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>Jew puppet loses MEP bid.
Oy Vey!



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STFU you'd rather see parliament filed with Mohammads than you're own blood, you fucking sicken me. You're the tools of mossad, not Tommy.

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First off, not all Brits, just like not all leafs right?

I like Tommy, not everything that comes out of his mouth or everything he does but I like him. He's made a LOT of fucking mistakes along the way, he's burned the Swastika, he's flown the Israeli flag, he's made myriad other fuck-ups along the way that lost him right-wing support.

He's also been smeared by the media for fucking years, as far as your average Bong is concerned, he's a 'Nazi football hooligan'.
He has balls hewn of cold granite and a spine of solid stainless steel, he's the kind of guy we need, ALL whites need but he's not perfect, he's been smeared (and fucked up) too many times to be seriously considered by most in an election. He's a street leader and a strong one, if his politics were different he'd be a good vote.

Just to end this, if I was in his constituency I WOULD 100% have voted for him, if nothing else just to put the shits up the establishment because trust me, he does that even without the votes and more power to him. Our politics don't align but he is actually doing something in the right general direction.

Unlike Sargon Tommy will be back.

The reason fringe people like Tommy will always be successfully be kept out of relevance is because he's polarizing even among the fringe. He doesn't try to prove his interests are legitimate but rather tries to assure people he's just like all the other establishment pigs. People like him will never be relevant as long as they continue to submit to the system that's fucking them over. Now if he lead an actual armed revolution maybe he could be relevant.

Found the Jew.

The reality is that (((the media))) must be eliminated or taken over to get the majority of public support. They'll always be in control of public opinion otherwise.

Interestingly, the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' promised this before public radio broadcasts were a thing.

I hope he sues all the social media companies. All of them. They must be chipped away at.

Look up George Creel.

God damn fucking limeys cannot do a single fucking thing right for once fuck this shit!!

Tommy Robinson is literally funded by Jews - pic related.

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Zion Tom

Feels fucking bad, at least he isn't asking for a second vote. The ultimately accepted the loss like a man.

hahaha suck on it leaf

m8 your candidate LOST.

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So, to you, it's cool that Europe is flooded with Muslims and Africans....but hey at least you called Tommy Robinson a Jew Puppet.


lol the butthurt is real.
Mr. Shillman isn't going to be happy about this:


How is twitter still allowed to ban people?

and that's bad why?

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It's because the Goyim know, not his social media ban.

Where did sargoy finish?

i guess two world wars and 120 million white people dying for israel just wasn't enough for you?

I'm very surprised he didnt get elected, even to the point of questioning the vote!

when you team up with the jews you always lose

by that same logic I could say that having white politicians are bad because of atrocities done by their race, you sound no different to that of a black person who complains about whitey

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not the same thing at all.
WWI and WWII were explicitly fought to create Israel.
it was a coordinated plan with Jewish leadership on both sides of the Atlantic.
i'm not going to get into all of the details here, but why do you think Britain signed the Balfours declaration right after the end of WWI?

my guess is that you're a Jew and you know all of this already though.


>my guess is that you're a Jew and you know all of this already though.
A guess, but that shouldn't matter since if your ideology is right then you should be able to prove it without name calling and bluffing

You're a generation or two behind us, you just don't see it yet.

Turns out 1,000 media hit pieces on one man has an effect.


haha no. all of this is fact-
Jews caused WWII by using their newspapers in America to pull us into WWI.
Many prominent Jews have basically admitted to it.
Have you ever heard of "Great Britain, the Jews, and Palestine"?
It's a classic book - prominent Jewish businessman literally admits to exactly this plot.

>A guess
that's your way of saying "the correct guess", i presume.

That's a lot of tanning sessions

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thanks for the book piece

>Jews are responsible for mass migration
>Jews front a candidate who is against mass migration
Stay retarded, faggot

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here, have a screenshot from Amazon.
this isn't the "Protocols" - no one's ever even *tried* to refute / deny it.

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>MFW dad tells me grandpa decided to join the Navy because he read in the newspaper that "Hitler had invaded Austria"

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Tommys a zionist shill.

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>being anti Islam means youre a Jew puppet

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what kind of guy is that on the left?
what is he?

he looks jewy but he has a cross
wtf is that?

oh well, enjoy your rape gangs England!

there are Christian Israelis

kys shlomo

whats his hat about?
is it a traditional thing or his personal fashion statement?

Orthodox Christian.