If so, how?
Did you escape the black pill?
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no, its a bottomless pit that only ends when you die
Build communities with like minded people helps.
Escape? Lol... Yes there is a way to survive, but not escape. Youre trying to crybaby blue pill yourself. Thats a suicide recipe if you took a black pill...
Also, anons should reccomend good doomer/black pilled movies. Like something bleak and nihilistic that is good to be a doomer to.
Take the narcissist pill. Become too self-absorbed to care about anything other than yourself.
>This is unironically the answer
I'm a narcissist and an empath at the same time I think. Is that possible? I also would say I'm somewhat of a nihilist and a Christian. I know that's possible.
It will pass.
The White Pill will come then.
Just remember, quitting is for pussies.
I know.
Leaving Las Vegas with Nicholas Cage. I rewatched it the other day.
hey fucking retard
stop starting threads saying nothing
its the shut the fuck up pill
Legit. I tried to watch this like 5 years ago, but didn't really "get" it. I have a feeling I will now.
no u
Does your empathy genuine or do you care more about virtue signalling to make yourself look good?
Have you tried not going on this shit ass website?
Only the white pill can save you.
God is waiting.
Look up Evidence of the Afterlife by Jeffrey Long. Also here is proof scientists know we are the center of the universe.
You can’t save all mankind from the global elite. What you can do is forgive them and move on, loving everyone and this world despite any faults. When you die, you will be immersed and a peace and love you can’t begin to imagine. That is God, an immense light and consciousness that loves us so dearly.
I've been preparing for the zombie apocalypse for over a decade now. starting to get impatient really
Hmmm, it's complex. I'm easily effected by bad vibes from normies, but I only care about myself
i have not escaped it. nothing helps.
There is no escape. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, it can be fun.
Like nigga, just have sex
weak, what you should do is improve your life and improve the world around you, the ones who do this are the only ones who are worth it in this shitty site, which is now filled with defeatists and shills
Yes, i bought a New Testament and met Jesus about 10 years ago. I now wear the armor of the Most-High and have been exposing the luciferian agenda even since. I used to be lost in a sea of red pills before that, nearly drowing in it, but afterwards (in hindsight) the gathing of all this knowledge turned out to be exactly what was needed to serve God as a spiritual soldier in the service of Christ himself.
And i'm doing it, fully knowing i'm totally saved and an inheritence is waiting for me in the Kingdom of Heaven - this earth after it's renewel, when the Heavenly Father will speak out all information stored in the Book of Life.
Praise be onto YHWH, our heavenly father and His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen Amen.
Go buy a Bible and open it. Meet Christ anons, for he is a living entity as we speak and he is eagerly waiting for you to meet him. I'm not joking. Shut of that insufferable ego (we all have it) of yours for just a moment and open your hearts to receive the Truth.
Stop being meaningless, shallow meatbags void of life and become what you were ment to be, SONS OF GOD.
A new world awaits you. Promise.
that meme is fucking hillarious. One linky will ALWAYS be one stinky though. I'm watching my coins.
As much as Jow Forums likes to bash it, and in most cases their right, it's the only way to escape the black pill. Live solely for your own benefit. Fuck anyone that tries to control your behavior. Do whatever the fuck you want, literally nobody else matters.
Remember that in a few short decades, you'll be able to escape into virtual reality and live on a beach somewhere with a catgirl waifu.
just consume, don't ask questions and go for the next product, we want good goyim amarite
Jesus Christ.
By realizing that if all is ashes around me, I can stand above them unburnt
And by using your rational brain, do you think that will bear good or bad fruits when everybody applies that as his daily standard?
The truth of it all, is that you are totally lost and without direction or purpose. Your fleeing into hedonism is a desperate escape from what will stare back at you if you dont - a darkness, void of life. Don't live a life of such utter self-denial.
Don't be afraid of the light. Open a NT and meet Jesus.
you'll get there
He asked how to escape the black pill, my suggestion was merely a first step, not the end goal you fudgepacking assclown.
>no alcohol
>no weed
>get healthy. Don't be fat, exercise 3-5 times a week and minimize body fat.
