposts are da bom

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It's not just optics but the entire world vs globohomism

tl;dr Has a syndrome that reacts to many standard drugs like tylenol, ibuprofen, sulfa antibiotics, etc.
They put him into a medically induced coma and REMOVED THE SKIN FROM HIS ENTIRE BODY.

Then they wrapped him in "BioBrane" a biomed membrane that fools the body into thinking the skin's still there, so it would regrow properly. Apparently it's primarily used for burn victims.

>Tarrant was better than youre whole male population combined faggot.
t h i s

Wow thanks user

Truth is we are strong because we aren't organised and MSM can't really pin is down. Not just that but not everyone here agrees on everything

inderesding. i thought he got in a fight with a waffle iron.

Jow Forums is not the place to form groups to fight dah powah. if you spent at the least a year lurking and had an IQ over 90 you would know this.

Glad the kids doing okay. That first pic looks like something out of a horror movie. It's good that he's recovering.

fuck off cancer
based waynehateposter

that look like somebody from a horror movie
That's God the kid is ok.

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I came here to post this.


Is that Drachenlord?

>China for chinks, Murica for muricans etc.
Unfortuantelly it does not just works this way. Borders are not something permanent, holy and sacred, and nation is not something that is frozen forever in the state of subhuman or ubermench. Nations never stopped to communnicate, mix or fight.
What can you do to stop them from doing so?
Draw new borders one can not cross and expect EVERYONE to be happy with them FOREVER?
How long is untill someone in USA would look at all this nukes and jets, and ask himself a question - Why exactly is not EVERYTHING is for americans? How long members of Ooga tribe will tolerate members of Booga tribe walking the earth?
Protip - not for long.

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Wew lad that's impressive

Fucking science...it’s amazing what man is able to do.

>i'm not joking
You're a fucking retard. Please stop posting.

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>it’s amazing what a WHITE man
fixed it for you

Without sarcasm or joking, I completely agree with this picture. We already separate ourselves - we have Chinatown, Koreatown, the subburbs, section 8 so this shouldn't be something racist to push.

Oddly specific. Wouldn't be surprised if this is a copy pasta. It's "A" level work, though, that's for sure.

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*removed the top layer of skin

Ayy lmao

Can you post that image without the twitter message?

Wow. Thanks for the explanation, desu.

This surgery must have been groundbreaking.


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lel, that pasta is from 2015-2016 when Wayne was spamming the board for his Presidential campaign. He didn't win btw

Thanks, fren. :)

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Hopeless. There's nothing to be done against the people who print the money; gov't isn't the problem, it's the people above them and they aren't going anywhere. If Lincoln and JFK couldn't even go against the federal reserve/central banks, then what hope do people on the bottom have of anything?

well thank fuck for that

>it's hopeless goy so don't even try
>t. rothschild

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If he hadn't gotten drugs to begin with he'd never need it.

asians are much more succesful, 90% things around you is derived from ancient china and japan, insecure white eurocentrists wont awknoledge that. pathetic

I'm sure shitposting up some idealist ideology will really accomplish many things! I wish it wasn't this way, but it is and it has been since 1694.

Why they no juz give bullet?
If i is like that, juz giv bullet.

>They put him into a medically induced coma and REMOVED THE SKIN FROM HIS ENTIRE BODY.

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Thank god, his skin looks as if nothing ever happened too

Good things can happen

fuck off faggot

>>the kid is fine btw will post update
no shit, because it's a photo you found online from 3 years ago

He okay now.

I found it today though

Based and wholesome, I hope the lad has a fulfilling life.

Because Jow Forums is a place full of radical individualists who don't like (or actively hate) each other... who have no real solidarity with each other -- even on the basis of race... and who couldn't organize their way out of a wet paper bag.

They'll all jump on a chance to be dicks, or to piss people off. But they would NEVER, in all of time and eternity, be able to organize around anything that was "merely" reasonable or beneficial.


>>*kicks jews and walks away laughing"
>w-why do jews hate us? why do they try to subvert and destroy our nations? waaaah


Defined borders
No international interference

waaah kicking a jew should be a national hobby

subverting nations is the least you deserve.

Are you genuinely a jew?

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A kick p the arse is the least you deserve.

That's cool.

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Thankyou. OP is a huge faggot.

Next time OP just post a good looking thot like everyone else does.

>kicks random orthodox bagel store owner
>hehe ZOG jew world order bankers BTFO! I'm a hero worthy of the iron cross!

looks like the birth of pinhead from hellraiser

>tfw you will never be skinned alive and live to tell about it

e-even from his pee pee?

Shut up. We're all frens here.*

*except for you

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It's the amazing atheist. After that, he stuck a banana in his arsehole and poored hot chocolate over his balls. Not even joking.

Sick degenerate and rebellious fucks, all of them.

>America for Americans
Who are Americans?

You would like to see that little kids pee pee wouldn't you? You fucking pedo faggot


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Good to see, nice in this late night stupor

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OP has a point. But i'd argue Jow Forums is already a 'movement', albeit a fragmented one.

The asians made less for the humanity than north africans actually, europe, as always made more than 85% and japan is literally an isolated land that created nothing and is a copy from china.

talking shit on the internet is not cool
for some folk
love you hope you get better

tried to find the video of a lady that survived 100% skin sloughing from aspirin, but I can't...
it was like 15-20 years ago that I saw it on TV and I remember her saying that her dermatologist was jealous because she's 30 something with brand new baby skin, doesn't look like she went through any issues at all
fucking insane