Reminder that the Europeans destroyed Ottoman Empire and declared thousands of crusades on Turks
Europeans MUST pay reparations to Turkey for their past crimes
Reminder that the Europeans destroyed Ottoman Empire and declared thousands of crusades on Turks
Europeans MUST pay reparations to Turkey for their past crimes
Other urls found in this thread:
the damage the Europeans done to Turks is 14 trillion Euros
>14 trillion Euros
More like 150 quintillion
Fuckers INVADED Europe.
Fuck off faggot. We pardon thousands of you each Thanksgiving. What more do you motherfuckers want?
we are willing to give you Israel!
Careful Mehmet, your Jewish ancestry is showing off.
Without the 4th crusade Istanbul would not exist, be grateful to Europe.
In fact, you are the ones who should pay us.
I'm already paying. With my dick. Fucked 2 Turkish girls by telling them I would marry them and take them with me to Europe. Dumb fucks.