>Accept Jesus Christ and become a Christian
>Avoid degeneracy
Read the bible, it warns you of what temptations this earth has to offer that will degrade your soul and make you feel blackpilled.
It's actually easier than you think. First, stop eating shit food. Second, work out at least 5 times a week minimum. Third, remember that all Jews do is lie, so all those demographic/birth rates/future poll predictions/etc are probably complete bullshit. Fourth, I know muzzies are always the topic they say we should fear, but you are in America, we are being invaded by Mexicans, they are mostly Catholic. Yes they stink and listen to shit music, but America is still going to be in a better place than all the other western nations in the long run. Fifth, white people are waking up and again America is in a great position since we are dealing with Mexican immigration, but the rest of the western world is getting destroyed by muzzies. This is great for us, since everyone in the world hates muzzies, whites in america can wake up/discuss race realism without worrying about being called a racist - basically all white people will become redpilled at this point. Eventually white people in other western nations will begin to flee to America to come live with the last whites on Earth with guns. At this point so many whites in America will be waking up, that balkanization is going to be happening en mass, most moving to the PNW. All these white immigrants will join the ranks of the white separatists in America causing white population to explode. The best part about Mexicans, they hate blacks even more than white people and unlike whites, Mexicans will keep those monkeys inline - awesome! Seeing as these Mexicans invaded/stole the land from whites, they will side with us in creating ethno states, we will get the upper half and Mexicans get the lower half and niggers will be forced to live in Florida and we will finally get that wall... but just walling off Florida. White birth rates will explode, we will invent FTL space travel and eventually leave all these shitskins stranded on this globohomo Earth. Once we find Earth 2.0, we come back and nuke the planet
accepting Christ
You dont. You accept it, you get angry, and eventually if you have the guts, you get even
Watch a soph video
positive and affirmative post
No, nihilism is Satanism.
Unironicly the Honkpill saved me
>no weed
Some day user, but not this one. Btw I'm watching Leaving Las Vegas now, user was right. Someone should make a Nick Cage Doomer Wojak
For me it was learning to truly accept our circumstances and embrace the challenges that we'll have in our lifetime. So many people look for a meaning or purpose in life and ours has already been laid ahead for us, we just need to rise to the occasion.
We must become the greatest generation of Europeans to ever exist, or become the last generation of Europeans to exist.
In a strange way we are almost lucky to have this opportunity, to be pushed to our utmost limits as a people and to see if yet we can still endure and march ever forward.
Reminder: Nihilism is turning from an actual solution by giving in to Jewish tricks, allowing yourself to be subjugated. Your ancestors fought against this.
You were born as a free human. Fight all of the oppressors. That is the beginning of happiness.
Being Jewish helps fren
I got Jow Forums and got a gf. Now we're blackpilled together
Listen to some shit by David Goggins. Our minds are mental obstacles, man. Also look at all the good shit in life, I used to only look at the bad things.
I hear you user, I started smoking weed in High School when I was 16. Then I moved onto psychedelics and dabbing hash oil on mushroom trip peaks.
It never lead me anywhere and I kind of just snapped out of it one day and realized how weed makes me complacent, too comfortable with my life even if I'm doing nothing.
When I realized I wasn't following my dreams as much as I should, I put gave all my weed and pipes away.
Since I stopped getting high, my motivation has sky rocketed and I am 10x more productive.
Also some good benefits of no weed
>less anxiety
>More dreams and more vivid, lucid dreams almost every night
>more money, I did the math and I've spent over 30,000$ on weed in my lifetime
>more clarity. I feel my IQ went up ten points.
Realize that weed gives you an effect that you can acquire while sober. Just because you're not stoned doesn't mean you can't be laid back, calm, and relaxed. All those effects are still there while you're sober, it's all a matter of expanding your consciousness.
The experiences found in sobriety are actually much more profound than I've ever achieved through drugs, and I think my drug use was holding these profound sober experiences away.
It's like the drugs give you a glimpse of what your mind can achieve without drugs, but never actually gives it to you.
