Brit/pol/ MI5 Agents Edition

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>Macron Humbled in France as Exit Polls Show Le Pen Win

>Britain awaits a Brexit Party landslide

>Raab sets out leader bid as Gove joins leadership race

>No Deal Brexit ‘ Almost Impossible to Stop,’ Says Spanish Govt

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Well done. However....

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what is he going to kill off next?

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the new brexit party MEP for scotland
say something nice about him

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her pussy


>Sir, we need to stop No Deal at all costs
>"I know just the man."

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uk is fucked im leaving today

*starts spreading the news*

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See you at heathrow paki

I want to be part of it

> Worst Tory result in their 185 year history

We're getting Boris and no deal lads (unless the EU renegotiates now no deal is an actual possibility). Tories will be shitting a brick. How does Farage do it?

Big Dick Energy & 7-up

Move to hungary, oh wait, they hate you guys there.

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>We're getting Boris and no deal lads
parliament wont vote for it. we'll get an extension more likely

i-is Nigel erect??

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assume makes an ass out of u not me

low iq assumptions

a better angle would show the wing is on fire

Macron says he will veto it. And as the Institute for Government says, unless they topple the PM and replace with a new one (Fixed term parliament act or General election) Parliament can't stop No Deal. So Parliament only has one option which is the nuclear option

hello gchq u souf cunts fuck mods!

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Parliament doesn't need to vote for it
its literally the legal default
all Boris would have to do is not bring business to the house until afterwards

But the EU elections haven't been running for 185 years.....?

>Macron says he will veto it.

He said that last time too


Pro-Brexit: Ukip (3.3%), Labor (14.1%), Conservative (9.1%), Brexit (31.6%).
Total: 58.1%

Anti-Brexit: Green (12.1%), Lden, (20.3%), SNP (3.6%), PC (1.0%), Chuk (3.4%).
Total: 40.4%

The issue after that is some pro-Brexit parties like Labor want a "soft" Brexit, and others like the Brexit party want a "hard" Brexit.

The only thing that matters to me is pro-Brexit won. The majority clearly does NOT want to undo Brexit. Now the question is how do we go about doing it.

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>Pro-Brexit: Labour (14.1%), Conservative (9.1%)

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but there wouldn't be an unconditional extension next time at the very least, a referendum/general election would be demanded

>Now the question is how do we go about doing it.
well, BXP + UKIP = 34.9% > CON + LAB = 23.2%

Macron's is just posturing, he's full of shit, he won't veto any extension, none of the leaders will. There's nothing parliament won't do to prevent us leaving without a deal, although ruling out no-deal isn't enshrined into law they're damn sure treating it like it is. They'll promise anything to the EU to get another extension if needed and the EU will grant it.

>pro brexit
they're not pro brexit just pro surrender

>people ho vote snp want remain
LOL no

They can't demand that legally

>pro brexit

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No they won't. The EU doesn't care as so much about a no deal in October because it has more time to handle it then

it's almost as if those with power don't give a fuck about your electon and voting roleplay.

>the lib-dems surged for no reason

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youre not listening
no deal wont happen becausemps dont want one, its nothing to do with macron u mong
it will though, youve missed the whole point of why you are here voting for nigel.

in that case why are you still voting for MEP's?

weirdly trends suggest voters are still treating Labour like a pro-Remain party, just a really shitty one.

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they can demand whatever they want
Some in the EU do care about it, particularly Macron who benefits from the UK being kicked out

MPs can't stop it unless they topple the PM, which would lead to a General Election, unless you think some National Unity government would form around a new PM without an election?

No, it doesn't
read the EU withdrawal bill from 2016
there is no stipulation for bringing no deal to the house, the UK leaves on the extended date with or without a deal

in addition, the requirement to bring it to vote passed months ago expired in February
there is no requirement for it to be brought to the house.

The MPs no longer need to be given a say legally.

Yes you can become prime minsiter without having a general election.

We don't have a presidential system, we elect MPs who then elect a prime minister.

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>leave delivering Brexit to me

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Who the hell votes for these guys.
Manginas who are too scared to call themselves conservative, but think they're too intelligent for Labour so they do nothing instead?

How did that party even survive the student debt scandal.

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>eu elections

did ngubu score?

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Haven't remainer Tory MPs already threatened to VONC a Boris-led government?

I know, your post doesn't reply to mine at all, the point is if a PM is removed, you need to find a new one, within 14 days, do you think MPs would be likely to do that?

Unlike Tories and Labour, the Lib Dems set their stall out as actively pro-remain and wanting to revoke article 50.

People were tricked.

they'd have to wait for Corbyn to call one, but judging from his reluctance last time I doubt he will.

Plus, they know that their seats would flip as soon as a GE came around, if the local association didn't just refuse to have them as candidate.

