Complain about arabs in Europe

>complain about arabs in Europe
>EU's borders literally expand into Africa

.... white people? Hello?

Attached: ispania.jpg (1080x1550, 577K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_2006

>omg Europe and America come protects us from those anti Semitic Arabs
>hey Arabs how about you fight those anti arab people


The shit he spews as reinforcement for his complaints is hilarious

Attached: Yair Netanyahu Threatens Spain.jpg (1020x989, 131K)

The Iberians and Jews both had their own reconquistas into previously conquered Islamic territories. Yair was pointing out their percieved hypocrisy, although he did it in an edgy way that might be considered in bad humor. He also neglected to mention that the current Israeli approach to Palestinians is a major reason for the current tensions.

Are these North African outposts even worth it? They have like 30% unemployment, have to be up in arms at all times, need border fences and military patrols, need constant food supplies, are a persistent risk for refugees entering the EU and not being viable to kick them out, make it politically unfeasible for Spain to demand Gibraltar back while she holds these, etc. And they don't contribute much at all.

iberians are genetically native to iberia since 8,000 years
jews are totally unrelated to levant/palestinian land

"Iberians" are a meme, southern Spanish are as different from northern Iberian people as they are from northern African people. Its like when Bulgarians call themselves "thracian" and Romanians call themselves "dacian", as if we aren't the same people, and very similar to Serbians and Greeks.

I'm not sure if you're baiting but Ceuta was part of Islamic Al Andalus / Islamic Iberia 1000 years ago, it was always spanish/populated by iberians, and part of portugal/spain since 500 years. It's not par of Morocco and Moroccan dynasties.

Attached: Califato_de_Córdoba-1000.png (686x594, 142K)

>hey mortal enemies, check this out, the people who're helping us and are the sole reason we can exist right now? Kill them lmao

It was part of the Kingdom of Morocco 1200 years ago, 200 years before this supposed Cordoba in the map.
They're not worth it. It's just that Spaniards haven't developed mentally to let go. Empires have always been a leeway for miscegenation.

Attached: morocco-eng.png (1113x712, 47K)

no, you are wrong. Genetic differences in spain are not south to north, but west to east, including poortugal. ppl from cadiz have similar genetics than in asturias, ppl from almeria have similar genetics than in aragon, etc

Fuck off muslim rapebaby, go kill some niggers hiding in your forests

That is not the same kingdom of morocco today. Its a diferent altogether

Yair is a truly epic memester. Too bad he's only making everyone angrier. His point doesn't makes sense anyway, it's not comparable at all lmao.

>Spanish normalfags are now typing Hitler jokes

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hes redpilling spain from the jewish question, look at normies are saying hitler and 1492 jokes at his face lmao

Are the territories in North Africa worth it whatsoever, or is Spain paying premium for an ego-trip in refusing to decolonize there?

Military stuff plus they're important ports in the entrance of the Mediterranean. Some other stuff is imported too (outside of niggers)

Thanks to ceuta the entrance of mediterranean is spanish waters.

*cough* gibraltar *cough*
also its not like you collect taxes/tariffs for entering

are you retarded? gibraltar has no waters

also, it has an airport, its basically a very well armored aircraft carrier
Spain recognizes this, which us why it keeps asking NATO to transfer it to them

lmao i live at 10 km from gibraltar, you telling me 2 propaganda news sites know more than me? are you retarded?

International treaties, including signed by Spain, give Gibraltar three nautical miles (5.6km) of territorial waters.
You living near it doesn't mean shit, I don't know why you'd bring it up as if it gives you credentials in international juridical matters.

And btw, every plane that wants to land on that airport has to ask permission to spain, we fucked them in the ass 2 times last year when they wanted to land a RAF squadron and we gave them no permision. 20 km from there we have a SAM battery fortified and with top notch radars. Nothing is entering or leaving the strait wtihout us wanting or knowing.

no, read that treaty. International treaty ha no effect if any country has any reserve added when signed.

Spain had a reserver towards gibraltar so the law of the sea international treaty has no effect.

The law says 12 nautical miles, and the agreement reduced it to 3 nautical miles in specifically this case for Gibraltar.,_2006

article 15 of sea convention :

“Cuando las costas de dos Estados sean adyacentes o se hallen situadas frente a frente, ninguno de dichos Estados tendrá derecho, salvo acuerdo en contrario, a extender su mar territorial más allá de una línea media cuyos puntos sean equidistantes de los puntos más próximos de las líneas de base a partir de las cuales se mida la anchura del mar territorial de cada uno de esos Estados. No obstante, esta disposición no será aplicable cuando, por la existencia de derechos históricos o por otras circunstancias especiales, sea necesario delimitar el mar territorial de ambos Estados en otra forma”.

