


Attached: exit333333333333.jpg (660x381, 31K)

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Can you gyros explain the greek election to me?

what did they mean by this

He is making fun of Golden Dawn (Neo-Nazi party) only getting 4%. He is also ignoring that Greek Solution got over 4% too. So, that's something, I guess?

Weren't they at like 25% at a point in time?

Unfortunately, no.......

So is Greece hard cucked and prepped for the bull?

What is the minimum % to send people to the EU Parliament ? Here, it's 5%

>greeks caring about mayoral and european elections
general elections are next week

ειναι που θα περνουσε kαι στο 2ο γυρο ο ΚΑΣ για δημαρχος
με το ζορι 10% πηρε. sad as fuck.

(((athens))) is completely lost
Even Thessaloniki is, as much as it pains me to say, unironically more based


I dont give a shit about fascists but with syriza still getting so many votes, there's nothing to laugh about.
you didn't have enough firemen to deal with the summer fires. people died because of syriza. your country was suffocated in the sleep

thanks for inventing democracy you retarded assholes


How can people be this stupid
Every 4 or 8 year they elect the same traitors and think they won't be shit this time.

How so?
Doubt it,look at the flag,it's fucking commies
My guess is that the name means something like Greek Communist Party or whatever

So,which is the best of these parties bros?

Give us the islands or we take them by force

Attached: The Black Man.jpg (800x957, 169K)

jewthens is historically speaking a cesspool of marxism
the best party would be LAOS (orthodox nationalist party) but GD is the only unkiked rigth wing party with some support

He was supposed to win.
90% didn't vote for him. What happened?

Fuck,i thought commies wouldn't be welcome after being btfo in a war,but eh,people never fucking learn
How did LAOS do in the polls?


look at the top of his head xD


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fuck the boomers who are voting for ND and Syriza and fuck the twinks who are voting for KKE

Εkλογές πουταναkιαααααα

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They have literally 0% chance of winning but they are the real opposition (((they))) fear

where is the restoration of byzantine throne and retaking of mediterranean basin party?
how much votes did they get?

Nice tits.

Βαρουφάkης ρε ΝΙΑΜΟΥ

what did you say, whiteboi?

Attached: Ottoman Empire.png (1966x1850, 128K)

Not fake map i swear
Look i know Turk fags love the bbc,but take t easy ok?

This map looks like it was drawn by a 10 year old, or in your case a nigger mongoloid.

> He is also ignoring that Greek Solution got over 4% too
This. For those that they don't know, Greek Solution is an ultra nationalist / pro-militarism party. Not sure about any differences with GD, but they are very fucking based (especially on nationalism & rapefugee extermination)

Based Stalinists

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GD losts votes to greek solution and for those who dont know they are pretty much the same but without the symbolism and are more russophiles (their leader i think has connections with dugin i heard)

i just talked to a family friend that lives in solun and for some reason ended up talking about jews
he then told me that because of his job he's met quite a lot of jews in solun and also said that they live in the nicest neighborhoods and all that
how is this possible
weren't your jews removed forcefully by uncle a?
almost all of our jews were


they should make coalition

>New Democracy is winning again
Literally why?


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Why try to copy someone else's culture? Greeks have the most based history of any country on earth. You fucking created western civilization!
Why can't you just take pride in your own country, and culture? Fuck the German's, and fuck the soviets. Model your ethnostate after ancient Sparta, or the Alexandrian empire.

You have the same blood, as the people who crushed the Persian Empire, and conquered the entire middle east. You have the same blood as the Byzantines, who carried the legacy of Rome for a thosand years after the city fell to the barbarians!

Why do you try to model yourselves after these 20th century dystopia's who couldn't even hold power for 80 measly years? Don't be decived by totalitarian propaganda films, Germany, and Russia, are shit compared to you! Greek culture, and history deserves to be the envy of the world!

Greece will never become great by imitating these failed totalitarian states. Greece will only reach it's full potential, by embracing it's own history, and culture.

Are they real neo-nazis?

Yes. They are national socialists, they have made several (failed) attempts to form some kind of brownshirt militia, some of their mps have swastika tattoos and such.

Problem is they are retarded mall-neonazis they elect butchers or taxi drivers to lead positions to their party also are corrupt in retarded ways. They are like nazis without the charisma and leasership.

wow I never saw a real NS party in europe. The MSM is doing a terrible job. They made me think that everybody is far-right or nazi and now I just can't believe the real nazis still exist .