Once upon a time it was considered completely abhorrent for a white woman to date a black man. If you were a black man that even flirted with a white woman, you were lynched.
A decade ago it was only white women that were low on the sexual totem pole that copulated with black men - this is when the first jokes about "only fat women date black guys" came about, because it was true.
Nowadays, it is perfectly common to see white women of relatively high sexual market value to date black men. Increasingly this is becoming normalized.
Where will we be a decade from now?
Alpha white chads still have the highest male SMV, but given past trends I am not certain if that will still be the case in the near future.
Lots of people here dismiss this as being an artificial consequence of black representation in popular culture. But I am not sure if that's entirely valid, or if there are actual genetic predispositions that negroids have that benefit them sexually in a resource-rich society like ours.
Women only do it to virtue signal or because they're size queens who bought into the BBC meme. Women are genetically dispositioned to believe what they are told rather than think for themselves, and the media has spent the better part of 2 decades feeding them trash.
It's worth mentioning that it is still quite common to meet women who will never date a black guy, but women who wont date white men are extremely rare. Response rate statistics on dating sites still show us who the real high value partners are.
Christian Jackson
>Women only do it to virtue signal or because they're size queens who bought into the BBC meme It´s such a meme aswell. >Once upon a time it was considered completely abhorrent for a white woman to date a black man. If you were a black man that even flirted with a white woman, you were lynched. Not really i mean. If you look at US history the primary reason why they lynched the few niggers they did was that niggers as they do aswell today, are not very good at asking politely and like to rape and also often kill the victim so she can´t tell anyone that he raped her. The point was more that it was frowned upon to mix, because africans are one type of people, and europeans are another, and the europeans in USA didn´t want their ethnic group perverted by niggers. And they already needed to be protective in first place since they were building a country in a non european continent. But it was a frontier so it was first build its their country so that was fair and square. But ofcourse they shouldn´t ethnically mix. Also i´d add to this that as far as i can tell from media and videos etc. That is ofcourse jewed the fuck out with race mixing propaganda in various tv series and what not. Is that some american women see it as progressive and hip to at one point hook up with a black guy. To show that they are not 'racist' and things like that. It´s absolutely and utterly tragic! That they think it´s bad to have a child with someone like them, so the child looks like them and is as much as them as possible. Which is nearly IMPOSSIBLE with a mixed kid. Especially groups so distant as a negro and an european. But they are told and believe that this is a good thing to do. Look you don´t have to do niggers ANY favours. there are 1.2 billion of them on the planet, there are more niggers in USA than there are people in new zealand and australia combined. There´s no need to do niggers any favours in this regard.
Zachary Long
> Where will we be a decade from now? Brazilian low IQ criminal dystopia.
Jeremiah Gray
American peoples treat niggers as if they don´t exist anywhere else than in the USA. So they treat them as some kind of endangered species. THEY´RE NOT. I CAN ASSURE YOU. There´s infact so many niggers on the planet that there´s absolutely nothing special about having a nigger in your country. The only reason they are called minorities, which again i don´t think progressive european americans understand. is that they are not supposed to be in USA. It doesn´t mean they are only tiny amount on the planet. or that they only exist in USA. There are more niggers just in africa alone, than there are people in USA and Entire european continent combined. Just let that sink in next time you see one of these dingbats treat american niggers as if they are like 1 in a billion. They most CERTAINLY should not be majority or even remotely close to having similar populations as a people in other peoples countries. You can´t have that. Niggers were also not even supposed to be in USA. They were illegal aliens that were naturalized essentially and americans were betrayed. Now they are there. But please stop catering to these fucking niggers. The civil rights movement was a joke. Segregation was correct. And it´s a whole fucking tragedy how that is turned upside down. The americans were right to resent the negro. Cause they pollute the american culture with their negroism. They negrify and africanize things. And the whole civil rights movement is so pathetic, because it´s solely based on that niggers didn´t want to go to africa and live. And so they are in someone elses country and are trying to demand that that country becomes about them. It was a thing that was never supposed to have been the case. You almost don´t get any more difference between ethnic groups than there are between europeans and africans, which is why the example is used so fucking much!
