/ptg/ - portuguese general

This thread is for discussion of portuguese politics.

>Are portuguese white or black?
>Are they dumber than a Spaniard?
>Is Galicia legitimate Portuguese clay?

Attached: Bigote-de-una-mujer-portuguesa-e1509786708364-806x453.jpg (806x453, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.pt/search?q=george best&hl=pt-PT&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjn7drBsrniAhURlxQKHQEmBDMQ_AUIDigB&biw=1536&bih=754#imgrc=ZrCIy7QIp9b8pM:

>"you see, yes i'm very white. Look at this cherry picked IQ test from 30 years ago and this specific triangle"

Attached: file.png (220x266, 130K)

report and sag*

Attached: 0000reminder0294747a894.png (2168x932, 160K)

>"you see, yes i'm very white. Look at this cherry picked IQ test from 30 years ago and this specific triangle"

Attached: portuguese_army_rmy303zav722c22-0x7224244.jpg (1242x828, 400K)

No more Brown nationalism in Europe.
Say no to Portuguese Nationalism

Attached: file.png (781x359, 398K)

Is that a Mongoloid?

>No more Brown nationalism in Europe. Say no to european nationalism

by ((( )))

Attached: scottish_Sean_Conery_21-1140rmaa3023.jpg (297x375, 27K)

Is a portuguese woman

>>No more Brown nationalism in Europe. Say no to european nationalism

Attached: England_russell-brand2.jpg (840x500, 249K)

>"if i put a lighting filter on my pics, this means that portuguese people are not brown, but in fact, white."

Attached: white_now.png (954x439, 347K)