Salve Salvini

Ok, I need to know which one of you mad lad has arranged the objects in the background of this picture of Salvini.

The maga hat it's really the cherry on top but the sign lottery win-style, the Christ's icon and the golden tapir are great choices as well... Is this clown world becoming more and more real? Are these really the best men we can get?

Attached: IMG_20190527_111705.jpg (1200x900, 324K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>On a bookshelf behind him was a photograph of Vladimir Putin, a book about the Russian president and a baseball cap with the slogan Make America Great Again.

is Putin, are the Russians behind it all?

Attached: Screenshot_20190527-102454~2.png (1074x1336, 1.01M)

there's also a book written by Christopher Hale: Himmler's Crusade
he is based as fuck

Is that a Russian flag at the upper right corner?

look behind his head too.
and the photo hidden by the left part of the circle is another photo of putin

Memelord confirmed.

Attached: Immagine222.png (819x495, 559K)

Once upon a time this behaviour would have been considered at least inappropriate or on the verge of betrayal, maybe even schizophrenic. Nowadays having a foot in two shoes is seen as a merit or even a medal. To top it with a book about a Nazi VIP is really the frosting on the cake of shit underneath.

Salvini, should we get a war between Russia and the USA where would you stand? Who is your preferred partner in this day and age? Do you like more a turbo capitalist system like the American one or a semi-dictatorship like Russia? If Europe with its government offices and rules is so bad why don't you detach yourself as England did and see where this decision will bring you?

To think people have voted this clown into office... Here it goes again, after Berlusconi we are doomed to be seen as an immature and whiney people by the entire world.

Thank you Salvini

Go back to R*ddit and whining tweets, assblasted liftist scum.

Attached: andatevene.jpg (900x521, 161K)

Dropping some results

Attached: quarta proiezione.jpg (1337x1113, 258K)

I'm not whining you absolute cesspool of dirt and shit, I've raised some questions about Salvini's political and economical identity. Care to answer since you are so strongly prepared?

Didn't think so. Go back to your baretto to drink your campari col bianco with your retired friends you jobless scum.

Kys u whiny weak beta male with 13cm dick

Once a neanderthal always a neanderthal. Did you skip the brain distribution day to have a drink with your pal or was it an accident to make you this stupid? You can tell me user, I'll make sure to keep your mother in the dark about it the next time I'll be plunging my 13 cm dick in her throat and ass.

I'm not a double-faced agent like Salvini, you know :) ;)

Salvini knows his memes.

Attached: 1484631266405.png (503x443, 316K)

fai sesso

Oh yes, while my country is electing the party of a complete buffoon to represent us in the European parliament my main concern should be putting my cock in some slag's vagina.

This Jow Forums really doesn't understand anything anymore.

Salvini Is a well known kike's lover, with a very deep respect for Putin and he's willing to sell our country to the Chinese government because he's unable to find the money to pay for his genial "reforms" which will never produce anything by costing a good cut of our taxes.

Never question your duce faggots, he knows what's best for your rectum

is that the Liberty Bell? Top left shelf above his head.

*left of his head

you seem to forget that Lega controlled for years, even from before Salvini, the entire productive North, while the South struggle with Forza Italia and M5s


Attached: Salvini.png (568x799, 422K)

Based +

Attached: Screenshot_20190527-010815.jpg (1080x2160, 871K)

And we have seen the results. Even in a good phase for the export the internal expenses are reduced to the bare minimum. The famous tax cuts promised via many years of campaigning were never delivered and more and more lega representatives are found to be in connection with families of mafiosi or related to financial scandals (first of all the in-famous 49 millions euro). What was a mouvement of popular will has transformed itself in a status-quo party like the 5 stars and all the other major parties in Italy. The only hope left now is for a new actor like Volt. Let's see how they will do the next time an election comes around and lega Will have had the time to show its true face to the guillabes who voted for it

Can fellow italians explain me why Montalbano is now a politician? Was hiss career ending?

I'm not aware of Zingarelli running in this elections, are you sure you are not confusing the city of Montalbano with the character's name or with the former major of Nocera user?

