say it with me: MEP Benjamin. the madman actually did it
Say it with me: MEP Benjamin. the madman actually did it
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He helped Brexit by intent or not. If he hurt Ukip is nearly impossible to say.
>i guess we'll never know
Based sargon will destroy race realists everywhere!
>people leaving ukip in droves because of him
>every ukip candidate relentlessly in need to defend of sergon on tv
>wall to wall coverage of his stupidity
>na didnt hurt ukip
Stephen "Tommy Robinson" Yaxley-Lennon, Count Dankula and Carl Benjamin all failed to get elected. I think the only one that surprised me was the Jewish controlled "Tommy Robinson." I thought that the had enough people behind him - White working class types.
did he get a seat? someone tell me
>hard to say if carls actions and statements had any effect whatsoever
no. not only didn't he get elected, he brought down all of UKIP with him.
but credits to him
he did go out in the real world to do real things
People are just voting for Farage.
It should worry people on the right, really. Once Farage retires the rightwing people of the country, many of them at least, will just go back to voting globohomo Tory.
What’s the requirements for him to get a seat? 4% of the vote? Completely illiterate on this.
>It should worry people on the right, really. Once Farage retires the rightwing people of the country, many of them at least, will just go back to voting globohomo Tory.
I agree 100% with you on this. It's not looking good. Is it possible that White working class British are too stupid to see the writing on the wall?
more than 3.22%
Wonder how much you got paid to say that
>he did go out in the real world to do real things
Glad to see this theory has been put to bed. Stay inside, lads.
Farage has spent his whole life on one goal which is Brexit. He won't retire til that happens. They'll have to kill him, but if they did that it would probably incite a revolution, so they can only hope to throw hurdles in his way and hope his liver or heart gives out. But he is basically too angry to die so I wouldn't count on that either.
I'm sorry, but did Sargon already lose? Oh, that's right. Brexit isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only halftime. Does not having the lead at halftime count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the Brexit is still on? Sargon is still fighting right now and he has been the best candidate in UKIP for how many days now? They're playing some old out of context quotes that just happen to sound racist. But you know what? He still fucking rocks. Sargon is one of the best fucking nationalist candidates, he has Bannon’s support and would of won these polls if he was in them. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Brexit happens and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Sargon just stepped out of bounds and insulted a huge ethnic group, just like Hitler did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you antisemitic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sargon topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the candidate because he has true UKIP principles. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking conservatives on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
This post is spot on. Brady could do it, and both him and Sargon are cuckolds.
looks like a new hatesymbol. What could it stand for?
Upside down W for White Power?
ukip got 0 seats overall
it's the bell curve
Provide evidence for said claim.
Second Farage announced brexit party it was clear everyone would jump ship.
b-but Jow Forums told me polls were wrong and sargon had a chance
>I thought that the had enough people behind him - White working class types
They voted for Farage.
kek I like this
*I'm lovin it
>anti-identitarian liberal Youtuber
is this a profession?
no he didnt?
>incite a revolution
Yes, thousands of britbongs will take to streets in their Guy Fawkes' masks and unlicensed plastic utensils.
The reason they will never kill Farage is because they've already won. Even if the UK leaves EU under his leadership. How long do you think that will last? A few decades maybe if he's lucky but it's inevitable.
toppest of keks
You all can't understand that Carl's political career just started and he already recieve a lot of attention. The future of UK politics will be linked with Sargon from now on, he will try to get MEP position, his Youtube channel will grow, his influence will grow, untill he becomes true politician and then people who doubted him will accept that he was right all along. He may have lost the battle, but the war just started and he is going to win. Nigel Farage also had a rough start at politics, but look at him now. Stop doubting and donate to Sargon's fucking patreon. And mister mediocre will get what he deserves also, we'll make sure of that.
I like Sargon. Why does everybody hate him
bruh, look at this dood
its all part of the plan, you idiot. UKIP was just a vessel for their political career, it was all planned from the begining. Stop trying to interfere into somehing you don't udnerstand.
>"Tommy Robinson." failed to get elected
and with him being jewish controlled and all. really makes you think, not you lol, you clearly don't think
Somebody draw Brexit party using UKIP as a human shield.
he was banned from patreon and will likely get banned from youtube as well in the foreseeable future
He soaked up bullets that would have been aimed for Nigel.
Thanks for your service, Carl.
these backpatting idiots are 4D chessing all the way to the bank (and by bank I mean extinction)
He had great street debates
It is when you've convinced scores of literal retards to donate money to you.
