How bad is VR?

How bad is VR?

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very bad

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ask /v/

With a good rig and Vive its fantastic

its bad cause you cant afford it

the games suck, but you can feed the camera view from a drone into them and it's like you're flying

OP here: Let me rephare

what are the negative affects on someones mental state when they are using VR

i own an oculus rift. Not that bad but not worth the money. Only used it for the first few weeks then you will throw it in the corner and forget about it because there isn't enough good games for it

Some temporary de-realization. After a few hours in it, you come out feeling like the real world isnt so real. honestly its kinda exciting / strange, but yea.

VR Arcade worker here
Fun for a bit, very different experience
Sadly the games and software still is not there to beat regular PC gaming though.
I always go back to PC gaming as there is so much more to do in the games. Don’t get me wrong there are lots of good shooters on VR like Pavlov, HH&HG, Superhot, but they all play the same die to the limitations of the human body.
Hopefully with Boneworks and Valves new games we can see a new era

I like VR, but the fact that you still have to use controllers doesn't make the experience completely otherworldly, just an enhanced way to play games.

Can it get worse, and the reason Im asking this cause I'd want to here peoples Opinions on this part of VR

Novelty shovelware.

There is none unless you are a braindead boomer
Had an old woman come in yesterday and she had her son make her try a game that simulated you falling off a building
She started crying like a retard, she was crying so much she needed her son to hold her
God damn old people are stupid. It’s a game.

we're not there yet, the tech doesn't allow you to use it more than 30mn or so. So it's just a gadget. VRchat is surprisingly fun and people are nice.

It's awesome, but there's just not enough to do yet besides isolated not very comfortable gaming.

well I am asking because I've never seen people talk about the negative parts of VR And what it could cause mentally for the user and is a boomer born in the 2000s and if not you have the right to call me a nigger

the oculus controllers are really good, a few hours and you use them as if they were second nature. Obviously some kind of haptic feedback gloves would be superior but thats approaching very very high end costs.

About as bad as gaming lately. Came out too late in my opinion.

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you can call me a nigger for saying that if that sounded autistic

adding this: because the market hasn't grown fast enough, innovation isn't moving very fast either. Oculus has managed to get fully wireless with $399 Quest, but it's not 5-years-better quality wise than the old Rift(+PC). Valve is putting out a higher end system this year (Index) but it's like $1k for the full bundle (that still requires a gaming PC).

i too get this strange tingeling in my anus when i fall from somewhere in vr
i think there are more non-vr users in vrchat than vr users

A proper gaming setup like the vive is pretty fuckling amazing with room scale tracking.
It's expensive to get into and you need nothing short of a GTX1080.
the playstation one and the phone ones just don't cut it

kek based boomer-traumatizing son

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I'd rather spend 400 shekels for the quest really plus with the 25 % tax on electronic my ass is going to get the Quest before that tax kicks in