I saw him parading for Democratic Party.

Maybe you have seen Zingaretti speaking at some PD rallies. It's possible even if I'm not sure, Zingaretti Is one of the people mr. Salvini used to call "terroni di merda" until some years ago placing on them all the problems and issues of Italy. Now he has moved his target from the terroni to migrants but the tactic is always the same, so the ones capable of doing 2+2 are calling out his fake ass drama causing his violent reaction on this subject when cornered or taken by surprise(the video selfies with people asking him if they are not anymore some "terroni di merda" now that he needs their votes are hilarious. From time to time you can almost see a blood clot clogging the vein on his temple)

Eventually thanks for the Montalbano part. No need instead of your political mumbo-jumbo.

Well, it was part of the explanation about why Montalbano's actor is rallying with the left here in Italy but if you decide to remain ignorant I'm not going to lose my sleep on this matter :)

Have a great day user \m/ \m/ \m/

>Putin pic
Putin is a traitor and he sucks muslim cocks daily
He should be hanged just so you know
When he funded european far right including LePen, he did not do it because he is so BASED
It's a strategy to stir up the shit, and distract attention from MH17 and such.
God bless Salvini though. Good luck guys.

Attached: Italy days since last terrorist attack.png (1944x1398, 585K)

Based and kikepilled like the politicians you like so much

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Attached: e3st2nc97yj01.jpg (960x600, 81K)

Are you referring to his brother?

This. Putin is far from based. He is a kike who kills ethnic russians while bending over to chinamen and muzzies.

Says the mutt using german vpn. I didn't see you shill for jesus today.

Type "muhammed is gay" to prove that you are not a muslim.

>Himmler's crusade

Attached: D7henXuX4AAFo6t (2).jpg (284x198, 12K)

Delusional leftist parasite.

I hope you guys hold the line and save Italy. Fuck the racial spiraling fags on here who talk shit about Italians.

Attached: romans.png (500x647, 190K)

He is a muslim. Most probably a bangladeshi immigrant. Beware of him.

Muhammed is ultra gay and eat camel shit in his fucking personal hell where is gang raped by AIDS infested Djinns (and he loves it deep inside his bowel)

Need anything else?

Attached: jXAFQpyE_400x400.jpg (400x400, 49K)

Why the fuck are you hating on one of your leader that actually wants to stop immigration then? Do you have stockholm syndrome?


Ma vai a cagare nel salotto di casa tua pajeet del cazzo :D :D :D

And for all the other who keep insulting me go on monkeys, I'm having the time of my day imagining your faces covered in shit and drool while you don't find the answers to my questions

Read the fucking questions I asked in my previous posts! Immigration is not the only subject important to a country, can you understand at least this easy concept? Provide me with satisfactory answers and I'll vote Salvini in the next elections otherwise shut the fuck up and remain bended at 90° while his party and his friends complete the financial destruction of our country

Chutiye ek baap ka aulaad hai toh baat kar angreji mei, tera chutiyapa dekhne nahi aya hu.

>Salvini, should we get a war between Russia and the USA where would you stand?
Questions like these are retarded and will never happen in real life.

Very well then, in the commercial trade war between America and China where does mr. Salvini stand?

Why is he talking to the Chinese about the possibility to open a new silk road giving them direct access to the Mediterranean sea while showing so proudly one of the symbols of mr. Trump in his victory picture?

I'm laughing my ass off, Salvini Is exactly the personification of the scumbag Italian, the one ready to put the knife in your back as soon as there is a return for him and you are not looking in his direction. And Jow Forums is rooting for him!!

Good job kikes, you were able to completely erase honour and pride from this board too

Nice one.

>in the commercial trade war between America and China where does mr. Salvini stand?
Where it should be and historically always has been, in the middle.
Are you so ignorant you don't remember Italy's place in the cold war?

Either he have to side with mysterious china or nigger loving EU. EU is openly replacing italians with foriegners and yet you think they would be better than china? If EU keeps bullying italy financially, it is only right for them to slap EU back.

>life is about trade-offs
I bet you are the typical pseudointellectual leftist.

