>female coworker finds out I have a gf
>she is suddenly much nicer to me, starts randomly flirting and stuff
>one day finds out my gf is vietnamese
>gets visibly upset, disgusted, acts like I tricked her and now actively avoids me
What the fucks is wrong with white women?
Female coworker finds out I have a gf
Sebastian Peterson
Sebastian Price
Clever girl
Evan James
What is wrong with you?
Anthony Thomas
she's afraid that in the next generation there will only be Hapas and Mulattos.
Nathan Gonzalez
she's based and you're pathetic. get fucked lmao.
Aiden Bell
its almost as if weebs with yellow fever are cringe to normal members of society
Luis Nelson
>What the fucks is wrong with white women?
that you are an incel who needs to go offsea to get a gf from a poor shitty country
Christopher Miller
She thought you were a chad but then realised you were a beta
Josiah Gomez
>What the fucks is wrong with women?they aren't self aware
Luke King
People naturally like and trust men with gfs more than single men
I think the logic is that if even 1 person can tolerate you in a daily basis, you can’t be all that bad