Israeli Prime Minister’s Son Encourages Jihadis to Attack Spain


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the jews wont stop


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what an ass

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Maybe the Mossad already has some attacks planned and this is his blundering way of doing some predictive programming?

Wow that's awesome. He used the Bible to justify land ownership - land that was literally handed over just 70 years ago by the west and established their existance

Those are some big fucking balls.

Is pic related the son?

No pic related is.


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Dig out the historical documents involving Jewish money-lenders and royal advisors in Spain, Crypto-kikes must not escape. Here is a modern one behind our local HIV data leak.
In the interview, Brochez said he could converse in eight languages, including (((Hebrew))) and Spanish, saying that he was "a gifted child".

pike a kike day

cute song - is she supposed to be the next Alizee?

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Wow the mexicans really got worked up over that tweet!

Hey Priscilliafag, I have a question...why?

So wait
Why does Spain want Judea and Samaria?
Baby Bibi is getting pretty hot and bothered over all of this and so are the Spanish
Is this all Christian related?

are the jews this retarded or do they piss people off on purpose at satans orders?

is he spergin' out?

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He's an ebin troll

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its strange they havent been targets in the past. european exclaves in the middle east? damn son

>"Let’s make a deal, we won’t fund NGOs in your country calling you to give away Ceuta and Melilla, and you will *stop* funding NGOs in our country that calls us to give away Judea and Samaria"

>its strange they havent been targets in the past.
They have been, the last time was in 2002.

And not ME, it's more western than France...

Why do they do this? Why do they always push too far and get pogromed, expelled or genocided? They are supposed to be smart. Does arrogance cloud their mind?

That's not balls, that's absolute madness. Israel exists only because of West. Why would you bite the hand that feeds over and over?

- race: Arab
- religion: Jewish

>Babylon was a key kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia from the 18th to 6th centuries BC.

>In ancient Mesopotamian religion, Pazuzu
>was the king of the demons of the wind, brother of Humbaba and son of the god Hanbi. He also represented the southwestern wind, the bearer of storms and drought.

>Nebuchadnezzar II laid siege to Jerusalem, culminating in the destruction of the city and its temple in the summer of 587 or 586 BC
>king Nebuchadnezzar installed Zedekiah as tributary king of Judah

>king of Babylon

It's because Jews came to Europe and then back to sand land is why they don't look like Arabs.

I would jihad her butt

I find irony in everything except in how much o dislike Jews every time one opens its mouth. I came back after a month to post this. And I’m gone again

This is the main reason why I don't believe in the jewish conspiracy to bring islam into Europe. It would be suicide, christians are literally the only people that support the jews. With an islamic Europe, Israel would last 2 days. Am I missing some sort of 3d chess?

the jews can't stop making everyone hate them


I would high interest rate her mouth

i bet spanish ppl on twitter sending him death threads for this shit.

that looks like a girl

Absolutely based. Spanilards are some of the biggest Islamic cucks out there.
Not surprising considering they are part Arab themselves with all the Moorish blood in their veins.
They can take all the paleshitnians into their country.

What about this, though?

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>still buttmad about the inquisition a gorillion years later

Based and Jew pilled.

> has less muslims than sweden

I bet he is a flaming faggot who is getting deepdicked by niggers, just like Soros son.

Is that pic Bibi's son?

Damn, I'm gonna have take the /transpill/

Digits and they attack (((him))) instead.

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He did it to make a point about Spain criticizing Israel's land-grabbing. You left out the context.

They are practically Arab Christians by how.
That explains why they have 40 percent youth unemployment and haven't done anything innovative since 1600.

Israel does land land grabs in modern day with foreign mercenaries and foreign aid.
The Spanish did it back when nobody gave two fuck and they did it themselves.
Kikes are cowards and rats.

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As if your not an Arab, your people shit on Palestinians but to tell you the truth you're identical to the Pal's. Nobody can tell the dif.

His tweet is completely idiotic. Because the arab muslims invaded spain and occupied it for 500 fucking years.
Fucking idiot jew. First off these people didn´t have their own country for 3000 fucking years and was constantly fucking up other peoples countries. Now apparently spain has to give away territory, because of some debate about concesssions of israel. A nation state that only has existed since 1948. Because it's 'totally the same thing'.
No it isn´t.