Noooo, we should stick to getting assfucked by Germany and France because muh western and european honor.

Leftists will sell their own country if it meant they get to live comfortably. They need to be eliminated to avoid total destruction of a nation.

Nice reply, let's keep up the DC act until someone will come to our door asking for the promises made. You really are comparing Salvini to Togliatti, de Gasperi or Moro and other leaders of the '60es and '70es? Ah! Good joke

Yeah, let's swear unconditioned loyalty to Isr- USA, much better.

when will mass deportatations begin?
Can I volunteer?

> (You)
>Yeah, let's swear unconditioned loyalty to Isr- USA, much better.

Look at my previous post on the kikepilled duce you have voted empty-headed fucker

>boohoo Savini likes both Trump and Putin
Yeah what about it?

Noooooooooooooo we should absolutely listen to foreign powers telling us that a united Europe is a shitty idea while they eat piece by piece our countries. Seems like a wonderful concept.

Have you started learning Arabic, Chinese and Russian my friend?

>while they eat piece by piece our countries
Like France has been doing so far?
You absolute retard.

And Chinese and Arab money, don't forget about them or they will cry this evening

>h0ILdHFE coherent

Oh no, a country who has historically a lot in common with us is making business with our companies!!! Quick, sell everything underpriced to foreign actors so that the frog-eaters will suffer from losing the opportunity to make our businesses work again in line with the principles of a free market.

Kek, you're such a retard

>a country who has historically a lot in common with us is making business with our companies
I know right, that's why it's a mutual thing and we are also buying a ton of french companies.
Oh wait it's fucking not.

Keep crying about muh China and muh Russia while your country gets sold off and your people get replaced.

It is not the russia or china forcing immigrants into Italy, it is the EU.

Mmmmmm, couldn't it be that the constant selling of positions of power in strategic companies in exchange for votes has completely destroyed our capability to have leverage and opportunities on the market? No, it must be the market which is working against us!

There is no greater fool than the one looking for solutions to his internal problems outside.

Are you a fool user?

>muh markets are impartial

And the migrants are not the biggest problem of EU but its political organisation and the extreme bureocracy are.

But instead of working on this issues we are working to destroy what has been created so far with many heartfelt thanks from Russia, America, China, India and all the other superpowers of the world.

Good job everyone, good job

>migrants are not the biggest problem of EU
Your people and culture is getting replaced by something completely different and you don't think that is the biggest problem? When did reddit tier retardation got common here??!

You are not as fool as I thought. Even if the markets are not impartial though this doesn't mean that some political choices in the board of some major companies have resulted in an incapacitating situation for these businesses, run in the most cases by utterly idiots who do not understand a thing of what they are doing (see for example Tronchetti Provera in Pirelli or de Benedetti in Olivetti).

Can you counter this argument?

No, that's just the truth.
The solution isn't more EU and more "free" market though, it's more State.

Wanna taste some pure progressive salt, fellas?

Attached: eu2019 salt 1.png (590x172, 14K)

Holy freaking fuck you are dumb. We are talking about the whole Europe, not about the single states composing it. Should Europe be able to reform itself a solution to the migrants problem could be easily found. Until when we will act like children in a class without teacher obviously no further development will be put forward and all our countries will have to face this situation by themselves, incapable of providing any answer to their peoples while at the same time we will be purchased piece by piece by the Chinese and the Arab founds. I'm much more worried about this replacement because I fear the ones with wealth and power. Are you so insecure to be afraid of poor people coming to your country with no money and no connections?

>La crociata di Himmler

So you want to live in a totalitarian regime? When it's the state the one who have caused this problem in the first place by selling its most valuable asset for an handful of votes?

Sorry, I'll pass, thank you very much

I didn't see it, others anons have pointed this out. This should be exemplary of how Salvini would even swallow Satan cock and balls to gain even one single vote.

A meshup of communism, Christianity, fascism and Nazism. Who the fuck is Salvini and how can anyone trust someone who is selling himself to every part of the political spectrum without even hiding it?

