Serious question. Why is Jow Forums so cucked?
Been browsing it since pre sticky days and the amount of shills and leftists posting there is getting too much to handle. Look at this fucking thread for instance.
Serious question. Why is Jow Forums so cucked?
Been browsing it since pre sticky days and the amount of shills and leftists posting there is getting too much to handle. Look at this fucking thread for instance.
I remember a thread they did, asking which gun suits which board.
They gave Jow Forums a nerf gun.
I've never posted there since. Degenerate luciferian lefty jew loving kike fucking reptile sucking faggots, all of them.
Jow Forums has always been a normalfag board. I don't know what you expected.
>Why is Jow Forums so cucked?
because (((mods)))
real Jow Forums is all on Jow Forums now, (((Jow Forums))) now is kikes and kikestains
It never used to be this bad.
The mods there and the sticky really did ruin it a lot. I agree.
You wouldn't expect such things from a weapon board. I guess too many there are fighting in the (((military))) and barely have two brain cells to rub together.
>they gave Jow Forums a nerfgun
Sounds about right. The fact you're that buttblasted about it confirms.
Nice meme flag, kike
Practically all the boards I used to browse have been pozzed.
/tv/ /vg/ /gif/ /wsg/
Jow Forums and Jow Forums are the only boards I actively browse anymore.
Gods I loved /tv/.... mods everywhere ruin so much.
/gif/ is filled with more nigger cuckold porn and onions than blacked these days. Honestly Jow Forums is pretty bad too.
Jow Forums is literally just a bunch of security guards and the feds who save their gun pictures.