I would mortgage her boobs


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>Moorish blood in their veins
Because your ancestors let them in

Pierre, get the gas.

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>kikes in pikes
I'm down like Drac for this idea.

Who said I were to be a Jew though??? Hahahaha subversiveness over 1000%

He's here

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That's the entire basis for isreals claim to the land. Some 4k year old document that admits they didn't even own the land most of the time, and whose ownership was nullified by the Romans almost 2k years ago when they kicked them out.
Rome honestly should have just killed all those rats.

He was making a point that it doesn't feel going to have people do what he did an that if Spanish people call for Israel attacked by Muslims they should see what it feels like to have someone say that to them. Not the best thing to say, but he clearly wasn't serious about it, just jabbing at people who jab at Israel.

And Jews themselves are artacked by the same people they want to bring in aswell. Anti-White idiots the lot of them.

>he doesnt know
Look up the golem, user. Jews never think ahead. They are creatures of the present, and act in the present, and use weapons of the present, with no thoughts of the future. And their weapons and up backfiring in them all the time.
Hell, if they thought they could get away with it, they'd bike all the Arabs in an instant, then cry because they were dying to radiation sickness cause they forgot that would hurt them too.

>And you leftists and precious journalists. You always claim that our allies in Eastern Europe are very anti-Semites, while Western Europe is enlightened and liberal. Offers you to read the reactions of the anti-Semitic, medieval style of your Spanish friends who are funding the left-wing organizations in Israel.
yk sometimes i truly feel sorry for the jews
trapped in an /x/ world with no way out

They are suicidal.
It is time that we goyim honor their wishes and put them out of their misery.

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user, I...
(Google the Kalergi Plan)

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Ah yes, Jewish Allies.

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>That's the entire basis for isreals claim to the land. Some 4k year old document that admits they didn't even own the land most of the time, and whose ownership was nullified by the Romans almost 2k years ago when they kicked them out.
>Rome honestly should have just killed all those rats.
Imagine how much we own our own countries compared to them. Imagine how much we would be able to kick every fucking person out that we wanted. Even if they had been there for let´s say.. 100 years? 200?
And him trying to kiss arab ass what the fuck is he doing. There are 51 majority muslim countries in the world. The arabian islam through conquest invaded and occupied territory similar in landmass to the roman empire.
THE FIRST THING they did when the caliphates launched was under the ummayads go across north africa and attack spain unprovoked and then occupy it for 500 fucking years, whilst europeans were trying to liberate it many times.
And they even went after france aswell.
So north africans, which the arabs fucking took over before they invaded spain. And some small parts there that is now of spain, after they push back the caliphate who invaded and occupied span for 500 years. I MEAN PLEASE. This is like the fucking worst and stupidest example of why israel deserves the west bank he could possibly make! Because spain was not fucking aggressor towards north africa, north africa via the fucking arabs, during the islamic caliphates. Invaded and occupied spain totally unprovoked! AND STAYED FOR 500 FUCKING YEARS.
This kind of 'reasoning' is peak kikeness though.
And at same time jews will go say we need to be flooded with immigrants/totally different people.


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Just look at these idiot jews. I am glad he made this comment. These morons haven´t had a nation for 3000 fucking years. Constantly fucking around in other peoples nations and territories and scheming and whatnot.
They get israel since 1948 then all of a sudden spain has to give clay to fucking arabs who invaded spain and occupied it for 500 fucking years. If spain politicians wants to argue they should give up the west bank of israel. A fucking nation only since 1948. Before that, fucking jews had no nation for several thousand years.
They might ask themselves why god they always talk about dislike them so much that they did not get one sooner. Maybe has a little bit to do with their conduct now aswell.
But let´s disregard god or a deity whatsoever. These fuckers could not hold on to their own country for 3000 years, and for 3000 years nobody even fucking wanted to give them a fucking country to be nice to them. WHY IS THAT.
Also another thing he suck up to islamic arabs. Wasn´t jerusalem invaded by the muslims and they built dome of the rock and al aksa mosque and made jews and christians dhimmis. OH YEAH.. that´s what happened.
Kissing ass to muslims and pretending muslims are victims when it benefits jews and shitting on muslims later. Muslims do same thing.
Muslims and jews are totally in cahoots though when it gets to screwing over europeans though aren´t they. Then the rabbi and the imam walk hand in hand together. Fucking assholes.

