Terrorist nudes leaked Jow Forums

Terrorist nudes leaked Jow Forums


Attached: 50E37466-9614-4784-923B-0228295A4E54.jpg (750x981, 327K)

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Imagine the smell under that burka

Her skin color looks gross and smelly. I am disappointed.

Attached: Raven Disappointed.jpg (210x240, 14K)

I thought Muslime women were suppose to be pure not thots having nudes taken of them???

The ones that join these globohomo terrorists groups, such as ISIS, are typically hyper-degens. They usually join these groups to "redeemed themselves" for their past wrongdoings.


She looks gross. Probably what led her to terrorism.

Are you Turkish or M*roccan?

lmao, keep bring women with you

Attached: neu-frauen.jpg (539x578, 45K)

He is obviously a native european.

Pussy looks OK but the rest is just... ugh.

You should marry a girl before having sex with her. If you sleep around, it's an insult to your future wife.

Maybe, but maybe not. If he's Turkish, I want to know if he has a sister, as I'm moving to NL in a few months.

Imagine wearing the hijab your whole life only to end up naked on Jow Forums

She's a nigger; I don't think she can imagine much.

Nice pussy.
I now am a promoter of female circumcision.

She is Ahmed.

Attached: 6B0635C7-B721-476F-A44D-672112716A6C.jpg (640x480, 239K)

>Literal slit for a pussy

Attached: 1506263098812.gif (327x300, 259K)

Fuck it, that doggy position’s pretty inviting. I’d spew my freedom juice into her terrorism.

Attached: 00EBB048-1357-4757-9685-7CB29D876430.jpg (1024x592, 33K)

I want a hijbai hottie gf

Attached: 1558793204701.jpg (1400x1120, 114K)

Attached: 56145C99-C492-4529-9D29-78BCB81C1B85.jpg (787x1399, 227K)

"Moderate" Muslims want Radical Muslims to kill you.

No wonder they make her cover up.

God dammit! Making no-fap bloody impossible!

no clit or lips


Was she circumcised?

I KNOW! Drives me nuts. Do they know how to do it or what. God dammit, diamonds right now.

All women are whores, even if they risk been stoned to death for it.

Attached: 1497846520311.jpg (750x1334, 250K)

>imagine the smell
Gun power, nitrogen fertilizer, or C4?

Spoken like a true incel.

Same. Wanted to marry a white Iranian or Kurdish woman. This makes me really Assad.

You should look for a wife in the San Fernando Valley. Lots of Persians there, but not many muslim ones :/

Lebanese and Syrians are also usually white Mediterraneans.

Gross buddy. No wonder they dress them up like Halloween ghosts. Put the sheets back on and keep them on, please!

>Wanted to marry a white Iranian

They're certainly beautiful and breed strong, beautiful aryan children. but they're also high maintenance cunts. beware!

>t. guy breeding a huge titty white persian girl

Its a goal of mine to fuck a hijabi slut and completely defile her.

Exactly. If the pussy don't look right, get the knife out. That's how they role there. That's why no roastie problem in the stans. They think twice before they let their junk become a jackhammer party.

Are you in CA?

Nothing gross about her. She’s just overweight.

Attached: C8CFF65D-3921-4600-B424-12660405250E.jpg (787x1399, 220K)

>no roastie problem in the stans because fgm works
>terrorist nudes leaked


Attached: Raven.png (500x555, 171K)

where's the payment son?

No, live very close to Toronto though theres a large Iranian diaspora there

why the fuck would you talk about your wife like that you inbred piece of shit

nice pussy hole

I've never seen an FGM twat holy fuckin shit that's insane! muslims are fucking retarded i hate islam even more now

Attached: 1553325342994.jpg (846x1200, 288K)

Are the ones there muslim? The ones here are either atheist or jewish 95%+ of the time, unfortunately.

I'm not gonna lie, she has probably the nicest cunt I've seen in awhile.

It's mostly just Sunnis in Africa that do it. Not Shiites or Sufis.

Yea they're Muslim, but my girl is mixed and was raised catholic by her mother. They're not very observant muslims regardless, from what i could tell

We should send her nudes to her mosque

What about the propaganda that's being constantly shoved down out throats

>Nothing gross about her.
She's a nigger.

>She’s just overweight.
That's gross.

I'll try to get the contact info for her mosque, but I expect you to email the pics. I don't want a bunch of Somalian niggers tracking me down.

Why is this thing so ugly?

Here's how to contact her muslim community:

>Islamic Association of North London - [email protected] - 020 8492 0028
>Finsbury Park Mosque - 020 74245252
>contact page for the mosque - finsburyparkmosque.org/about-us/contact/

I expect results posted from you nigg noggs.

Attached: Acceptance of the Hijab.jpg (720x540, 87K)

jesus christ shitskins are putrid to look at

This women is clearly A Yemeni at best. She's a Nigger what do you expect?