Why are they saying remain parties won more where labour and tories had brexit on their manifrestos, fucking bullshit, leave won again, and i want a full red white and blue brexit

Theresa May was the worst PM in British history and they couldn’t even VONC her, how the fuck do they think they can vonc my boy boris?

but I thought you were saying it was impossible??
a50 is always extended without unanimity
iyoure not getting a second ref
implying youre not getting a no deal.
simple as

>he thinks its up to macron

Parliament is for Remain, Mays deal was BRINO

If Boris advocates No Deal he could very well lose such a vote

You just KNOW

By paying yt celebs to join and smear ukip

The wont need to VONC him, during the leadership election MPs will collude to make it Gove - Raab or something like that

>Aussie's spine severed in London attacks

>The 21-year-old and fellow Australian Kirsty Boden, 28 - along with six others - were killed when Khuram Butt, Rachid Redouane and Youssef Zaghba used a van to run down dozens of people on the bridge on the night of June 3, 2017.

As much as I hate roasties once again the religion of peace gas shown its true colours and once again the MSM did not report it as a top story.

did you start following british politcs one month ago?

If that happens then Corbyn becomes PM

Tory MPs decide who the next eader will be by whittling down the list to just two, THEN ask members.

They can stop him from ever being leader if they want. No way they VONC him (and put themselves out of power) against a 3 line whip if he manages to pull it off and become PM

>tory freak mass sperge out
>u-turn on retardedness hurrhurr
>Le Epic Nazi Racist Brexit Happens
>still never winning a GE again

OK so what now lads. We either need every right leaning party to merge under a new name with some decent young leadership OR we need nigel to campaign for PM, get him in and then move further right from there

How can you read my post and think I am saying it's impossible? I literally asked you if you think the conditions could be met (which means I explicitly said it is possible).

With regards to Macron, he is the sole reason why the deadline is 30th of October, and not sometime in 2020, and all the reports were he was being a stubborn cunt about it during the meeting. Do you think he would not continue to be stubborn?

shit larp eddie

Dominic Grieve would DEFINITELY vote against a No Deal PM, and so too would the likes of Oliver Letwin. It only takes a few Tory MPs to crash the government, and some of them know their time in politics is up so wouldn't mind to go out with a bang.

...what are you even on about?
an extension has to be requested
lets say Boris isn't a lying shitter and actually wants no deal

literally all he has to do is firstly bring no business to the house, so they can't amend anything
secondly don't request any sort of extension
thirdly wait it out until October

after October, whether MPs want it or not, it'll be a fait accompli and they can't do shit
after that it becomes a campaign to *rejoin* the EU
which is a lot harder to persuade people of

>drank all night
>still awake

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You need a pro brexit conservative PM to invite Nigel into government.

CUK said they'll back a Tory government, the DUP likely would too
Letwin and Grieve might vote against but most MPs are in it for the money
they don't want to lose the gravy train by calling a GE

>literally all he has to do is firstly bring no business to the house, so they can't amend anything

Did you miss the recent shenanigans when the Commons overruled the government's right to decide the business of the House and did loads of silly votes? All it takes is the Speaker ignoring a standing order, which he's entitled to do

CUK would back a May government, they wouldn't back a No Deal government. They will do a deal with the Lib Dems to save their seats.

DUP would want a new confidence and supply arrangement, so would extract more money probably, but likely to support it. The government would be too weak to function.

They're really pushing that "well aksully if you add up all the remain parties (labour is a remain party even though we were saying they were a leave party and remainers need to vote lib dem) then remain wins again!" angle really hard....

Remain did win though

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*wins the conservative leadership election*

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They did by attaching an amendment to a bill.
There needs to be a bill to amend for that to take place.
The speaker waived the rules to bring the amendment and several others to the vote and ignore pro-Brexit amendments, but there still needs to be SOMETHING to amend
most of the CUK seats are Brexit Party seats
Soubry's went BXP last night

They did that through an ammendment though, they did not introduce their own legislation.


Remainers aren't accepting democracy?

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nigel gonna talk on sky in a min

They can tag it as a point of order to Brexit Department Questions then, which are mandatory for the government to present

Are we too collectively stupid as a nation to vote on more than a single issue now?



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You can't have the penny and the bun. You can't tell everyone who votes labour/con to vote lib dem if they want to remain, then campaign on the notion that labour and con is leave, then after the fact say well actually everyone who voted labour after all that were actually still remainers!

Damn lads, I don't think the public knew what they were voting for.

We need to vote again.

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Delusional. It's inevitable at this point the Tories will back a hard Brexit now and that Labour will back a second referendum. Altogether the country is siding towards remain. No poll in the last 2 year has shown a Leave majority.

Could Blair look anymore like Satan?

it's just a brainlet cope

>How can you read my post and think I am saying it's impossible?
right here you say macron would veto it.

you're drawing conclusion based on Brexit being more than a disagreement in Washington London and Rome. They wont divorce some thousands of years later because some nonce bait in france says so.

points of order are non-binding.

If I received that response from a remainer in a pub I would stop going to the pub with them. I can understand why leaving the EU can be your overriding political concern but not why staying in the EU can be your overriding political concern.

Can you explain it for me please?

lurk more u spaz