>Kipper scum attempting damage control
The only reason I even mulled over voting for them was because of Carl. If these fucks want to cave into the MSM then they deserve not getting my vote. Their only appeal is as a hardline pro-free speech, anti-PC, unabashedly nationalist and anti-Islam party.
Didn’t know you scuttled off to the US Carl, enjoy your holiday. Hopefully a nigger will gun you down.
>then they deserve not getting my vote
do you feel powerful?
sargon PJW and tommy were all plants, sent by farrage, to discredit UKIP
they had no intention of winning, their goal was to make UKIP votecount go down and increase brexit party
it'll come out in a couple weeks
why not just win as ukip?
pjw dropped his ukip support and voted Brexit party
Their only appeal is all of these good things when everyone else is cucked beyond all belief
More powerful than any gypsy could ever be.
Q predicted this
UKIP are seen as massively racist, so they already scare a lot of people away
Brexit Party is a fresh start for farrage, people can paint him as a racist as much as they want, but they cant discredit his entire party as being institutionally racist because the party is only 6 months old, and a lot of the members are ex-tory, rather than being ex-bnp like UKIP
he was just a plant from farrage to swing votes to brexit party
oh an the scottish youtube guy too, didnt really work in scotland tho because snp
so let me get this straight:
people whose only means of income is e-begging, are going to risk their entire careers and cash flow as part of some 4D chess play
they're egomaniacal retards who thought they would get away with the low-IQ tactics they use online to get votes IRL and become MEPs?
from what I've seen so far from PJW, Sargoy and Dankula, I'm going with the latter
80% of his audience are protesters
>it was 64d chess goys trust me
this cope is refreshingly funny but also sad at the same time and i dont know how to feel about it
Sargon did nothing wrong
it's an acquired taste
something that only sargon can provide over and over and over again
Honestly, its just petty squabbles over stupid shit. He said stuff that triggered the alt-right, now they cant stop PMSing about it.
This. The meme Youtubers are just trying to stay relevant. Honestly the whole "SJW GETS REKT VID #658" is becoming pretty old now and they're all looking for a chance to keep earning cash. There's also the point that after years of them sitting in their rooms bitching about things people started asking "Well, why aren't you actually doing anything about it?".
what's it like, being part of the mighty 3.2%? you must feel really mainstream now
I like him too, but he's a bit of an optics cuck
this, he cucked hard on the rape question
>he did go out in the real world to do real things
and recorded it. it was fun and i had a laugh. good on sargon i bet he's 10x as famous now, i hope the lad got a little richer
how? he owned it completely and refused to apologize
he got demonitized on youtube in the process so i doubt it
im sure it's all part of 1488d chess tho
he lost 20k/month when his channels got demonitized
Nah, i never really liked sargon, but im not assblassted like you because hes a "shill" or whatever. Stay mad, faggot.
seethe harder
I think you give them too much credit. It's more likely this whole thing is a result of sheer incompetence rather than a masterful plan.
Or maybe they are willing to put the future of their country before their vain livelihoods where the EU will suck the blood out of every last one of their countrymen?
Do jews really want their asset on the EU parlament rather than stirring shit up on the streets with the muslims?
smear merchants 1
sargon 0
That would be you projecting. i support the brexit party and youre just being a troll bitch, cause i called you out on being triggered by sargon and i gotta say, you are quite triggered, snowflake.
theyre on farrages payroll
That is possibly the best bait I've ever seen.
you seem upset
and the laughs? are you anons really that jaded?
Im an american, dipshit. I dont get a vote, even then i wouldnt vote for sargon. You dont have enough brain power to understand whats going on, sad.
yeah, I agree
us laughing at him was worth him losing $20k/month in income
Blame anything but the fact their only card that drew votes fucked off and started his own party.
seethe and ragie
you seem angry user
You do know that's fake, right? It's not him.
Ex-BNP members are banned from joining UKIP, seen as BNP were a load of dumb nat-soc’s trying to rebrand and UKIP understood this being the sensible party they are, batten is probably the only politician I trust in the uk atm either him or AMW, I think sargoy was a gamble that didn’t pay off, he thought he could fight the media and he lost badly in the eyes of the normie
I'm not angry
I'm glad this happened to Sargoy, he deserved every bit of it
Master race
How did you get that picture of me gypsy?
>I'm not angry
After what he said about Jim and Ralph? It's beautiful to watch his demise.
USA wins again!
*steals your picture*
nothing personnel kid
I don't get it. Are you a kekistani?