Just realize how much spaniards deserve spanish territory. When these fucking morons can claim the west bank because their people were there 3000 fucking years ago! ARE YOU KIDDING ME. This would mean if same applied to spain, you would not be able to take away any territory for spain for 3000 fucking years either. And no non spaniard had any right to do so. And i guess zero immigration to spain aswell.
BUT AHH.. always with the double standard.

WHO ELSE but a fucking jew can hold a grudge for several thousand years, or use a 3000 year justification for ANYTHING today. Fucking jews probably still hate italy because the romans burned their shitty temple down 2000 years ago.

>that assblasted over a tweet

I´m tired of the double standard and seeing the primitive and vengeful mind of the jew on display.

Jews talk about that we need to accept immigrants and then they claim the west bank because jews lived there 3000 fucking years ago. Go fuck yourself schlomo.
Also the very fact that he talks about a foreign nation using NGO's to manipulate politics of people in another country. Out of some kind of spite like this. SAYS A LOT.

fuck that decor reminds me of les filles d'acoté and similar 80's tv shows lol.


feels like pedo normalisation to me though
just like any of these too young pop and other trash singers

It's funny that the Spanish complain about Gibraltar when they have literal African colonies still

Nebuchadnezzer is the name for a bottle of wine that holds 20 normal bottles. Like a magnum is a double bottle.

>It's funny that the Spanish complain about Gibraltar when they have literal African colonies still
You don´t seem to know the history about how entire spain was unprovoked invaded and occupied for 500 years by the fucking muslims. And that these things that the idiot jews are talking about, was taken in retaliation for being pushed around by these fucking north african moors and arabs.

> because jews lived there 3000 fucking years ago.
Jews lived there _continously_ for over 3000 years. Under several occupiers.
And jews don't talk about accepting immigrants in Europe. _some _ jews do, leftist socialists usually, but it isn't a collective like Jow Forums memesters makes it to be.
And europoors are the biggest donors to Palestine. Not to mention if you had a backbone none of it would have mattered, you'd just kick the Muslims out.

I'm not surprised.

Not surprised at all

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honestly, are you surprised?

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she looks to be at least 18 user

LOL you guys are genuine autists. He's joking about how Spain should free occupied opressed Muslim lands, a la what the EU tells us to do.

Bullshit. Israeli right wingers are cheering when refugees enter Europe or when terror attacks occur on European land. Stop lying. The majority of Jews are too involved in Holocaust brainwashing to care about europe, and the rest believe the goyim are cattle bullshit.

Pike a kike

False and false. You dont fool anyone Jew

I always cheer for poetic justice. The euroshits are financing Islamic terrorism by financing the "Palestinians". It's only fair that they suffer from it. I'll cheer about it every time it happens.

Fuckin bring em ya filthy kikess

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Oh yeah, it will be true this time as pol told me the first 5000 times before

you, I like you, you choosen bro

Hey we've got a smart man here. :)

Based Irish bruhthers

She browses Jow Forums
Shalom yair.
Based kike.
Still deserve punishment tho.

So don't pretend that Jews aren't involved or that it's just lefties. And btw, instead of cheering that the most powerful continent on earth is becoming Muslim, you ought to cry out and try to prevent it. Your poetic justice is worthless masterbation - some would see Israel being subverted to destruction and isolated as poetic justice. People like you prove them right.

Spain replies

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Love the replies at least, everyone left and right seems to unite against the eternal kike. Everyone knows deep inside they're the root of all wars, they're the filth, the disease. We just haven't done anything about it yet. When that happens, all differences will disappear and we'll all unite to decimate this cancer.

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Spain has already experienced Trucks of Peace™

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0:08 not only he ran a truck over her, but he also managed to take off her pants and underear wtf

this nigga still pissed about 1492 lmao

that is not ''occupied land'', or muslim land for that matter. Neither is it opressed, dumbfuck. Read a bit, cunt.

Our king is the king of Jerusalem too, so don't fuck around with us

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why do Israeli right wingers cheer when muslims
enter Europe? whats their reasoning?

fuckn hell m8

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That has nothing to do with anything. We aren't in control of Europe's borders, they are. And the fact they keep virtue signaling to Muslims despite all the rapes /terror and what not should be pointed out and laughed at. It's their own doing. So much for the European mustard race.