Hello Jow Forums

I didn't vote lol

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10 min left
Go vote

I need atleast 7 mins to get into town

Didn't vote either. No longer give a fuck about anything or anyone.

The truth is, I forgot about voting and then when i wanted to vote it got late and I became scared that I'd show up too late

The one simplest 5min thing you can do to influence the country's future and you choose to let the HDZ/SDP voting block decide for you. Pathetic

Don't worry, bro. Some Muzzie voted for you. F-ing traitor...

You need to be 18 to post here


Oh, fuck man. I am so, so sorry. Now HDZ will get my vote, just like the deceased are voting for them and it'll be a recurring nightmare. I'm sure if I voted for some alternative options like "Ivo from Prizdina Donja" they would totally make the country a better place and not sell their ass off for a seat and turn whichever way the wind blows.

Go amd vote afd now


nigger-tier behavior famalam
post your hand, abdullah

I didn’t either lol

Imagine thinking your vote matters when theres still zionist kikes behind the scenes, they decide what goes through no matter the voting percentage

lol xD

Why are you so mean?
Voting is voluntary

Thx for not using swear words. I will vote in the next election. I promise. Atleast I didn't vote for socialists

go and do your homework

Same here.
Fuck democracy and fuck spending 1/2 hour to get to the nearest polling station.
Couldn't be arsed to get postal voting.

I just moved and didn't get a polling card, don't think i'm on the register so didn't bother going either

I've never voted once in my life.
I'm 24 years old.

All politicians are scum and deserve to die. Their allegiance does not matter, I just want these people to stay out of my life.

Why are you here?

we get fined here if we don't show up to vote

>nearest polling station is a 2 minute walk from my house
feels good

Rightoid tears

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That's such bullshit

Voting is gay. I voted one time and I regret it.

Attached: FlusteredMelodicJunco.gif (444x250, 1.9M)

Hope you're not talking about Trump, becaase he is doing great

that's nice, remember to say fuck them too when they start taxing your income

based, don't even waste a minute of your life playing into this jewish trick.

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