
Has nobita gone too far? does he really think this is ok, wtf

Attached: huhwite.png (1009x768, 1.02M)

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>based jap
I fucking love how all his Japanese YouTuber friends quickly disowned him after his video on the burger nigger

>niggermutt's response
Hurr durr he's not amerifat, he can't tak abut as lik dat

First he said the n word, call white women fat and now this.



Of course that's ok. It's hilarious

is this that guy from bts i keep hearing bout

Holy shit based.

Wearing white face. He should be shamed from existence. That's so rayciss, and I'm offended. I am. For real.

I honestly have no idea who this faggot is.

>I fucking love how all his Japanese YouTuber friends quickly disowned him after his video on the burger nigger
What was that? I've seen some of his interviews before but that's it.

Also, his shirt looks like it is from Joseph A. Bank. That's cultural appropriation of upper middle class white people.

Since we aren't niggers we don't get mad, it's funny anyway

I respect the fuck out of this dude. He says anything he wants.

The maximum cuck, his entire channel is basically about asking jap girls how much they would want the bwc or date a white man, how do they like them etc etc etc
Also he despises niggers and fatsos.

He's wearing white face, not 56% face

Attached: Asuka.png (370x378, 98K)

so he's /ourjap/

>see falling birthrate
>choices are get bleached or get browned
He is a man of a pragmatic persuasion.

They'll be like you guys

Attached: Finland.png (366x407, 158K)

link plz

It's a dog eat dog World (literally for chinks) if you're associated with any "negative" message you're branded and for most youtubers it's endgame even if what you said was true truth, remember what hurts the most is the truth

Here are some big Japanese (English speaking) youtubers in my eyes.