You've done nothing but abuse your freedom. You don't deserve to be free. We're not the ones smothering the world...

>You've done nothing but abuse your freedom. You don't deserve to be free. We're not the ones smothering the world, you are.

Am I the only one who's political awakening started with Metal Gear Solid 2?

Attached: mgs2.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

MGS2 helped me go from basic anti-SJW to full on anti-postmodernism.

Does something called a "self" exist inside of you?

Kojima was dropping Red Pills all the way back in the 2000s about the modern day information war.

Mine started with MGS1 which is still more kino but MGS2 is very close.

MGS is excellent and brilliant but it basically just tells the viewer to ignore your genes and "clean your room."

MGS2 is legit political philosophy. It showed me that humanity is ultimately a flawed animal. Freedom is a hateful lie, mankind is not capable of sustainability.

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ahahaha vadeo gam : )

Hitler has the right idea to ally with the japs

The la le lu le lo?

you understood anything from that autism fest? I remember snake beating off in a locker and feeding some loli to a vampire or something.

(((The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo)))
Most obvious dogwhistle of all time once you catch on.

Agreed but MGS1 had superior world building and set design and more compelling characters. The introduction of Fortune was cool as hell but she doesn't hold a candle to Sniper Wolf.

The Jew Fears The Samurai

based satanic mick

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>Most obvious dogwhistle of all time once you catch on.
I played it first when I was in my early teens. Didn't notice a lot of shit until I went back and played it again in my 20s.


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>Agreed but MGS1 had superior world building and set design and more compelling characters. The introduction of Fortune was cool as hell but she doesn't hold a candle to Sniper Wolf.

Sure the boss fights were better and their individual presentation too, but the overarching theme in SoL is where the true brilliance shines.

Acknowledged and appreciated

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MGSV has a huge red pill, people mock it, but will become mainstream in a decade

>Am I the only one who's political awakening started with Metal Gear Solid 2?
Mine started with asteroids on the atari actually

Thought the Gameplay was Kino but story was kind of weak. Most cut scenes were just turned into audio tapes.
It's obvious we were missing a chapter or two as well.
Still thought it was really good though.

That we all just need dat dank Joost butthole pressed against the camera at all times to achieve world peace and satisfaction? That's what I got from it anyway

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Mah nigga

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What, ethnic cleansers? God I only hope so.

shh we don't talk about that

"sustainability" jew lie for economic enslavement and goy business repression culling


when they are forcing you to take this shit?

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>DOM - Used as a termination, denotes JURISDICTION, OR PROPERTY AND JURISDICTION; primarily, DOOM, JUDGMENT; as in kingdom, earldom. Hence it is used to denote STATE, CONDITION OR QUALITY, as in wisdom, freedom. (Webs1828)

>FREEDOM - 1. A state of EXEMPTION from the power or control of another; liberty; EXEMPTION FROM SLAVERY, SERVITUDE OR CONFINEMENT. 8. LICENSE; improper familiarity; violation of the rules of decorum; with a plural. Beware of what are called innocent freedoms. (Webs1828)



>ENFRANCHISE - [From franchise] TO SET FREE; to liberate from slavery. 1. To make free OF A CITY, CORPORATION OR STATE; to admit to the privileges of a freeman (Webs1828)

muh freedom

language determinism, learn hebrew or german
>What, (((ethnic cleansers)))? God I only hope so.
actually this but with white people

Check out this USS Liberty MGS edit

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only if you believe in it.

my nigga
Here's a link to the court documents that show the HHS in the US has never once supplied a mandated report about it's efforts to make vaccines any safer.
If you have kids, this is legal proof that will obliterate any attempts to force vaccinations.

Spread it far and wide, anons.
in b4 permaban

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Mine probably started with Dragon Warrior 3 or 4. Any kind of game that was more story oriented served as a learning tool for spotting inconsistencies, motives, and agendas in real life.

Did you even play MGS1 from beginning to end or did you just watch a cutscene?