>escape the black pill
lol, you either embrace it or kys
what are some good things in your opinion?
>we are all one body and soul and god loves you so dont worry about the extinction and eradication of your people.
kys cuck
why are kristcucks always so gay sounding.
you cucks sound just ready and willing to take the globohomo eradication of your people up the ass
Reminder: Christianity is turning from an actual solution by giving in to Jewish tricks, allowing yourself to be subjugated. Your ancestors fought against this.
>says the US becoming mexican is ok because they are catholic.
Is there a word for peak boomer?
>Some day user, but not this one
I would have told you that 3 months ago.
I quit at the start of april. Didn't smoke at all in april or since.
I was a habitual smoker for about 6 years. I would not smoke until I got home from work on weekdays (typical 8 hour work days) and then I would always be high when I was not working.
It was actually incredibly easy to do. The first 2 or 3 days after I quit i just felt a little extra depressed and unmotivated (drinking a bit of alcohol made it entertaining enough, but definitely don't make it a habit). Once I got over those 2 or 3 days, I didn't miss the feeling of being high at all. I missed the action of packing and lighting up a bowl, but the feeling of being high wasn't really a craving I had at all. Turns out, when you smoke habitually, the high you get is pretty much little to nothing anyway.
Now that I'm about 2 full months out, I don't miss the habits of packing a bowl or lighting it at all either. When its really pretty outside I dont think "oh this would be so much better if I was high". I just enjoy the nice weather, and the meals, and the fun.. without being high.
This might not be the case for everyone. I was getting to the point where not much was fun anymore even while high. I do still get almost no enjoyment from the same games or shows I used to love a while ago, but I have been more productive and enjoying being more productive.
This is my result, everyone's different, but just drink a lot for 3 or 4 days, don't smoke at all during those days. Then dont buy any more alcohol for a couple of weeks and get used to not being high. I don't see myself going back, at this point (although I'm sure if I did it would feel like the first times again since my tolerance is low - I just know that wont last long).
Now that I'm not high, I dont have to worry about whether a girl I'm trying to talk to will mind. I can apply for whatever job I want without worry. These benefits are great.
>don't go into Jewish tricks
>practice logotherapy which was literally developed by two Jews and one was a holocaust survivor.
Not being dead, not living in africa, not being physically handicapped, not being mentally handicapped, having access to electricity, internet, transportation, water, etc. Shit people take for granted and don't realize they do until its gone.
Bruh, I'm making the point that they are better than muzzies
Do you have a life outside of being a servant of the Jews who, might I remind you, are the eternal enemy of Christ? You seem to be in every thread advocating so, resident pollack slave.
Life is better without dope. Dope makes you stupid. Also, the withdrawal is a nicotine addiction.
how so?
muzzies are an OBVIOUS threat and they red pill so many people on the issue of immigration.
by your own admission, we shouldn't worry as much about mexicans because they are catholic even though they a much greater demographic threat to whites in america than muzzies are to europeans in europe.
so "bruh", wtf point are you trying to make?
>>More dreams and more vivid, lucid dreams almost every night
>>more money, I did the math and I've spent over 30,000$ on weed in my lifetime
I also didn't realize how much dreaming i lost to being high all the time. It was a little weird to get used to at first, dreaming again. The money was also a benefit but not really a problem for me in the first place.
I didn't appreciate the weather/nature as much before I was a pothead as I did while high, but it didn't go back to the way it was. I have a heightened awareness now, and I enjoy it as much as when I was high.
>Rejects Christ
>calls Christianity a Jewish trick
>advocates Logotherapy, which was developed by two Jews
either he's trolling or just extremely naive.
Jesus Christ is the cure for the blackpill.
The gospels and revelations are essentially the guide to cure the blackpill.
Ive always been a stormfag was sad because stormfag realized not so bad and maybe rwn find where you belong with your mensch
I didnt smoke blunts, only out of bowls or bongs, so I doubt that. I think it was more of a psychological addiction. My mind had gotten used to this mindset of "everything will be better once I light up" and then the immediate release of the onset of a high. I had trained myself to associate that with relaxing.