>When it's the state the one who have caused this problem in the first place by selling its most valuable asset for an handful of votes?
You're saying things owned by the State used to work, some retard sold them for personal profit and now they don't work anymore.
Why would the solution be selling those things to France or the markets instead of the State buying them back when thing under the State use to work properly?
Also I wouldn't really call the '70s and '80s a totalitarian regime eh.

>Christianity, fascism and Nazism
so literally /ourguy/, thanks

There is no migrant problems. Those are created scenarios to import cheap labour and dumb populous which would be more easier to rule over. The concept of EU would have been good if people with good intentions actually made that. You are the dumb one who thinks leaders like macron and merkel who absolutely loathe their own people can actually think good for their native masses.
For the last part, people who flee their nation are traitors and should be put to death. Any degenerate who flees his nation can never any kind of loyalty to his new host nation.

Where do you see that?

>Salvini is a nazbol fascist crusader
So he's literally unstoppable.

Attached: eu2019 salt 3.png (590x135, 13K)

Ammazzati, stronzo

Attached: Memelord Himmler.png (1200x900, 1.52M)


You sound like a real virgin who does nothing but masturbate on porn 24/7

>You're saying things owned by the State used to work, some retard sold them for personal profit and now they don't work anymore.

The use of the past in the verb declination here is correct

>Why would the solution be selling those things to France or the markets instead of the State buying them back when thing under the State use to work properly?

USED to work

>Also I wouldn't really call the '70s and '80s a totalitarian regime eh.

I never call the '70s and the '80s totalitarian, I'm calling more state totalitarian. We don't need more state, we need a better one!

In the present Italian government very few men of the state are left. Most of the politicians nowadays care about their and their friends' interests disregarding completely the common people. Togliatti, Moro, Mattei, Falcone, Borsellino are well forgotten figures to whose confront the present politicians fade completely. I urge the Italian people to be aware of this problem and to solve it as the root cause of our problems before focusing on consequences like the unruled migration happening on our shores

“Found” or accused?
It only takes a (((news))) article to accuse somebody.

So your answer to why it wouldn't work now is muh corruption?
I'd rather trust my fellow citizens than some random merchant.

Corruptions was and always will be a thing, it's part of human nature, other country are affected by it too.

So, who did you vote, genius? Enlighten us please.

If you American think of reflecting on the issues of your state as masturbation I can understand how you were able to loose your incumbent position on the world stage so easily.

Keep fucking your silicon-made women while we try to solve our own problems Yankee and come back to speak with us when you'll have developed a culture superior to the one of a jogurt

Mmm no. It’s (((someone))) else.

You are looking stupid even compared to the pooper here.

LMAO stay cucked, leftist.

Attached: eu2019 salt 7.png (590x284, 23K)

Found, Lega Nord for example was found guilty in three different degrees of judgement of stealing 49 millions euros from the state. So far not a single penny was returned and among those money there are also my taxes.

Fucking thieves

Ok thanks

Did anybody here read that book?

I'm hearing gunfire sounds coming from near you user, is it your district school having its weekly party or is it your ass trying to survive the apocalypse of garbage food you shovel into your throat yesterday evening?

Get fucked

Falcone? Borsellino?

Dude, those were just two judges.
Who became very famous after they were killed - they weren’t so known before, especially Borsellino.

So shut the fuck up, if you don’t have arguments.

Show skin. I have a feeling that you are a fellow shitskin.

1. What makes you think I’m American?
2. You’re posts make little sense and you really sound stupid like a brick
3. Go fuck yourself

Found by whom? The reliable, bias-exempt Italian judiciary?

You faggot.

The only thing you are hearing here is a bunch of people telling you that you are a retarded fuck.

Keep trying, Gennaro. It’s a fun way to spend a Monday.


Oh amerimutt, you have made me lol in the office, thanks.

Speaking about Falcone and Borsellino from the other side of the ocean without knowing anything about what happened in their years of war against the Mafia.

You really are dumb as a rock, did you study on the happy meals or on the Marvel comics? Please tell me the source of your knowledge!!

No, he is a half nigger terrone from some shithole in the south - using his public employer’s connection to post during work hours.