I think she's Somalian. I looked up her last name and it's found primarily in Somalia and Iraq, and she's clearly not Iraqi.

The only terrorist act i see is taking that burqa off. Is that why she was arrested?

She is Somali.


Attached: 06C5410D-706F-42D8-B2C8-0D3C712F6EE0.png (749x706, 123K)

She barely has a roastie. Was she circumcised?

Q never mentioned this



Q confirmed as a LARP

So that's what FGM looks like.

What is Q?

what a horrid view

that much for the chaste islam
all women are sluts
world peace will come once artificial wombs and android wives become commonly available and obsolete organic women

Spoken like a true incel.

at least i'm not a tranny

Trannies can at least get laid; you can't even preform a basic function of life.

you're the one who has a 50% of killing xirself in the next 2 years
whatever makes you sleep princecess

Q is the 17th letter of the modern English alphabet.

Ok, Elliot. Please don't shoot up your local university.

Attached: $300.gif (250x213, 1.5M)

that's a 10/10 in muttland or the cUcK lol

btw imagine the smell. Disgusting

>that's a 10/10 in muttland
You aren't even joking. Most guys here fell for the (((thicc))) meme, and think ugly fat chicks are 10/10 now.

That pussy is aesthetic. If they're not gonna stop male circumcision then fuck it, equality for all. Cut off roasties' ugly flaps too.

muslim women are so sexually repressed that they unleash it by being the biggest whores around, theyre not pure, theyre just good at hiding their whoredome in fear of being executed, you got memed.

you guys must be too fucking needy

paki detected

sandnigger detected
this is one i would fuck.

look at these replies, ofc I'm not joking. I'm afraind murica and UK gets the shitty people abroad...goblinas, greasy 50 year old welfare queens, somali smelly and ugly women, sponge hair terrorists..IDK.

everything with a vagina is now a 10/10

i'm glad I live in one of the countries with the most beautifull women in the continent/country

>if you "repress" something, it will cause the urge for it to increase
Nice jew logic, fag.

I'm ditching this shithole for the Netherlands in a few months. There are few white girls my age in my area, and the few there are, they are mostly fatasses. It's really gross.

yeah because humans totally dont have sexual urges or get horny, maybe youre an asexual faggot.

I never claimed that, however, just because you discourage sexual behavior, doesn't mean that person is going to turn into a slut. Using your logic, me calling you a faggot is turning faggotry into a taboo, thus creating an implied sense of repression, therefore making you crave cock?

Do you crave cock, fag boy?

Show your flag then
Find her relatives and send the pics to them

>Find her relatives and send the pics to them
That's a lot of work, and they could even still be in Somalia.

I have one rule. If i have "sexual urges" i just bang a good bitch/hoocker or Fap if i have no money

the point is..anything is better than fucking any ugly women because desperation.
if some guys don't have standars, fine, I understand...but for the rest ..should try to having some dignity about whom to fuck

I learned it the hard way...when I was 19 years old with a chad body (i still have a nice body but not like before) I fucked a fat girl..and when I mean fat i mean fat.
I couldn't cum while sex, and the other day i felt the most miserable guy on the earth and i felt dirty ...I was thinking i deserved better. Since that moment i stopped fucking ugly women.

INB4; Chad doesn't fuck ugly girls

well, i was very needy and inexpert at sex, but since that moment i always apply my rules

Why not just get a wife?

Attached: Shrug.jpg (560x417, 43K)

Lefties will defend this

i'm too young for having kid and most important, I'd like to keep my money.

I'm gonna ride the pussy carousel and settle down when i'm 40 :D:D:D

How old are you?

>I'm gonna ride the pussy carousel
But why? Sex sounds like it would be so much better with someone you loved and cared about.

Attached: Hand Holding.jpg (650x400, 26K)

Muslims need better hobbies.

That clitorectomy doesn't seem to have dampened her spirit at all.

Attached: Hoovy.gif (480x270, 2.73M)

The 'stans are stagnant backwards shitholes. Imagine thinking you can learn anything from them.

>But why? Sex sounds like it would be so much better with someone you loved and cared about.

perhaps...but i'm incapable in falling with love with anyone. I don't want too, i don't want anger in my hearth..jeaously or crying for someone at some point. I don't want problems.
Love is a mental status, i mean..I could chose when to fall in love, but for now, i refuse that option.

i'm 25 btw.

>I could chose when to fall in love
You don't choose to fall in love.

Oh, you are still super young. It'll probably happen in a few more years then.

Leftists will defend anything that's anti-White.

show bobs and vagene

Attached: Arbeit macht frei.jpg (1129x791, 294K)

I don't like this girl but I do wonder how leftfags will respond to this"brave" and"stunning" body of hers

>no one reposted them here