Absolutely based.

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>Am I the only one who's political awakening started with Metal Gear Solid 2?

Mine started in the mid 80's when I was old enough to understand what communism was.

>abuse your freedom
Jews think they are our masters when they can't even stand up to 14 year old girls
They don't see any irony in this

>weakest race convincing itself that it masters all others

I heard that speech when that game came out and i laughed at how far fetched it was. I heard it again a few years ago and now I can't believe they got it so right. How in the fuck did they predict it? It was never as bad as it was depicted in that speech, especially in Japan- where that game was made. Only in the past 5 years have we seen everything they predicted in that game. How did they do it?

>Metal Gear Solid 2
No Bionic Commando?

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Icke was onto something when he talked about inversion. The space lizard baby rapist shit was a bit far out, but I suppose you have to be just batshit insane enough to keep the normies at bay if you intend to speak truth and still survive.
Imagine you worship evil, and strive to turn everything good in the world to produce evil. Medicine makes you ill, schools make you stupid, religion takes your soul, the unborn are parasites. Inversion.
What would be the outcome that would be most heinous, most sick, most evil?
If it were all done for naught.

Have faith.

what a bluepilled message. kys op

Excitebike was a political eye opener.
I like the track editor

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>*Bionic Communist*

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The game was depressingly accurate

You're a brainlet if your redpill comes from video games.

MGS V is the truest incarantion of the term "pleb filter". If not for Konami, MGSV could have been the greatest game of all time. An unfinished masterpiece.

Attached: this fucking guy.gif (320x240, 2.05M)

>humanity is ultimately a flawed animal. Freedom is a hateful lie, mankind is not capable of sustainability.
these are three totally unrelated topics

Its suppose to be an unpalatable message, its delivered by the one of the villains of the game.

>MGS2 is legit political philosophy. It showed me that humanity is ultimately a flawed animal. Freedom is a hateful lie, mankind is not capable of sustainability.
t. retard

What was wrong with it?

>Snake captures arabs and niggers and turn them into his slaves and makes him do his bidding
yeah he's pretty based

>who's freedom
looks like you never had an awakening from high school yet

I was a stoned af teenager playing that game and the ending blew my fucking mind

Only kids with friends played Contra and Double Dragon.

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>Raiden, turn the game console off right now!

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>i'm too dumb to realize most people probably played this when they were children and it probably was the first time they were ever exposed to these ideas.

Fuck Double Dragon. River City Ransom was the greatest fight game of all time.

>high five

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>Not having played Sonic Fury on Action Max
Poor bastards

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>Am I the only one who's political awakening started with Metal Gear Solid 2?
mine started with 1

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Raiden, something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had a couple of miles to go -- I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky, to the east! It was moving very irregularly... Suddenly, there was intense light all around me -- and when I came to, I was home. What do you think happened to me...?

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It was damned prophetic in hindsight.
>predicted VR being used to train the military
>predicted sentient AI mimicing human behaviour to fool people
>recreation of Shadow Moses in the plant chapter is a remarkably interesting commentary on how art is becoming endlessly derivative

Obviously there are many works prior to mgs2 that featured these thing disparately (like how phillip k dick wrote about a potential vr world you enter through drug use in Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldtrich) but mgs2 collated them together rather well.

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>Not going all the way back

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Solidus Snake did nothing wrong

MGS2 and Deus Ex are prophetic
Notice we have no official Deus Ex Remake for a reason
That part on the meme war in both games was spot on

Are you 11?

this is the scene that changed you isnt it

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Kojima mostly wrote the story himself. One can only assume he was the most redpilled man in Japan and picked vidya as he knew it was a medium censors did not understand well or pay close attention to. The original Matrix is another great example of the truth hiding in plain sight. Personally I think they mkultrad the directors into women as payback once they realized they'd made a movie about Jesus Christ and how his followers can avoid persecution while redpilling the public and did it in a way that made it one of the most influential movies of all time.