Taking refugees will benefit Western society

Taking refugees will benefit Western society.
Prove me wrong

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Racists are just mad because they will have to compete with bbc.

And they know they can't win :)

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Entire western Europe already proved you wrong, sage

We can use their corpses as fertilizer, I guess. Other then that I don't even wanna hear about shitskins and other subhumans. Let alone see one. Yuck.

ficki ficki

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It's been privrd6 wrong you absolute bait fag

proof : out of your ass

refugees come from nations with lower/extremely low education (for example central africa) - they ultimately drag down the IQ of an already declining generation.
the language barrier makes it impossible to give them work.
they breed a lot faster than the locals. western society is degenerate and furthers its own extinction by advocating to fuck and abort your baby.
most refugees come from cultures, who don't accept human rights - so the human rights will completely vanish in Western society.

what you call Western Society, will be gone in a couple of years.

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Supply vs demand


Then they will do the bottom jobs that whites don't bother. Whites will start looking for a higher education since maunal jobs are over-saturated and everyone benefits

You sound like an ECO101 class D- student

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Absolute retards

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>death to anglos, scandis, and germs
You're not wrong

You mean the bottom jobs that are being automated?
Which will leave a massive unemployed immigrant population.
Or the jobs that teenagers normally take but cannot get?

whites will be the minority soon, immigrants will become the majority and start demanding rights for their own values. it already happens - the west is dissolving voluntarily.
being white is already a sin in the west. not long and whites will be gone forever.

also this. one example:

more and more supermarkets have been installing automatic checkouts. they're getting rid of their employees - one of the most basic job you could get.

how many are you taking OP?

>The bottom jobs being offered
You mean things like fry cook at McDonald’s? Those jobs used to go to white teenagers to teach them Character until pathetic 70-it spics waddled their way in and tried to form families off of minimum wage incomes. Now those jobs are going to robots and we are left with an immigrant population that will be permanently dependent on welfare and will always vote Democrat. What you have done to the United States of America will never be forgiven and if I get the chance I will ensure that you and your descendants are tortured to death for your treachery.

It's true. In the past refugees like survivors of the Súðavík avalanche or the Vestmannaeyja volcano eruption were always motivated to repay the communities that helped them and return home. We should obviously help refugees in any practical way we can. The issue is that there are no refugees from Africa or the Middle East in Europe. They are all economic migrants who should be deported.

Glad I'm based in Eastern Europe.

Nice and comfy watching the downfall of Western Europe from here.

bbc is a myth you fucking useles nigger

Let's just send all the boomers to the poor countries and take in 10/10 cutey refugees that way we breed out the ugly ones.

you've made an assertion.
the onus is your to back it up.
if you can't make a convincing argument, that is on you.

> Taking "refugees" will benefit Western society.
The precautionary principle says not.

It won't.

Look at Europe as an example. They tried it & now whites there are a minority.

Show dick

too bad it will still inevitably affect your region/country negatively

>responding to b8

>that photo
Why is it every white girl who is with a nigger is fucking repulsive & always a butterface

Keeping dreaming, dindu. Most white women hate niggers. And the ones that don't, are the LEAST desirable ones.

No nigger , you came in OUR board, YOU prove yourself right. Like , hey guys , I come from fucking reddit or whatever and I wanted to say that taking refugees is good because they I always wanted to be cucked or whatever you are fantasizing that the benefits are. And then we prove you wrong. Thats how it works. Now gtfo

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In general, they consume more welfare benefits than the taxes they'll pay over a lifetime. They're a net liability.

They do the jobs that teenagers used to do. They push younger, low skilled Americans out of the labor market.

No, you're the economically illiterate one. A higher supply of labor equates to lower wages.

This. OP should lead by example and take in a nogger refugee family.

>Taking refugees will benefit Western society
what are some of these HUGE BENEFITS i keep hearing about? so far, all i see is it keeps wages lower, and raises iunfrastructure and welfare costs. What is the huge benefits?

Why do you want to hurt the poor and working people in our country for the benefits of capitol?
The stats bear this out.
How do people allow themselves to become so brainwashed?

Ironically the people in OP pic are all Republicans. Remember? "Yeah let them in!! We'll show the left!"

Only 5% of male government sponsored Syrian refugees have been employed in the last 5 years here in Canada.

I cannot, I am pro-immigration.

You’re a faggot, and immigrants and refugees are nowhere near the same.

This is the only reasonable post.

Yeah it will benefit the top 10% of society at the expense of everyone else until a system based upon infinite growth can no longer grow and the whole thing comes crashing down

you're a rape apologist. prove me wrong

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Do you mean "refugees" in the actual sense or in the dystopian newspeak sense, i.e. anyone from any third-world shithole?

that's probably a cucumber prosthesis. below his waist he looks like a girl with those skinny legs.

27 years after fall of CCCP russians speaking homo sovieticus still noy integrated and keep messing shit up. And thosr relatively white and relatively european people not goatfucking subhumans. Also 25% of russians are 50 of prisoners here. Bit better than niggs.

Refugees is code for economic migrants, which is code for losers. Shithole countries are full of people that are happy. Only fools would be attracted to the West.

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