You don't. At best you can just forget about it for a while, but it's always there and will always be there until death claims you.
I agree we need to restore western civilization for westerners to thrive there is a sub wheel that is a cross that’s from the Neolithic the trinity represents the new covenant our ancestors formed when the Jews killed god christ
Try a hobby like gardening baka if u put the work in its bit degeneracy
Guess what, faggots, Christians are the ones fighting against the globalist. Literally every Major right Wing party in the west, every country who is still traditionalist, every intelectual arguing against globalist ideas... thet are all christians. My church, for instance, has officialy deemed communism ans judaism to be satanic ideas.
What are larpagans doind? What are atheists doing. All they do is circle jerk and complaim.
You Fedora faggots should be gassed as well.
Well I've mostly just been reading more books to enhance my programming skills (I already make a lot of money doing it, but I could be making more if I learn in my spare time).
I also want to get back to work on the music thing, but the inspiration hasn't quite hit yet.
>friends, gym, not worrying about stuff outside of your own control, preparing for all possible futures
if you do all that stuff you're not blackpilled any more.
The realization that the jewish revolutionarry spirit is unsustainable when people endulge in delusions that run in direct opposition to our reproductive process.
fuck you gutsy
The blackpill consumed me. I burned all bridges, I hate myself and I am too stupid , lazy and weak to fix anything. Its all too late anyway, it doesn't even matter anymore.
Sort of. In college I was stuck in the city full of pajeets and chinks. Making minimum wage pushing carts at Walmart. Surrounded by roasties and junkies. Barely paying my bills and drowning in debt. Hundreds of miles away from my family. After graduation I applied to endless coding jobs and got endless rejections. I fell for the coding meme and all the companies wanted 10+ years experience, affirmative action pajeets and womyn, and had an endless list of requirements.
Then I got an offer from a company near my hometown. A comfy coding job in a small white community that paid very well. No feminists, foreigners, or faggots. Doing a job in an "obsolete" language and field I enjoyed. The coding meme actually paid off in the end.
My debts are gone. I'm close to my family. And I'm not breaking my back at a shitty minimum wage job anymore. Life is good.
With that said the black pill still lurks. Eventually ZOG will come to destroy this place. The shitskin hordes will find their way here and destroy this way of life. We can't run away forever. I'm living in a bubble that will eventually pop. But for now I at least have the power and resources to prepare for it.
I took the clown pill and stopped caring. Now I openly push for civil war with the hope that I'll be one of the ones who dies in it. Let it all burn.
The notion that the nature of men is evil is part of the jewish revolutionary spirit.
fuck bitches
There are two ways to free oneself from the black pill that don’t involve your own death. You go even deeper down the rabbit hole.
You take the blue pill. You forget about all of the problems. You live a normal life, without ever thinking about all of the problems this world has.
Or you take the red pill, and you see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. You decide that instead of being a norm or blue pilled, and wasting yourself on a black pill, you decide to be one of the awake. You spread your knowledge to others. Eventually, once this knowledge becomes widespread enough, the system will be unable to expand fast enough to meet the demands of the expanding system.
Sedona method
I'm fully red pilled, and black pilled at the same time. Southern Israelite was talking about my channel on livestream last night.....that's how you KNOW you've made it. kek
Pagliacci Socialism
>Or you take the red pill
You do not talk about the redpill.
I can handle the blackpill, I just wish I had friends like I did when I was in school and a gf to cuddle
Here's a white pill. No matter how many feds and NGOs try to destroy us, we are tens of millions of people that work endlessly with all our ability and passion to spread the truth. Also, we don't take a paycheck.
I go through absolutely black pilled phases. They come and go. The honk pill is a good pain killer until the phase goes away.
>Did you escape the black pill?
I am not blackpilled. I am me. I have a future. I will eventually escape the pussy desert. She is waiting for me, she needs me. I need her. Our child depends on us. I will become a better person today.
>Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial.
It’s good to do things you like I go fishing and smoke plants but it’s always good to read especially the classics