"when the coasts of two states are close, none of the stats has rights towards the waters longer than a line in the middle of the distance between both coasts. THIS DISPOSITION WILL NOT BE APLICABLE WHEN, FOR THE EXISTENCE OF HISTORICAL RIGHTS OR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD BE NEEDED LIMITING THE WATERS OTHERWISE"

we added the reserver because utretch treaty that specifies that gibraltar has no waters, so gibraltar has no waters.

You know that having Ceuta in the other side of the Strait gives us the whole maritime waters between Spain and Ceuta, and that any ship that enters the Mediterranean sea has to cross that water strip?

Gibraltar legaly owned waters dont cross the whole Strait, as morroco has the ownership of it's side of the strait.

Its not like with the current treaties Spain can put a toll on this Cross, but who knwos how things will develop in the future.

such lovely people i'm so gratefull for the brave anglos enabling this brave new world we live in

>You know that having Ceuta in the other side of the Strait gives us the whole maritime waters between Spain and Ceuta, and that any ship that enters the Mediterranean sea has to cross that water strip?

And you know that the USA has specifically said that this water has to be free for passing by anyone, OR ELSE, and this is part of their law, right?


Haven't read this, though I read something about decolonization, and the international law implications for that. Spain had it as part of their argument.
But if not dejure, then defacto, Britain has forced Spain to move ships away from Gibraltar within living memory. Clearly they think they have territorial waters, and clearly the rest of the Atlantic treaty supports them. For now.

Thats why I said currently. You see the USA being still world police in 10 years?


Wait... A jew talking about illegal occupation? Is that It?

Doesn't say anything about waters. Utrecht gave to the UK the waters of the port (in red). It's quite specific, go read it: art. 10

Attached: Limitesgibraltar.svg.png (560x499, 59K)

>de facto
sure, it is. But only due to our cucked goverment. Either socialists or cuckservatives. If we ever manage VOX to get bigger hold of it, forget gibraltar, its done.

>It's in the Bible, therefore it's true.

>Doesn't say anything about waters.
That one was about planes entering and leaving via Gibraltar airport, not about the waters. I posted it as a response to the airspace thing.

I can't support Spain on Gibraltar until they abandon their African "gibraltars". I am sure many people feel the same way. Its just too much hypocrisy. Its goo ugly, too cynical, like Napoleon wrote.
I want Spain to get Gibraltar back, but I also want them to leave North Africa. For the good of the whole EU, so that its not that easy to set food on EU soil, and the only way to kick you out is with six months of paperwork.

white people are to cucked to do anything, they will roll over and willingly give their homelands over.. just look at germany, sweden, france & britianstan.

It's hilerious how the might race has fallen

Surprisingly strong argument, I am always amazed how many people it works for. Especially in the USA, and sadly these people matter more than most.

ceuta and melilla existed way before even morocco existed you fucking retard, gibraltar was invaded by the british

its not hypocrisy.

"Spain" isn't something created at the start of the universe, friend. It isn't a cosmic constant. It was also created (and thus there was a time before it) and it also conquered all the land it currently administers.
Clearly, geographically and culturally, these cities aren't part of its core, aren't as useful, and are a big problem for Spain and her allies at a time when we want a wall between the EU and Africa. There is a wall - the sea! Except Spain insists on these outhouses on the wrong side of the wall. Strategic tumors, all of them, and they should be sold to Morocco.

dude, ceuta was a phoenician city state before cartago came along, then staayed city state paying taxes. After rome came, they did the same deal with them. After rome, they stayed as a city state for long time and asked protection from visigoth kingdoms. After that they got invaded but did the same, switched and payed taxes to muslims. Then, it got invaded and conquered by portuguese and after the separation of portugal and spain THEY decided to stay in spain. Ceuta should either be independent or stay in spain and if you ask them, they prefer to stay in spain.

no one lived where meilla is now, spain founded a colony there. its spanish since its inception, same as the other zones. so, no. its not hyprocrisy, only ingorance from you and others like you

>they prefer to stay in spain.

Of course they stay in Spain. They want that Shenghen visa

UNCLOS III, which Spain ratified in 1992, sets the territorial boundary between British and Spanish waters as equidistant where the distance between them is 12 miles or less.

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OR the fact they’ve Spanish for longer than they’ve Moroccan , like Falklanders or Gobraltarians?