Only France, England and Italy are redpilled in Europe it seems. We should create a new union of our own

only France, England and Italy are redpilled in Europe it seems. We should create a new union of our own

Attached: D7jimVvWkAIL8Y8.jpg (910x1024, 141K)

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>more unions are the solution

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Ironically we were in a nice union in the western roman empire until invaders came!

Even back then you were cucked. Paid the vikings millions in gold and silver, and still they kept coming and raping. Finally gave half the country to them. What a fucking joke.

Hans is right. Rome was becoming full of bleeding heart faggots before his barbarian kin even raised a spear. Similarly to how you bunch are now.

it's like you don't live there

Naw, we're good without you

>new pakistan


Italy's cool tho.

Wtf Happened to Slovakia and Denmark.

What's the difference between Extrême droite and Extrême droite?

>create a new union of our own
>continue to play by their rules
user, there is only one Option!
Time to jump to the Snake Bliskin Timeline.

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Gotta love how the "evil far right" is either represented in gray or brown. Look at how scary they are, they even have ugly colors !

The seething is palpable, lol.

Shut Down the Clown World

>(((we should create a new union of our own)))
Legit kek'd, nice one Frog

that a nice kat user

delet this

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Im sorry for spain result, brothers. PP is dead here, vox killed it and a lot of ppl left it to PSOE

give us time :(

>Merkel is "right wing"
>nationalist socialistic groups like RN in France are "extreme right"
>fucking communists are "United left"

Jesus fucking Christ

Fritanglo Union When?

We can rule the world whilst the French & Italians keep our bellies full :3

Spain has always been a backwards nation and a dreg to Europe
Occupied by muslim for a third of your modern history
Only able to establish an empire in literal Stone age new world
Empire immediately collapses as soon as other Europeans figure out how to cross the ocean
Can't even keep your own borders
You had a legit fascist government and did nothing with it
Now you cuck yourselves to communists and krauts
Pathetic specimen of a country, and that's coming from an American

fuck off burger, you are alive thanks to US that invaded pensacola and saved your ass from british

a 1000 pop town here has more history than your whole excuse of a 43% country. If anything is your fault with your degenerated marxists that expanded around the world autodestructive ideas that are promoted by Planned parenthood and kikes from your country

fuck you

huh what u say?

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Glad to see you got the Muslim and Marxist dicks out of your mouth long enough to type that
What did Spain ever contribute to the European cause? Hell, what has Spain ever contributed to anything, period?
You gave us a continent and a half of jungle people who are barely better off than when you arrived.
Gee, thanks, señor

Isn't Jobbik supposed to be the based party that's openly anti EU and anti nigger?

Jobbik was the jewish party which grouped up with several left wing ones.

Also PiS is on the same level as Fidesz, I'm content with both. Germany is a mess though

you forget easily than from 90% of your existence EACH of my ultramar provinces (not colonies) were richer than your excuse of retarded country.

Those indians you call jungle people all had universities from hundred of years before you and cities for hundred of years before you. Until you started to infiltrate their institutions and instigate a brother war, killing each other and a balcanization of america you didnt start to grow

And even then ex provinces like argentina or venezuela were way richer than you until 20 century.

We did more for the european cause than you will ever do. we stopped a muslim invasion to europe 3 TIMES 1º at asturias, 2º at lepanto and 3º at wien, where a 3000 tercios man hold a bastion long enough so austrians could assist. Shall that bastion fall, otomans would take wien.

We also killed the mediterranean muslim pirates that killed mediterranean comerce since last roman times.

And what did you do to the european cause? spawn marxists and give home to country destroyer jews that ought to be deported to madagascar.

Oh i forgot, we took several fortress along the coast of what is turkey today for more than 100 years after lepanto to keep the cocroaches at bay

Jobbik is pure cringe. They were based once, but all the edgy right-wing guys left, and all we have left is a couple of nobodies trying to larp as some sort of centrist party.

Iberian Peninsula is a major problem.
They cattle food the socialist group.

Here, here. With no chance for immigration overload like recent years.

The FUD against the far right has been very efficient in Estonia the last few months, sorry for this result :(

Anyone who touches the European continent is a cuck

t. Murilard education from Netflix series about Roman Empire
>to be mad/proud about facts occurred thousands years ago

I thought Germany had a better schooling system.

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I have nothing against Le Pen and her party, but her trip to Estonia was a huge mistake.
He did a lot of damage to EKRE chances on elections.