So is twitter representative of real US life?

I go on Twitter, I go on tumblr and I even go on here and I see a lot of poz. I dunno what’s it really like at ground zero but here no one seems to give s shit about any left wing nonsense. No one really cares, anyway does this shit translate into real life? Are there zoomer white girls that actually view all white males as being their privileged oppressors and hate them for it. Or is that just a loud and extremely concentrated minority? What’s actually going on American anons?

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It's a loud, concentrated minority. Normal people don't allow politics to consume their entire identity. They're also very fragile, so they're fun to fuck with.

On the contrary. It actually drives them wild because women feed of the status of the men they fuck.

Since white men are seen as the highest status holders, that makes them the ones women want to fuck.

>What’s actually going on

nice integers. whores trying to fit in with the groupthink and be popular. will do anything and compromise anything to do so.

it's what women do. news at 11.

no you need to go outside and have sex

is that what u monkeys do whenever there is a problem? fuck in the trees?


You post like an incel. Have sex.

No, Trump is going to win in a landslide next year

Except the faggot ass britbong OP has made this thread every single day for months now. He really does need to have sex.

No, it's filled with retarded niggers and bots inflating their numbers to lend an air of legitimacy.

There's an inforgraphic showing that the left has drifted very far in the past 10 years. Like the frog being boiled, they don't realize how insane they are. To stand out online and get attention they have to say increasingly woke shit. It's funny watching them eat their own if the take isn't woke enough, thus somehow pushing them further and further to the fringes. The good news is though many adopt this persona, privately I suspect they are afraid and will vote for Trump.

twitter is where u see the ignorant fucks expose themselves as such and their victim excuse when confronted by reality. the only people in America living in reality are whites.

blame whitey for making me realize im worthless

It's time to remind everyone who the most ruthless cunning killers are on the planet

social media = upcummies generator

no one gives a shit but wants to appear like they do to their friends

10$ says this girl has a white dick in her mouth as we speak.
I'm not even joking.

>representative of real life
Pick one, douchebag. Fuck your stupid slide thread

I have white women

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but my left hand is jealous

nice integers yourself. it even has a watermark. yeah twitter is basically a high school yearbook for losers who never got theirs signed because they were fucking L losers lol

i aint even mad. we are. be proud of it

Twitter is nonsense and not representative of real life. All social media is like this, but Twitter is particularly bad because of the character limit. The format rewards snappy comebacks like this and buries actual reasoning. Go to any massively viral tweet and there will most likely be a reply with tens of thousands of likes that’s just a black woman wagging her finger.

Social media in general isn't.

People spewing garbage they think other people want to hear to seem cool or tolerant or appear intellectual.

Where its utter hyperbole or banal. Based on rumour, myth or unverified and unverifiable reports, anecdotal evidence aimed at a small segment who already believe what you say usually based on a very small demographic used to represent a whole while dismissing any statistical evidence even when it's multiple studies, dismissed as nonesense.

The worst thing being that this minority now seem to have influence on policies. How many people do you know describe themselves as non binary or gender neutral or such but this is under social microscope. I don't know a damn one nor does anyone I know even in social circles outside my norm. I've gone out of my way to spot any out of curiosity.

I hate social media, the only time I encounter it is on here in screenshot. At least on here sources are quoted like proper argument should be, twatters just use phrases like "this proves" to win arguments.


she's right the fact the left continues to poke and prod at the beast is quite retarded.

And now the job of every white man is to reject her. She did her part, you do yours.

No.It's part of the internet which is full of nutjobs.

The most anti-white people on social media always only date white guys. It's weird

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British browncel

imagine the fallout when the claws come out and she stops pretending to be perfect for him. guys head is going to spin.

Those people are just mirrors of Jow Forums nazis- people that live online and because of it think people are more extreme than they really are.

yes; everyone who doesn't have a blue checkmark is silenced.

only fags and niggers use twitter

>Imagine being held back in your field of your choice of career because you had to virtue signal on Twitter

Get the rope.


She’s not wrong, white men are ferocious and 100% the apex predator.

The image is not wrong, white man are the apex predator on earth, and it must wake again to put the the prey on their places again

don't feel like it

These people are not representative. I’m a white dude and I get nothing but respect from everyone, and I live in Cali. I think these people just virtue signal online but don’t actually believe the shit they say. It’s all for the vapid likes.

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A pozzed part of Cali

If I were white id take that as a compliment

No, honestly think of most Americans as centrist when it comes to their every day persona and how they approach things. Most of us just care about working, making money and enjoying life all the other stuff is extra and something to talk about


Actually besides the obvious 13-50 that blacks commit, women kill magnitudes more babies so they are actually the deadliest.

Everyday white women piss me off am I the only one on this board who feels this way??

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