To the OP's question, i actually think that there is getting a more healthy sense of dating within your own group.
Liam Ward
you guys don't understand this is not sustainable. Do you actually think mixed niggers will be smart enough and have the delayed gratification necessary to maintain and advance our current civilization's infrastructure? The next 20 years will be a fall away from technology as the new generations will be so mixed they will have trouble farming compared to actually maintaining electric grids, handleing resources such as food and water and large systems of agriculture. America will turn into brazil with the small minority of white people carrying the rest of the mutts just to survive. No way will there be any advancement in technology after this point. East Asia might have a small chance at improving their current technology. However as we learned from the past they are much better at replicating and improving technology than actually inventing it (the majority of almost all inventions in the world were created by white people). The most hilarious thing about this state of affairs isn't even the fact that white people potentially might cease to exist. It's the fact that the mutts and subhumans from around the world will never visit the stars. They will never understand or comprehend the universe in any advanced degree. They will be stuck in a third world environment where murder, rape, child molestation and degeneracy is the norm. Eventually even the chink bugmen will look at them with disgust and either wipe them out or enslave them.
I used to be angry at the situation the west is in. However i've come to realize it's a win win for white people; if we get racemixed into oblivion you non-whites will never know the glory that our race once seized and you will probably all die out to east asian technology and warfare. If we survive and conquer your kind we will master the environment, stars and eventually the universe.
>Lots of people here dismiss this as being an artificial consequence of black representation in popular culture. But I am not sure if that's entirely valid, Wrong. That´s exactly what it is. When you get ethnic mixed populations. And the fucking niggers at the same time try to social engineer and guilt trip and emotionally manipulate the european americans to 'let there be no barriers between people' you get a lot of inter ethnic mixing! Just the very existance of other ethnic groups in your country will result in inevitably some ethnic mixing, which basically degrades your people if there are too many. Also it skews male female ratios, especially with mass immigration. And differentials in birthrates also skews ratios for certain ethnic groups etc.
Basically just proximity is enough to result in ethnic mixing of a tiny tiny amount. BUT IF YOU AT THE SAME TIME PROMOTE IT CULTURALLY, which goes against what you would naturally choose which is someone like yourself. If you never told anyone what to do in that regard, they´d pick someone exactly like themselves 99% of the time. If you tell them it´s bad that they do that and indoctrinate them with that. Then it´s like butterfly wings. Once touched they don´t get off the ground. Unless you somehow mend them by basically explaining to them that this is a nefarious idea that will destroy their people. Both propaganda is bad. Because ideally people should choose who they want to be with, and in some cases there is love with interethnic mixing eventhough they realize their MASSIVE intrinsic ethnic differences, and that´s fine. But when you have brainwashing one way, you need deprogramming the other way too unfortunately! It´s highly annoying that this ethnic mixing propaganda is even going on. Because it´s not like they are telling people that they can be with whoever they want. It´s that they have to be with someone not like them ideally. And that´s truly disgusting.
Jason Ortiz
trend won't continue as information sharing becomes more frequent. don't worry, they all know how fucking disgusting they are (white women that breed black) because everytime u see one out with her goblins, she can't handle the shame she feels from eye contact from knowing whites.
they are so full of shame that they will never admit it was a mistake under terms of death.
shame is a powerful tool.
Easton Brown
This is true, niggers subconsciously know their inferiority so they lust after white people so perhaps their next generation can be less stupid and brutish. However as we know this doesn't turn out well. However it's pretty obvious that it isn't a sole whim of nigger populations, but also they are being controlled by kikes and kike propaganda to interbreed and weaken the white master race. They have very little autonomy over their actions and are more sheeplike.