Would you guys still hate black people if they didn't act like niggers?
Eli Morales
No. We judge by content of character here and not color of skin. Shame that it is so often the case that the content of character of niggers is absolute shit.
Some quick geopolitical takes for the Awoo analysts.
1. Halting the Iranian nuclear program is worth at most 100 American lives and 200 million dollars. No more.
2. A nuclear armed Iran is not particularly more dangerous than a nuclear Pakistan.
3. International Zionists will bribe Kim Jong-un to prevent any nuclear disarmament deal during President Trump's term.
4. In case of civil war in the United States, the industrial base of Japan can supply essential medicine and machinery, for the short term. Chinese conquest of the mainland is possible but unlikely.
youtube.com/watch?v=oIAbVB0svmc >dutch white girls go to panama >explore out in the woods alone >disappear >upon searching they only found bone fragments and a foot
I really dislike thinking of how much other races love killing white girls.
>if they didn't act like niggers? The only places that exist like that are places where they're far, far removed from (((media))) influences. So theoretically, yes. If all the bixnoods fucked off back to Africa (mulattoes too), AND STAYED THERE, everyone would either forget they exist or might even pay to go hang out with them on vacation.
>.@ianbremmer now admits that he MADE UP “a completely ludicrous quote,” attributing it to me. This is what’s going on in the age of Fake News. People think they can say anything and get away with it. Really, the libel laws should be changed to hold Fake News Media accountable!
Been out of the loop for a while, can someone fill me in on the context here?
Jace Martin
Question from Burgerland to Eurofags: Will these right-wing EU elections actually lead to action and results? Or will the leftists just cry "they are invalid because they are all being financed by Russia" or will the leftists just ignore them and continue being faggots?
Don't need a Eurofag to answer that. The election are for the European Parliament, which is similar to the UN and it can't actually do anything or change the direction of the EU leadership. The European Parliament is quite powerless, if you look in to it.
Ethan Edwards
>Persian actually
ممکن است اهورامزدا شما را در تمام راههای خود هدایت کند
tl;dr: >“President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.'” >Lol, I made it up, but it could have happened right?
I won't entertain the idea because it simply isn't possible. Once you have more than 3 blacks in the same room they become niggers. No exceptions. The niggers there are the more niggerly they act until the entire country is a shithole. Their rabid stupidity is contagious among them.
Parker Howard
Good morning. MAGA & Keep America Great 2020. Love you, Prez Trump and your wall!
Have a nice week, deplorables and President Trump.
>there are some people who get lost in the woods and die >They don't know the geography of wherever they are >they don't know how to know which way is north >they literally have no fucking clue where they are >or how to reach civilization >and they die
I worry about humans when they can't do these basic kind of things.
>of a former Breitbart editor Did they finally take Shapiros name out after he cried on twitter about how jewish he is?
Nathan James
El hombre BRÄIN es el epítome del dominio masculino y la masculinidad.
Vamos a empezar por mirar su tumor. Su hinchazón es grande. Su tamaño dominante hace que su presencia sea conocida sin que él necesite siquiera señalarse.
Es bipartidista, como resultado de sus altos niveles de patriotismo. Esto le da la apariencia de salud y fuerza.
El comportamiento del hombre BRÄIN es uno de un verdadero inconformista. Tiene principios, es asertivo y puede ser explosivamente conservador. Su comportamiento provoca temor en los miembros más tímidos y cobardes del Partido Republicano.
No they had Shapiros name on it i saw him kvetching about it earlier
Jace Miller
That makes some sense. It's kind of crazy to think that Ben Shapiro broke the Obama author blurb that listed his birthplace as Kenya. It seems like the kind of thing he would avoid these days.
>cancer what like there's middle eastern refugees posting pictures of their feet and their cats?
Jose Rodriguez
Can u go sift through the cancer and report notable worth while content here...
Leo Thompson
fuck dems. prepare for civil war in 18 months.
Blake Hughes
That dumb orange fat piece of shit needs to get his ass back here and lay some reefs for memorial day. All he is doing is faggy around in Japan. Golfing of course and making things with China and NK worse
Isaac Nelson
fuck china. should cut off trade entirely.
Jeremiah Reyes
Right wing made gains across europe, so did leftwing parties, establishment parties lost hard Anti EU is now like 1/3 of EU congress which of course means fuck all in the grand scheme
Their economic system is based on consumer taxes and the UBI is for 5 million people. Even then the UBI isn't working. That isn't socialism, they are still taxed to high heaven. No thanks. Plus with all the grenade attacks and rapes from refugees I'm thinking the "happiest place" is not so happy anymore.
Henry Parker
>sauce? Konosuba S01E10 IIRC. If not, E09
Colton Miller
I need context for this gif
Matthew Sanders
They're whiter than America retard. The Muslim invasion is literally a Jow Forums meme.